Chapter 166 The four emperors inherit the golden card, the great candle dragon, the fairy emperor

Not far in front of him, the brilliance flashed.

Chu Xiao’s gaze fell above, and there was a serious look in his eyes.

This is the first time he has seen this scene since he acquired the card system.

In a mysterious place, four cards are condensed at the same time!


When they were about to condense and form, these four cards gave birth to mysterious changes, and they merged together to form one card!

Chu Xiao stared at the condensed card, and his thoughts flashed.

The cards are condensed!

Xu is because the birth of this card is different from other cards. Although there is light flashing, it does not constitute a color, and its level cannot be distinguished.

After not knowing how long it lasted.

Chu Xiao seemed to feel something, his eyes condensed suddenly.

Look around!

I saw it.

At this moment, the card has completely condensed into shape!

At the moment of forming, an extremely dazzling golden brilliance flashed out!

Gold card!

This is a gold card of the highest level!

Chu Xiao’s mind moved slightly, the card swam forward and came to him.

Look around.

I saw

At the top of the card, three characters are written in ancient seals.

Inheritance card!

A golden class inheritance card!

at the same time

A message of information enters Chu Xiao’s heart.

Chu Xiao carefully perceives the key.

After a long time

He exhaled a long breath, looked at this inheritance card, and there was a hint of complexity in his eyes.

This golden grade inheritance card contains the inheritance of the great emperor!


The inheritance of more than one great emperor!

Just like in the past, Chu Xiao used Emperor Meteorite to cast the foundation of Dao.

At that time, because of the existence of Emperor Meteorite, he obtained a Great Emperor’s Inheritance Card.

Emperor meteor gold contains the blood of the emperor.

Because of this, it can be condensed into the Great Emperor’s Inheritance Card.

And these scenes also contain the aura of the great emperor, and the aura of the great emperors in the Tiannan Dao region during the war in the past.

Now that Chu Xiao kisses here, the golden crown of Qi Luck appears. This forbidden place realizes that he is the son of Qi Luck in the Dao realm today, so the picture changes and condenses into a card.

Chu Xiao’s gaze fell on the pictures on the surrounding rock wall.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

As Song Yi said before.

This forbidden area not only records the truth about the collapse of the Great Eleven, but also can be called a place of inheritance.

Those who meet certain requirements can have some insights and inheritance here.

As a descendant of the great emperor’s family, Song Yi’s Tianzi must be extraordinary, but because she is not a native of the Tiannan Dao domain, she cannot obtain the core inheritance here.

But Chu Xiao is the son of luck in the Southern Dao domain today. In terms of roots, he is the Warrior who is most qualified to acquire these inheritances.

Therefore, between the screen changes, under the action of the card system, they directly condense into a card, and gather together to cast this golden inheritance card.

Contains the inheritance of the four great emperors.

After that domain battle, Emperor Picking Stars, Emperor Tianji survived and victorious, while the inheritance of Emperor Longyin was retained by his female Qing Ming Sage Lord.

Now this forbidden land, the secret techniques passed down are obviously related to the other four great emperors among the seven ancient emperors!

With a slight movement in his mind, the card in front of him greeted him, blending into Chu Xiao’s physique.

At this moment, Chu Xiao’s physique flashed with dazzling brilliance. For an instant, he seemed to be in the other space.

Looking around, the surrounding area is gray, like chaos.

In the distant chaos, there are scenes appearing around. It is the scene of the emperor battle in the time domain war in the ancient times. The local emperor of the Tiannan Dao region is fighting against the emperor of the outer domain.

This was not the first time Chu Lei saw such a scene.

But at this moment, he seemed to be personally in the imperial battle, and he could clearly feel the terrifying power coming from around him.

This imperial war was extremely terrifying. Under the imperial war, the Tiannan Dao region was also affected and suffered heavy losses.

Just a moment later, suddenly, four figures appeared beside him.

Those are bloody figures, showing terrifying power all over their bodies, and the great emperor’s breath reveals them. They are indeed a great emperor.

