Chapter 221 Ten Tianjiao, so what?

Almost all of the ten Tianjiao cultivators are human beings.

After all, those are the ten famous tianjiaos in the realm of the king of gods.

Being in the Sacred Land of God King Dao Realm, his fame is almost second only to God Child of God Sacred Land!

Ten Tianjiao, the gold-patterned glow gowns on their bodies are naturally treasures, and they can almost withstand most of the opponents’ attacks, and they can even evolve their own Taoism to attack and defend!

And the colorful colored glass inlaid gold bracelet on the wrist is not small.

These are ten kinds of divine treasures passed down from the countless Sacred Land.

The ten people wearing this colorful colored glass inlaid gold bracelet not only have the same mind, but can even transmit power to each other out of thin air, and even share their vision!

This kind of horror, the combat power of the ten of them together! Almost no less than the son of God!

Even ten people teamed up to be even better!

In the face of this virtual mountain, these ten people have almost become the strongest combat power!

Although there are still a lot of people, they still stay behind, but those who can rush to this virtual mountain in advance, the strength is naturally not weak!

Standing in the middle of the crowd, this god Qiong Sacred Land ten days arrogance looked magnificent, it was a glance, and there was an infinite suppressing power!

And they looked at Chu Xiao, and their eyes were almost full of jealousy!

Because they don’t know, what Chu Xiao, the background, is!

“The so-called Human Cultivator, like us, are all pursuits. Since they are both cultivators, naturally there is no race! You don’t have to worry about it.”

One of them opened his mouth and said.

Everyone stopped their hateful eyes towards Chu Xiao and lowered their heads. After all, in front of the Ten Tianjiao, their status could not keep up.

“Heh, hypocrisy.

Chu Xiao smiled lightly.

Since ancient times, gods and humans have been incompatible.

Protoss and Humans, in ancient times, there were several battles!

In every war, many Dao domains are affected!

Even the Tiannan Dao domain is no exception!

Numerous casualties!

Even many emperors in the Tiannan Dao realm died in the hands of the gods!

In the past few thousand years, although the form has eased slightly.

However, if the Protoss and Humans meet in private, they will definitely fight!

This kind of hatred is not deep!

But the other party said such big words.

In Chu Xiao’s eyes, it was just hypocrisy!

Ten God Qiong Sacred Land’s arrogance, seeing that Chu Xiao did not buy it, they also gave a cold snort, appearing very arrogant.

The power of the body is not only rushed down!

It seems that you want to crush Chu Xiao completely!

They want to see what Chu Xiao is capable of!

Chu Xiao sneered at the opponent’s tricks.

Their abilities are naturally beyond their imagination.

It’s just such a skill, in Chu Xiao’s view, it’s nothing more than that.

Chu Xiao opened his eyes, and in an instant, these powers fell apart!

These ten Tianjiao also snorted, and they were obviously backlashed.

“Such a humble method is worthy of a despicable Celestial Clan!’

Chu Xiao held his arms and stood in front of the crowd, his face calm.

Seeing the ten Tianjiao join forces, Chu Xiao couldn’t help but everyone was amazed.

At the same time, one person pointed at Chu Xiao and said in surprise: “This face! This person! Could it be that in the chaos, the eldest daughter of the Great Emperor Styx in the Chaos region, the human race Tiana who defeated Shangguan Yuluo!”

Everyone looked at Chu Xiao one after another, and there was a trace of astonishment in their eyes.

Shangguan Yuluo, they naturally know, and they also understand that Shangguan Yuluo is a arrogant they can hardly beat!

But at this time!

This Tianjiao was actually defeated by Chu Xiao!

Seeing everyone’s fearful eyes, Chu Xiao couldn’t help but sneer.

Just defeating a Shangguan Yuluo made them so terrifying.

Then if you tell yourself, you actually beheaded God Child Ben Lei and turned it into ashes?

I’m afraid, they were already panicked.

After all, the strength of these people can be seen by the ten Tianjiao together, and the rest of them, to put it bluntly, are nothing more than that!

The ten Tianjiao heard that Chu Xiao actually defeated Shangguan Yuluo, and took a deep breath.

They naturally know what concept Shangguan Yuluo is. Being able to defeat Shangguan Yuluo means that Chu Xiao is a sky that is much more amazing than Shangguan Yuluo!

