Chapter 203 Create a unique world? Powerful atmosphere

As far as Chu Xiao’s eyes were, there was almost a sea.

It seems that in the world, only Wang Yang Dahai is left.

Chu Xiao’s eyebrows constricted slightly.

This feeling is so real that Chu Xiao didn’t even know for a moment whether this was a fantasy or what.

However, if Shangguan Yuluo only has the Cultivation Base of life and death, he should not be able to create a small world on his own.

This method, to Chu Xiao’s view, is so strange.

I also don’t know how Shangguan Yuluo used this kind of magic.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xiao also showed a smile on his face, which can also prove that Shangguan Yuluo’s strength is still very good.

Shangguan Yuluo in front of him, stepping on the water, indifferent and calm in his eyes, as if he had changed a person directly.

At this time, Chu Xiao slowly lowered his head and found that he was still stepping on the dragon and phoenix shuttle.

Chu Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and surrounded him, and found that the huge Canghai Palace was still standing in front of him.

This caused Chu Xiao’s spirit to be in a trance, as if he couldn’t distinguish clearly where he was at this moment.

This feeling makes Chu Xiao a little uncomfortable. After all, it seems that this place is still the opponent’s home court.

Looking up at the sky, the four buildings are still floating above him, appearing murderous.

Majestic and majestic.

The black-clothed old man next to Shangguan Yuluo still stared at Chu Xiao with a serious face.

Chu Xiao hissed at this moment, his eyes jumped a few times, and he said in a puzzled manner: “Shangguan Yuluo, where exactly is this place?”

Shangguan Yuluo seemed to have guessed that Chu Xiao would ask this a long time ago. Looking at Chu Xiao, she also showed a wary expression.

“We were in chaos just now, at this moment, of course we are also in chaos!”

After all, Shangguan Yuluo’s body instantly exudes a majestic aura. Such aura seems to be magnified countless times in this sea.

In an instant, it seemed that the world had changed. At this moment, the world was as if only Shangguan Yuluo was left.

In the face of such an opponent, Chu Xiao didn’t seem to know what to say. He looked down, and the waves under his feet were constantly rolling in layers.

The dragon and phoenix shuttle are floating on the sea, like falling leaves floating in the river, drifting with the waves.

“Good means!

Chu Xiao couldn’t help sighing.

Such a method, even if Chu Xiao saw it, felt strange and extraordinary. Such a method seemed so incredible.

010 Chu Xiao still doesn’t understand, what exactly is this method that can create this vast sea realm in Nuo Da’s chaos.

In his ears, there was only the endless sound of water flowing into his mind, making his spirit constantly trance.

In this sea, it seems that all people have been implicated. The only one who has not received fluctuations, perhaps only the Shangguan Yuluo who created this sea field has fallen.

“Relying on this technique, I still haven’t met my opponent in life and death. I don’t know if you can bring me a little bit of surprise.”

Shangguan Yuluo sneered and said to Chu Xiao.

Chu Xiao looked at Shangguan Yuluo’s expression, as if he was not lying.

Moreover, with such a means, in the three thousand realms, there are probably not many opponents in the life and death territory.

Chu Xiao was also slightly shocked by Shangguan Yulu’s method.

But just for a moment, he just recovered.

One’s own ability should be far more than Shangguan Yuluo, so there is no need to be afraid at this time.

This kind of method, in my own eyes, may be nothing more than that.

Seeing this situation, Chu Xiao’s face also showed an indifferent smile.

In the eyes, there was a burst of light in and out, watching Shangguan Yuluo, and said coldly: “Then, how much do you have?”

Shangguan Yuluo looked at Chu Xiao with a hint of coldness on her face. At this time, Shangguan Yuluo, who was facing the battle, seemed to have become another person.

Shangguan Yuluo’s every move seemed to be able to involve everything in the realm of the sea.

Looking at Shangguan Yuluo, Chu Xiao was also slightly shocked.

It’s just that Shangguan Yuluo in the life and death realm has such a powerful power.If in the future, the Holy Master Realm, or even Shangguan Yuluo who becomes a great emperor, how terrifying is his strength?

Perhaps no one can guess that kind of power.

But Chu Xiao knew that the current Shangguan Yuluo, no matter how huge the battle, the current Shangguan Yuluo is just a life and death.