Chu Xiao clearly perceives that at this moment, these four ancient terrifying emperors seem to be examining themselves.

Afterwards, their fingers lightly tapped, and a ray of brilliance gushed from the fingertips and plunged into Chu Xiao’s physique.

At this moment, messages flooded into Chu Xiao’s mind.

The moment the information poured in, Chu Xiao left this space.

The inheritance of the four great emperors.

At this moment, Chu Xiao has thoroughly known the identity and title of the seven ancient emperors.


Emperor Tianji!

Emperor Longyin!

These are the three great emperors among the seven ancient emperors that Chu Xiao has known for a long time.

In addition, the other four emperors are

Emperor Kongchan!

Emperor Enlightenment!

Emperor Zhulong!

Emperor Qin Yin!

This is the seven great emperors who lived in the same age in the heyday of the Tiannan Taoist region in ancient times.

Nowadays, a stream of information flooded into the room, Chu Xiao stood there, his eyes closed tightly, at this moment, a strange scene of Lingxu appeared in the sky.

Suddenly, in its spirit ruins, the Wandi Sword was suspended in the air.

The Wandi Sword has become more and more mysterious since it became the magic weapon of Qi Luck. Now after leaving the Lingxu, it first made a sword sound, echoed in the abyss for a long time, and then fell into Chu Xiao’s hands.

The moment the Wandi Sword fell into his hand, Chu Xiao’s aura suddenly changed, and the sword domain unfolded.

In the sword domain, the stalwart sword court vigorously stirred.

Chu Xiao held the Wandi Sword, and the information flashed in his mind. The Qingwu long sword in his hand seemed to be practicing something.

In the old days, he obtained the first inheritance card of the great emperor, and obtained the inheritance of the meta-mystery technique.

Now in this golden inheritance card containing the inheritance of the four great emperors, he first obtained the official ancient time, the swordsmanship inheritance of the emperor Kongchan.

One style of swordsmanship, the core swordsmanship of Emperor Kongchan!

Empty cicada swordsmanship!

Today, in the Southern Dao domain, there is a Sacred Land-level force named Kongchan Jiange.

In the past, the Shenbing Peak that Chu Xiao had come into contact with was cut off by the kendo powerhouse of Kongchan Jiange.

And this Kongchan sword pavilion is exactly the force created by Emperor Kongchan!

Like Emperor Beihan in the ancient times of the Tiannan Dao region,

The great emperor Kongchan was also a supreme powerhouse who practiced kendo.

This empty cicada swordsmanship is exactly the unique swordsmanship that Qi Chengdi succeeded in, after breaking through the emperor’s road, he integrated his own learning to create unique swordsmanship.

All kinds of information emerged in his mind, supplemented by the inheritance card magic, and with the enlightened golden lotus on the upper body, Chu Xiao is quickly learning and mastering this swordsmanship.

After an unknown period of time, Chu Xiao’s breath suddenly fell silent.

At this moment, he seemed to disappear from the place where he no longer showed a trace of breath.

At the same time, a golden cicada shadow appeared all over his body and danced along with it.

He has successfully mastered the empty cicada swordsmanship.

As a swordsman created by the emperor, it is difficult to understand how difficult it is.

Even if it is a peerless Tianjiao, I am afraid that it will take a lot of time to practice and practice before it can be successfully mastered.

However, with the support of Chu Xiao’s own terrifying posture and the ability to upload cards, he quickly mastered this great swordsmanship.

Later, more information came to mind.

This golden inheritance card contains the inheritance of the four great emperors at the same time.

Now, after Chu Xiao succeeded, after mastering the empty cicada sword, the second inheritance, Cai was in his heart.

Chu Xiao raised his brow slightly when he sensed the information. This second inheritance technique, the Great Inheritance was actually an imperial technique.

ーInheritance of Mendi Law.

Divine Law from Emperor Zhulong!

Candle Dragon Long River Method!

