Chapter 184 Integrating Six Emperors’ Laws, Young Talents

The Great Emperor Tianbei could not help but sigh when he saw Chu Xiao successfully fused the six imperial laws with his emperor fusion technique and integrated them into his own fairy emperor dharma.

After countless years have passed, the Tiannan Dao Realm actually has such a powerful force that can be nurtured, with such a powerful talent, and a comprehension comparable to a heaven-defying disciple!

However, Chu Xiao knew in his heart that if he could not achieve this, then his luck golden crown and enlightenment golden lotus might be nothing more than decorations.

These two things can bring you almost unparalleled blessings of Qi Luck, as well as the insight that can almost break the secrets of heaven!

Under the luck, the most precious treasure will return, in the comprehension-nature, all the ways are available.

It can be said that Chu Xiao’s abilities have far exceeded the imagination of Emperor Tian-Bei!

The Great Emperor Tianbei, looking at Chu Xiao, saw countless sunshine blessings, and a mighty spirit emerged. In the transformed building, golden light was shining brightly, and the mist was engulfed.

There is also a trace of mighty emperor prestige!

After seeing Emperor Wei with his own eyes, Emperor Tian Bei couldn’t help but have a deeper understanding of Chu Xiao’s talent.

With the current state of life and death, you can comprehend the seven emperor laws and brew the emperor’s prestige.

It can be said that Emperor Tianbei has never imagined such a thing.

Even in his time, no major disillusionment happened, it was almost the peak period of Tiannan.

In that age-old period, the Great Emperor Tianbei remembered that countless powerful men were born, geniuses all over the place, and the saint child’s scenery was infinite.

Three thousand domains, nine heavens and ten earths.

Almost everyone still remembers that name in their hearts.

Tiannandao domain!

Even after the fall of the Great Emperor Tianbei, no disciples from the Tiannan Dao realm have been seen again.

After countless years, the Great Emperor Tianbei also had a foreboding in his heart. Maybe the Tiannan Dao Region changed drastically after his death!

Then, Emperor Tianbei also understood that such drastic changes could not be controlled by himself.

I am nothing more than a ray of remnant thoughts now. Facing this kind of thing, Tiannan Daoyu can be said to be destined.

Since then, even though the Great Emperor Tianbei felt sorry for himself, he was relieved, and he had almost determined that there was no genius in the Tiannan Dao realm.

But after seeing Chu Xiao, Tianbei the Great finally discovered what is the real Tianオ.

At this time, Chu Xiao, with the Seven Emperor Techniques, is almost invincible in life and death today.

The ten-hole sky, Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, which are almost full of luck!

Such a child of luck, the Great Emperor Tianbei has never seen it!

Such a role may really change the fate of the entire Tiannan Dao realm!

At this moment, Chu Xiao had a slight smile on his face.

He opened his eyes, and in an instant, golden light burst out.

The whole person was bathed in a burst of glowing light, which was vast and almost covered the entire tomb of the emperor.

Seeing that Chu Xiao really used the emperor fusion technique, merged with the six emperors technique, and became his seventh emperor technique, the immortal emperor technique.

Emperor Tianbei also sighed.

In the ancient times, I just merged the three emperor skills, and he almost traveled across the south of the sky and traveled through the chaos.

Now, with my body falling here, I thought I could not see the sky again, and it would be hard to see those who used to be in the South of Heaven.

But now, seeing Chu Xiao, it can be said that the heart of the Great Emperor Tianbei has settled down.

This strand of remnant thoughts can also be regarded as a fulfillment of merit.

At this moment, Chu Xiao slowly stood up.

In an instant, ten golden lights burst from behind him.

This golden light transformed ten caves into the sky, vast and vast, and could be seen in the entire tomb of the emperor.

at this moment.

After Emperor Rong Shu and Emperor Shu are merged, one is truly combined with Chu Xiao’s art.

Chu Xiao knows how tyrannical his new imperial technique is.

The life and death realm, in front of the holy main realm, almost existed like an ant.

Thousands of things can be wiped out with a wave.

However, the creation of emperor art, the fusion of emperor art.

This is something that the Holy Master Realm can’t reach.

Even though it is Tiannan, there is no shortage of Holy Lord.

But there is also a lack of emperor skills!

Infinite Sacred Land, even if there are thousands of strong ones, there is no shortage of holy masters.

There are only three emperor skills.

But now, Chu Xiao actually has such a powerful force that he can create an emperor skill by himself.

A brand-new emperor art, eternal emperor art that can be passed down.

Hardly anyone can do such a thing.

It can be said that this ability is almost exclusively owned by Chu Xiao.

And Chu Xiao also smiled slightly at this time, after fusing the emperor skill, his body has also undergone transformation.

The most special thing is that one’s own body is tainted with a trace of imperial prestige.

…Please ask for flowers………

This imperial prestige should be possessed by a strong emperor.

But Chu Xiao merged with Emperor Shu and created Emperor Shu, doing almost the same as the Great Emperor.

Therefore, it is contaminated with a trace of the might of the Great Emperor.

Although there is only one strand of such imperial prestige, it can suppress countless people.

Chu Xiao felt the changes in his cave sky. At this time, he felt that he was in a state of life and death. It could be said that he was already invincible.

Among the four realms of ascending the king, he has no rivals.

I am afraid that even the strongest star-catching emperor in Tiannan could not do this.

Even though he was infinitely capable when he was young, the Great Emperor of Star Cultivation was not as tyrannical as Chu Xiao.

At this time, Chu Xiao smiled slightly. The Golden Crown of Qi Luck and the Son of Qi Luck, raised his own air luck to the point where everyone could hardly be expected.

For things like this, it can be said that what everyone can do, Chu Xiao can do it, and what everyone can’t do, he Chu Xiao can do it better!

But at this time, Chu Xue also understood that she was still nothing in front of the real strong.

Even if it is his master Ruyi Holy Master, I am afraid he can kill Chu Xiao with his fingers.

However, Chu Xiao understood that as long as the Tiannan Dao realm, the emperor was still there.

There is almost no such strong person who dares to take action against himself.

Moreover, Chu Xiao at this time also understands that they have almost no reason, and even more disdain to shoot themselves.

Three thousand realms, nine heavens and ten places, Chu Xiao, a sudden emergence, almost no one dares to contend with it.

The Great Emperor Tianbei at this moment also sighed slightly when he saw Chu Xiao at this moment.

After all, from the moment he fell, he almost never thought that he would have seen such a talented Tiannan Xiu with his own eyes.

Although the Great Emperor Tianbei did not understand the catastrophe in Chu Xiao’s mouth, it seems that there is Chu Xiao’s existence.As long as Chu Xiao can reach the realm of a truly strong man, I am afraid that Chu Xiao can protect the sky alone for countless years. South. ,

Chu Xiao at this time, with his talent and strength, it is almost not difficult to do this, and the Great Emperor Tianbei at this moment fully believes in Chu Xiao’s strength at this moment.

Within the same realm, no matter who is a young talent, I am afraid that he can’t beat Chu Xiao at this moment. Several,

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