Since it is in the Sutra of Life and Death, Chu Xiao is confident that he can kill Shangguan Yuluo. After all, in Chu Xiao’s eyes, Shangguan Yuluo’s strength is actually nothing more than that.

Thinking of this, in Chu Xiao’s eyes, a battle intent came out again. Since Shangguan Yuluo wanted to do it, he naturally had nothing to say.

In an instant.

The Wandi Sword shuttled out of Chu Xiao’s ruins, and was instantly held in Chu Xiao’s hand.

Chu Xiao, who owns the Wandi Sword, seems to have climbed up a new level with his whole aura.

The current Chu Xiao has long been like He Wandijian, as a whole.

He held the Wandi Sword in his hand, as if the aura of this world had just been plundered by Chu Xiao again.

Looking at Chu Xiao who possesses the Wandi Sword, Shangguan Yuluo’s eyes also flashed with surprise.

She is not an ordinary person, she can naturally see the surprise in the Wandi Sword.

This sword seemed so extraordinary, which made Shangguan Yuluo also feel a little unbelievable.

Looking at Chu Xiao, Shangguan Yuluo’s eyes also showed satisfaction.

Although Chu Xiao still hasn’t shown his true power, at this moment, it seems that it can be seen that Chu Xiao is not an ordinary person.

If Chu Xiao has such power, it is not impossible to become her Shangguan Yuluo’s opponent.

Seeing that the battle was about to come, the black-robed old man had a heavy face and said to Shangguan Yuluo: “Princess, pay attention to safety.”

Afterwards, the black-robed old man retreated to a distance and began to watch the battle.

Seeing the black-robed old man evacuate, Shangguan Yuluo also smiled, and said to Chu Xiao: “Then let you see, the true strength of my Shangguan Yuluo!”

After all, in an instant, in the sea, it seems that undercurrents are surging.

Chu Xiao also noticed a trace of strangeness, and at the same time felt a trace of amazement at Shangguan Yuluo’s strength.

In an instant!

In the sea! A ray of light shines!

Thousands of currents converged into a huge water dragon, and with a roar, several huge water columns burst open around Shangguan Yuluo!

Shangguan Yuluo’s sword pointed to the sky, and seemed to be leading a huge water dragon. It looked murderous and majestic. At this time, Chu Xiao also seemed to have seen Shangguan Yuluo’s real power.

This huge water dragon seemed to be as huge as a building, and the dragon and phoenix shuttles were so small in front of the water dragon.

In an instant, Chu Xiao withdrew the Dragon and Phoenix Shuttle to avoid damage to the Dragon and Phoenix Shuttle due to this battle.

After all, without this, I might really only be able to walk in Chaos.

In that case, it would be better to let Chu Xiao die directly.

Looking at the huge water dragon, countless water columns, wrapped around the water dragon, exuding a faint dragon power.

However, Chu Xiao, who has cultivated true dragon treasure, seems not afraid of such power.

There is no trace of fear on his face.After all, for Chu Xiao at this time, such a power seems to be nothing more than that!

In an instant, Chu Xiao smiled suddenly, and his eyes burst out with full fighting spirit.


“(bbbi) only has this kind of strength, it seems, it seems that it’s nothing more than that!”

This water dragon looks full of imposing momentum, but compared with Tianbei Dading’s Red Fire Qilin, it seems to be nothing more than that!

In an instant, behind Chu Xiao, twelve phantom shadows slowly hovered behind Chu Xiao.

At the same time, a powerful breath was revealed!

This breath made Shangguan Yuluo also feel a hint of crisis!

She didn’t expect that Chu Xiao still has such terrifying power!

The twelve-hole sky means that Chu Xiao has the twelve-hole sky treasure technique!

This kind of power, in the realm of life and death, there is almost no opponent at all!

There was a trace of killing intent on Chu Xiao’s face.

The power of the supreme bone continued to gush out from the chest, and then poured into the Wandi Sword.

In an instant, the Wandi Sword burst out with a bright light.

This kind of light looked so dazzling, even Shangguan Yuluo was slightly shocked by this power.

Afterwards, Shangguan Yuluo seemed to see something.

“You seem to have power that ordinary people don’t have!”

Shangguan Yuluo seemed to have seen what treasure Chu Xiao possessed.

Chu Xiao smiled, his supreme bone is more than ordinary people don’t have.

Even if it is an unusual person, never want to own it.