All kinds of information emerged in my mind. At this moment, in Chu Xiao’s spiritual ruins, spiritual power is running in an irregular manner, which is the practice of the candle dragon long river method.

Perceiving this scene, Chu Xiao’s expression was slightly solemn.

You must know that since ancient times, if you want to practice the imperial law, you can only practice successfully and obtain the imperial law information if you use the imperial law gods to obtain the approval of the imperial gods.

But now, under the effect of the inheritance card, Chu Xiao has not obtained the divine object of this candle dragon Long River Law.

However, he already knew the information related to this imperial law and began to practice!

This is extremely unimaginable!

Moreover, Chu Xiao is now complete in the Cave Sky Realm!

Warrior’s practice method has been established as early as the spiritual enlightenment realm.

If you go beyond the Spiritual Enlightenment Realm and change to other methods, then it is very likely that it will cause the Spiritual Ruins to shake or even collapse!

But now, this candle dragon long river method has been operated in Chu Xiao’s spirit ruins, but it has not been affected in any way!

The terrible art of inheritance cards is really unimaginable.

As the thoughts flowed in his mind, Chu Xiao’s heart suddenly rose with a trace of understanding!

He muttered to himself in his heart: “Perhaps, this is the most suitable time.’

At this moment, while his mind moved slightly, the shadow of the cave appeared.

The different scenery of the Lingxu hangs in the sky, and above the Lingxu, a square cave appears, arranged in various places.

In this land without life and death, in this abyss forbidden land, eleven caves show terrifying power!

At the same time, Chu Xiao’s mind moved slightly, urging the supreme bones.

The supreme bone trembles on the chest, and the brilliance shines out.

The second natural treasure technique, the immortal emperor’s divine technique urged!

This is the first time Chu Xiao has performed this natural treasure!

At the moment when the Immortal Emperor Divine Art was spurred, the supreme bones bloomed with extremely dazzling brilliance on the chest!

A breath of ancient times exudes from it.

At the same time, faint brilliance flowed around Chu Xiao’s body.

On his body, there is a strong meaning of coming out of the dust, and it is as ethereal as an immortal!

While the immortal spirit is full, it also has the majesty of the emperor, which is revealed from his body!

The immortal emperor’s magical technique, blessing oneself, has an extremely comprehensive blessing to oneself!

At this moment, Chu Xiao is like an emperor, with awe-inspiring aura!

You know, this natural treasure technique, because it is too miraculous, at the moment when the supreme bone is blessed by the power of the cave and conceived, it is even felt by the world, and it has been treated like an emperor!

If it weren’t for a technique and it’s illegal, it would already condense the emperor’s magic artifact!

Nevertheless, it still possesses the aura of imperial law!

At this moment, the Immortal Emperor’s Divine Art is activated!

At the same time, Chu Xiao used the candlelight long river method in the Lingxu to speed up his comprehension of this emperor’s law.

What he wants to do is to accomplish what he once planned.

Taking the Immortal Emperor Divine Art that is cultivated by itself as the skeleton of the emperor, and fusing a door to the emperor, thus creating a method that belongs to oneself!

It is extremely difficult to complete this step with the body of the cave sky.

Although Chu Xiao had prepared for a long time, he still only merged the two imperial laws.

That is the star-catching method and the sword-fighting method.

Although other imperial laws have the meaning of blending together, to truly blend together, it also requires a variety of opportunities for blessing to have the possibility of success.

It is even more contrary to the theory that all of them are integrated into the Immortal Emperor Divine Art, and based on it, a method that truly belongs to itself is evolved.

The difficulty is unimaginable.

But now.

This candle dragon long river method is different from other imperial methods practiced by Chu Xiao.

The other imperial laws that Chu Xiao practiced were all his own practice through obtaining information from the imperial laws and gods.

But this candle dragon long river method is obtained through the inheritance card!

Chu Xiao can thoroughly master the methods obtained through the inheritance card.

Because of this, Chu Xiao just made such a decision.