Everyone dared not look at Chu Xiao again, but turned their eyes to the general trend of Xushan.

Just now, many people used Taoism to bombard the general situation of Xushan.

However, the general trend of the Xushan Mountain was lofty and motionless, just ripples.

It is enough to see how terrifying this power is!

Chu Xiao looked at these dozens of people, these people, except the ten arrogances of the so-called God Qiong Sacred Land, the rest, in his eyes, were just mobs.

They don’t have to worry about it at all, because their strength, in fact, is nothing more than that!

At this time, the ten Tianjiao slowly stood up, took a deep breath, and said: “Since this virtual mountain is so difficult to deal with! Let us God Qiong Sacred Land, come and open a way for everyone!”

After all, the ten arrogances of Shen Qiong Sacred Land gathered in front of Xushan and began to accumulate strength.

In the eyes of everyone, there was a gleam of light.It seemed that it was a virtual mountain that was almost unbreakable.At this time, it seems that it is so vulnerable!

After all, the combined strength of the ten Tianjiao is no less than that of today’s gods!

“As expected to be Shen Qiong Sacred Land! Sure enough, there is the style of the big Sacred Land!”

“These ten fellow Taoists are worthy of being the role models of our generation!”

Everyone was amazed, after all, you get something for nothing, even if it is so overwhelming.

In their eyes, these ten heavenly arrogances cut the Shattering Void Mountain’s momentum, but they were just a finger.

Chu Xiao on the side, holding his arms, snorted coldly, and sneered: “This Xushan general trend was originally designed to test everyone’s strength. Now, ten of you, you have broken through the virtual mountain general trend so hard to survive and let this ten. What number is the cultivator of the celestial race, do you go in and die?

Behind the general trend of Xushan, it is even more dangerous!

These dozens of people went in, I am afraid that they will come out alive, not one!

Just being a killer puppet can make opponents mess around.

What’s more, the terrible murderous intent contained in this!

Almost at any time, killing them!

Looking at Chu Xiao, there was a trace of disgust in everyone’s hearts.

Of course they know that it will be even more dangerous inside!

But it also means more opportunities!

People have the psychology of gamblers, and they can’t break through this virtual mountain, so they will be even more peeping at the opportunities!

Nowadays, ten god Qiong Sacred Land Tianjiao has joined forces, making it easy to break through the virtual mountain!

Chu Xiao poured a basin of cold water!

It makes them extremely angry!

“Huh, just jealous! Damn Human Cultivator!”

One said coldly.

The faces of the ten Tianjiao were also very ugly at this time.

If it weren’t for fear, the opponent had the power to defeat Shangguan Yuluo at this time.

No bones!

But since the opponent has the strength to defeat Shangguan Yuluo, it’s another matter!

The ten Tianjiao looked at the Xushan general trend in front of them, snorted coldly, and said: “This opportunity is for those who are predestined! Now that the ten of us are able to break this virtual mountain general trend, it is also their chance! Can you survive? It’s also destined by the heavens, and you can’t change it just by your tongue!”

Everyone admired them one after another, saying: “Well said! Just let them see, your god Qiong Sacred Land is amazing!

Chu Xiao looked at these people in awe, sneer in his heart.

Since these people want to die, there is no need to stop them!

If they rush into the ancient battlefield behind Xushan, I am afraid that they will not save one in ten, and they will all die!

When the time comes, they will be good-looking!

At this time, the ten Tianjiao stood out, performed all the Taoism, and gave a shout.

In an instant, the sky and the earth seemed to change color, and the infinite power bombarded the general trend of Xushan!

In an instant!

The popping sound!

I saw the general trend of the virtual mountain, and it was shaking!

This posture is unexpectedly stronger than the previous dozens of people teamed up!

It seems to break the promise!

Chu Xiao raised his eyelids, looked at the trend of the virtual mountain, sneered, and then closed his eyes.

Such an attack wanted to break the general trend of Xushan, but it was just wishful thinking!

No effect!


The general trend of the virtual mountain is shattered!

Ten Tianjiao, sweating profusely, the attack just now almost squeezed all their strength!

Now, I finally saw Xushan’s fragmentation!

“Heh, it is worthy of the general trend of Xushan, it is so difficult for our ten senior brothers to deal with!”

A Tianjiao sneered and said, as if this virtual mountain trend is nothing more than that for them!