Afterwards, Chu Xiao said lightly: “The water dragon in the sea seems to be full of momentum, but I don’t know, my true dragon treasure technique, how many catties is he in front of here?

A phantom shadow in the sky behind Chu Xiao suddenly trembled, and the dragons groaned endlessly, as if a real dragon descended from the earth. At this moment, Chu Xiao’s body directly burst out with a golden light.

The golden light surrounded Chu Xiao’s arm and poured into the Wandi Sword in his hand. In an instant, on the Wandi Sword, a golden nine-claw true dragon phantom slowly glowed.

Seeing the golden real dragon phantom in Wandijian’s hand, Shangguan Yuluo’s expression also became solemn.

Shangguan Yuluo had never thought about it. The current Chu Xiao still possessed such power and power. In Shangguan Yuluo’s eyes, it seemed so unusual.

In the rumors of idle Chu Xiao, it seems that she has never been a rival, and her record is outstanding. Her expression instantly changed into a trace of excitement.

After all, Shangguan Yuluo had never thought that one day she could still meet such an opponent that made her extremely excited!

Chu Xiao placed in front of Shangguan Yuluo, and let Shangguan Yuluo almost didn’t know what to say!

Suddenly, Shangguan rained down, the sword light flashed, and the water dragon roared, suddenly waving its fangs and claws, and rushed towards Chu Xiao.

Seeing Shangguan Yuluo’s changing water dragon using the water of the sea, Chu Xiao’s face also showed a hint of surprise.

Such ability, it seems that in the life and death situation, it is indeed very good to be able to meet opponents.

It can be said that Shangguan Yuluo now ranks first among the humans who Chu Xiao fought.

However, Chu Xiao also knew that if he had only this kind of strength, it would still be difficult for him to become his opponent.

Because of her own power, she has surpassed her imagination.

Chu Xiao stepped back slightly, pinched the sword with both hands, and his body sank suddenly.

At this moment, a golden light flickered on Chu Xiao’s body, transforming into a real dragon lying on the back!

A smile appeared on Chu Lei’s face.

He knew that the current Shangguan Yuluo still didn’t use all his strength.

In this case, I don’t need to use my real power.

Suddenly, the dragon chanted, and the True Dragon Treasure Art, which was integrated with the supreme bone power, combined with the blessing of the Immortal Emperor Divine Art, suddenly burst into a fierce pressure.

Shangguan Yuluo’s water dragon, at this moment, is also like a small snake!

The real dragon roared, and was cut out by Chu Xiao with a sword.In an instant, the surrounding ocean burst open!

Seeing Chu Xiao’s True Dragon Treasure, Shangguan Yuluo’s pupils shrank to the tip of a needle!

She has never really been similar to the treasures or imperial arts like the true dragon treasures.

She has watched the real dragon, comprehended the truth in front of the real dragon in the sea, and realized this water dragon technique by herself.

Although this method is not orthodox, it is also stained with a trace of dragon power.

Just this trace of Longwei is enough to suppress many people who are weak.

But in front of Chu Xiao, this so-called Longwei looks so ridiculous!

It seems that only the golden true dragon cut out by Chu Xiao is the true dragon’s righteous law!

Seeing this scene, Shangguan Yuluo also took a deep breath.

She realized that Chu Xiao, who possessed such methods, was definitely not an ordinary person.

No wonder.

According to the rumors, Chu Xiao never failed!

Shangguan Yuluo’s water dragon ran into Chu Xiao’s real dragon. At this moment, Shangguan Yuluo’s so-called water dragon seemed to be just a fake.

The gap in the aura was instantly compared.

There was a violent collision!

The whole sea seemed to shake suddenly!

Shangguan Yuluo stepped on the surface of the water, originally walking flat on the ground, but at this moment, she also felt unstable and would fall down almost at any time.

As for the water dragon cut out by Shangguan Yuluo, it was already crushed by Chu Xiao’s true dragon treasure!

The water dragon turned into rain, pouring down.

Shangguan Yuluo was bathed in the rain, with a look of astonishment on his face.

She still didn’t guess that Chu Xiao still has this ability.

However, Shangguan Yuluo still didn’t care too much.

After all, there are people who can break her.

As for the person who can truly defeat himself, so far, no one has ever been able to.

There was a trace of excitement on Shangguan Yuluo’s face.

It seems that this Chu Xiao is indeed not an ordinary person. Since this is the case, then he has to go all out. .

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