Chapter 187 The power of life and death, ripples on the road

At this time, the Great Emperor Tianbei saw Chu Xiao’s look of expectation, smiled slightly, and said: “In the middle, there is a treasure with endless extinguishing power, and there is an emperor in the middle!!”

“Di Bao?

Chu Xiao was taken aback for a moment, but did not expect that the terrifying existence in this light group was actually an emperor treasure.

In Chu Xiao’s eyes, Dibao is an incomparably powerful force. At this time, many caves in Chu Xiao’s body were opened with Dibao.

Therefore, in Chu Xiao’s consciousness, Dibao should be a very powerful treasure.

In this way, it is also very similar to this light group with endless dying.

“What kind of treasure is this Emperor Treasure?”

Chu Xiao took a deep breath. Facing the Di Bao with such terrifying strength, he stared at the light group tightly, almost afraid to take a breath. After all, this light group was really amazing in Chu Xiao’s eyes. NS.

There is such a powerful force, it can kill everything around it, as if it is swallowing all the vitality.

In this way, the eternal evergreen method of self-cultivation and the longevity cave sky in the body are also completely opposite.

The Great Emperor Tianbei smiled and said: “What exactly is this emperor treasure, I don’t know, because this emperor treasure needs to be integrated with a kind of treasure, or the emperor’s law, so that it can be opened and used by the user. Driven.”

“If this Emperor Treasure can be driven, I believe it can have a powerful force of destruction and destruction, and this power is far beyond the ordinary Emperor Treasure!

Seeing the light group in the hands of the Great Emperor Tianbei, it was so magical. At this time, Chu Xiao almost couldn’t help but want to see what’s in the light group.

But when he heard that he needed to blend in with a kind of treasure or imperial law, he could unlock the imperial treasure. Chu Xiao was also slightly taken aback. Chu Xiao had never heard of such a power.

At this time, the Great Emperor Tianbei sighed and said: “This emperor treasure, I used to spend a lifetime of nine deaths, only to obtain it, called the Nine Death Annihilation Orb! It has infinite destruction and nirvana power, even if it is a powerful emperor. , It is difficult to resist if it is contaminated, and it will be swallowed by the endless life yuan, “!”

“And the ordinary Holy Master Realm, or the Cultivator in the Four Realms of Conferred Kings, will be instantly destroyed to ashes after being contaminated with the power of the Nine Death Nirvana Orb!

“But this power has always been sealed, and only when it is integrated with the same Emperor Law or Emperor Treasure, can it show the true power of this Emperor Treasure!”

After all, a trace of regret also appeared in front of the eyes of the Great Emperor Tianbei at this time.

After all, back then, I worked so hard to discover the power of the Nine Deaths Orbs, and in front of these Nine Deaths Orbs, he had nothing to do.

In addition, he was wandering three thousand realms, nine heavens and ten places, looking for countless strong people, and even many strong people of the emperor level, but also at a loss for these nine deaths and nirvana beads.

If you don’t know the details of the Nine Deaths and Silence Bead, or Emperor Tianbei, you are directly disappointed with the Nine Deaths and Silence Beads, thinking that this is just a scam.

But now it seems that I just failed to understand the true power of the Nine Death Orbs.

At this time, Chu Xiao, looking at the light ball in the hands of the Great Emperor Tianbei, suddenly disappeared and turned into a pitch-black bead.

Afterwards, the Great Emperor Tianbei said to Chu Xiao: “Although this bead can extinguish everything around him, at this moment, he is just a bead now, so don’t worry, if you can penetrate these nine deaths. The true power of Destroying Pearl is for your own use, and in the future, it will definitely become a great help for you!”

At this time, Chu Xiao looked at the Nine Deaths and Silent Beads and took a deep breath.He knew that this was a treasure that even the Great Emperor Tianbei could not penetrate, and this treasure was very precious in his own eyes!

After all, this is an emperor treasure that even the Great Emperor Tianbei attaches great importance to!

Suddenly, Chu Xiao looked at the pitch-black bead, the longevity cave sky in his body, suddenly agitated!

At this time, Chu Xiao took a deep breath, and then a golden light burst out from behind instantly!

After that, the golden light gradually turned green. Then, the entire tomb of the Great Emperor seemed to be alive at this moment!

On the ground, countless plants grew in an instant, which seemed to be full of vitality.

At this moment, Chu Xiao feels that his ability to give longevity is constantly soaring. At this moment, his lifespan is also infinitely expanding.

Facing this scene, the Great Emperor Tianbei was also taken aback. It was obvious that even the Great Emperor Tianbei didn’t understand what was going on now that actually caused such a powerful change.

At this time, the Nine Deaths and Silence Pearl also suddenly oscillated, emitting countless black lights, directly covering the other half of the world.

After that, the two rays of light continued to blend together, and a huge Tai Chi pattern appeared in an instant.

In the tomb of the emperor at this time, the power of life and death is constantly merging, and in an instant, the avenue ripples, constantly oscillating, and it is dazzling.

At this time, the Great Emperor Tianbei gritted his teeth severely, and there was a hint of weirdness in his eyes.

He saw that this Emperor Treasure, at this moment, is about to show his true power!

He had never seen it before and didn’t know how powerful the true power of the Nine Deaths Nirvana Orb was, but today it seems that it has such a powerful power, which is much stronger than he imagined.

As expected of Di Bao!

At this moment, Chu Xiao smiled slightly and looked at the Nine Deaths and Nieth Orbs in front of him, slowly fusing with his own longevity cave.

at this moment.

Chu Lei felt that the power of life and death in his body was constantly surging. Such power made Chu Xiao also surprised.

He didn’t expect that at this moment, he actually had such a powerful power, but (Nuo Nuo Zhao) could master this unexpected power.

At this time, Chu Xiao even felt that in his body, two powers, one yin and one yang, are constantly blending together for one death in his life.

And the Longevity Cave Sky is constantly fusing the Nine Deadly Niemination Orbs!

at this moment.

Chu Xiao even felt that he could really merge the Longevity Cave Sky and the Nine Deaths and Nine Death Orbs together!

Facing this kind of power, the eyes of the Great Emperor Tianbei also showed a curious look.

He had never thought that Chu Xiao could do this. Before that, the Great Emperor Tianbei didn’t know that the Nine Deaths Netherworld Orb actually possessed such a powerful force.

In this way, the other two treasures that I prepared seem to be not important treasures in front of these Nine Deaths and Silence Orbs.

Facing this scene, the Great Emperor Tianbei couldn’t help but be surprised that this Chu Xiao’s luck is so huge!

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