Everyone also clapped their hands and applauded, after all, at this time, Tianjiao finally broke the general trend of Xushan!

But what I didn’t expect was that the general trend of Xushan started to heal slowly!

In just a few seconds, the virtual mountain was in a big trend, healed again, and became the original appearance.

The huge virtual mountain is still in front of everyone!

“how is this possible!”

One person exclaimed.

There was another person who used Taoist magic and bombarded Xushan.

However, I found that the general situation of Xushan is still extremely strong, without the slightest ripple!

“This Xushan general trend, if it doesn’t break open in one breath, it will return to its original state!”

A Tianjiao exclaimed and said.

“Damn it! Let’s work together to break this virtual mountain trend!’

A Tianjiao gave a cold snorted, and then, together with everyone, displayed his whole body Taoism, exploding into the general trend of Xushan!

With the combination of ten tianjiao and dozens of cultivators of the celestial race, a bright light broke out again!

In an instant!

The land in front of everyone was blown up into a big hole!

It is enough to see what kind of status this attack has reached!

It is terrifying!

But Chu Xiao knew that if it was just this kind of power, it would be nothing more than wishful thinking to break through the general trend of Xushan!

Xushan shattered in general, every inch of it, and its whole body was torn apart.

It seems that it breaks with one touch!

Everyone looked at Xushan’s general situation, panting, the strength just now almost squeezed all their strength, and now, looking at the virtual mountain’s general trend, it seems that it is also about to shatter, and it also grows a rough breath.

If this virtual mountain is successfully broken through, then their role is still very good.

They can, successfully enter the interior of this ancient battlefield!

Then, get the great opportunity!

The strength is growing rapidly!

Maybe it can become a giant in the world!

And the crowd hadn’t slowed down yet, 030 saw the general trend of the virtual mountain, and once again returned to the original appearance.

Everyone was astonished. They didn’t expect that this virtual mountain’s general trend would be so terrifying!

Chu Xiao smiled indifferently, and said: “Your combined efforts, it seems, it seems that it is nothing more than this!”

After all, Chu Xiao showed a disdainful expression on his face, as if these people were not worth mentioning in his eyes.

And these people looked at Chu Xiao with anger on their faces.They didn’t expect that at this time, Chu Xiao not only didn’t work hard, but even laughed at them!

This makes them almost unbearable!

Almost I want to kill Chu Xiao at any time!

Thinking of everyone just now, they tried their best, just to try to destroy the general trend of the virtual mountain, and then let everyone enter the interior of the ancient battlefield and get the opportunity to become stronger.

But I didn’t expect that Chu Xiao kept looking at each other coldly, even after everyone failed, laughing at them!

This makes everyone think more and more angry! More and more angry, more thinking!

Chu Xiao’s eyes were cold, and he said quietly: “If you work together, you will not be able to break this virtual mountain, I advise you to give up quickly, the opportunity inside is not suitable for the weak!”

After all, Chu Xiao snorted coldly!

A Tianjiao from Sacred Land, pointing to Chu Xiao, gritted his teeth and said: “You little man! If we succeed in opening up the trend of the virtual mountain, how can you be so fast here! You must have entered with us ! Seeing our failure now is just cynicism! Are you worthy!”

As soon as the Tianjiao’s words fell, the eyes of everyone flashed a ray of hatred.

As long as one person takes the shot, they believe that although some people will attack Chu Xiao!

Kill Chu Xiao completely!

Under this situation, Chu Xiao didn’t panic at all, because he knew that the opponent’s strength was nothing more than that.

In front of him Chu Xiao, there is no room for struggling, just by relying on the opponent’s strength, or even a little effect, he can easily kill the opponent.

Under this situation, Chu Xiao smiled lightly and said softly: “You ask me if I am worthy? I am worthy, you are not qualified to know!”

After that, the Wandi Sword shook tremblingly, floated out of the Lingxu, and appeared in front of Chu Xiao.

Seeing the Wandi Sword, everyone felt a bit of incredible, because they felt the powerful power from the Wandi Sword!

This weapon!

It’s definitely not Fanpin!

Chu Xiao smiled indifferently, and grasped the hilt of the Wandi Sword!

In an instant!

The whole ground exploded directly!

The infinite momentum, tearing to the surrounding!

Everyone was staggering, they didn’t expect that this Chu Xiao could still burst out such terrifying power!


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