By using the opportunity to master the emperor’s law through the inheritance card, using the fairy emperor’s magic as the skeleton, completely blend this emperor’s law and let it evolve into your own method!

At this moment.

In the spirit ruins, the Candle Dragon Long River Law has moved to the extreme!

Vaguely, in Chu Xiao’s body. There is a long river of darts like stars, which contains a mysterious atmosphere, and even a picture appears, I don’t know how to evolve.

at the same time.

The immortal emperor’s magic arts have also been mobilized to the extreme, Chu Xiao’s whole body vigorously, the immortal emperor’s meaning flowed.

I don’t know how long time has passed

It seems that a node has been reached.

At this moment, the long rivers that the candle dragon’s long river law evolved have poured into Chu Xiao’s physique, poured into the supreme bones, and really began to merge with the fairy emperor divine art!

At the moment when the two merged, the supreme bone trembled 980 in Chu Xiao’s chest!

This second piece of bone brewed by Chu Xiao himself is extraordinary, but at this moment, it is still trembling fiercely under the pressure created by the Emperor’s Law of Harmony!

With the body of Dongtian Consummation, integrating the emperor’s law, and evolving into its own method, this is truly unprecedented, and there is no one to come!

The danger is indescribable!

Chu Xiao’s face was calm, without any waves.

Above the sky, the shadow of a square cave sky bloomed with brilliance, among which, the foundation of the cave sky trembled, and the extremely turbulent power of the cave sky dropped from the sky, merged into the supreme bone, and assisted the supreme bone to merge with the emperor!

This is an extremely long process.

For Dongtian Warrior, the level of Emperor Law is really too high.

If it weren’t for this candle dragon long river method to be mastered through the inheritance card, Chu Xiao’s understanding of it had reached the extreme, and he would not act in this way directly.

The power of the cave sky urged to the extreme, and a mysterious shadow appeared on the square cave sky.

It is the evolution of the foundation of Dongtian!

Emperor blood, emperor species, emperor treasure, fairy king palace, and even chaos!

Within this abyss forbidden ground, it seems to have turned into another world, surrounded by a gray area, just like chaos!

In the chaos, one party appeared mysteriously.

If at this moment, a martial arts expert passes through this place and perceives the terrifying aura exuding in the abyss forbidden ground, he will be shocked to be a heavenly man, and he will be taken away immediately, avoiding sinking into it.

This is Chu Xiao’s means to reveal all of himself in the true sense, without any reservation of power, and completely urged.

Under the blessing of the power of the cave, the supreme bone is completely stabilized, and the candle dragon long river method and the immortal emperor magic technique have begun to merge in the true sense!

His breath gradually stabilized.

I don’t know how long it has passed, and Chu Xiao’s whole body has calmed down.

At this moment, in his spiritual ruins, spiritual power operates in an extremely mysterious way, which is different from the past.

It is different from the one that he has practiced before!

at the same time.

In the ruins of its spirit, there is a human-shaped phantom condensed, and the face is a little fuzzy, but if you look closely, you will find that this phantom is exactly the same as Chu Xiao himself.

This is exactly the immortal emperor’s divine art, a brand new method that evolved after fusing the candle dragon long river method!

A true method belongs to Chu Xiao’s practice, an imperial method!

That human shadow is exactly the evolution of this emperor’s law in the Lingxu!

Comprehending the operation mode of Dharma in Lingxu, Chu Xiao’s eyes flashed with brilliance

In the old days, when he initially obtained the three imperial laws in the Tianshu Pagoda, he made a great aspiration to integrate one imperial law and create his own method.

And now, he has completely taken the first step.

Within the forbidden area of ​​the abyss, Chu Xiao’s eyes were removed, and his gaze swept across the pictures on the surrounding rock walls.

He spoke slightly with emotion in his tone.

“To this day, there is finally a real result.”

“Since it is based on the Immortal Emperor Divine Art as the framework, it is a new method that has evolved.”

“So ”

“My method, this imperial method.”


“The Immortal Emperor Law!

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