Chapter 224 Far inferior to the god child, the existence of an ant

Chu Xiao had Wei Mi in his eyes, and even when he saw them, he still didn’t give up and took a breath.

Unexpectedly, this group of people was so determined that they would really not give up until the last moment.

But even in this situation, they are still unlikely to be his opponents.

At this time, the colorful colored glass inlaid with gold bracelets on the hands of ten people suddenly emitted a burst of glow.

The ten people smiled coldly. At this time, their breath changed drastically.

I saw them raising their weapons and forming formations. In an instant, the infinite Taoism evolved into thousands of spiritual soldiers, or knives or swords, or spears or halberds, and slashed towards Chu Xiao. -Coming!

I saw an infinite glow in the sky. In the glow, thousands of weapons flew towards Chu Xiao, seeming to cut Chu Xiao directly into two parts. Attacking, Chu Xiao smiled lightly.

When the blade was picked, in an instant, in the seemingly boundless sea, an endless stream of water emerged directly and turned into a weapon, rushing towards the opponent.

The Shui Liu Weapon and the Weapon that evolved from the opponent Xia Guang’s mental retardation collided in an instant. At that moment, only a violent explosion was heard, and then the entire sea in the explosion seemed to be shaking.

This terrifying power caused this huge sea field to directly set off a huge wave. Chu Xiao’s mind moved, and the huge wave instantly turned towards the ten princes.

The ten Tianjiao gritted their teeth in the face of this kind of attack. Obviously, they were still very afraid of this kind of attack. An attack of this level could almost damage them severely.

Looking at the huge waves in the sky, it was as hard as a profound iron, and it seemed to be able to smash everything into pieces. This power also made the ten Tianjiao from Shenqiong Sacred Land feel a touch of thorny.

“Unexpectedly, this person’s thinking in the ocean is so skillful!” A Tianjiao said with gritted teeth.

The ten Tianjiao, at this time, seemed to be unbearable by the wolf and fox, but Chu Xiao was still standing on the surface of the water, as if he had not received any scars.

They all thought that a Human Cultivator must be very easy to deal with, but now it seems that it is so difficult, so powerful, in their eyes, it is simply incurable!

Chu Xiao smiled lightly at this time, and there was a trace of killing intent in his eyes. In his eyes, it seemed as if the boundless sea was reflected.

This Canghai Realm was created by his One Thought of the Canghai Law. Naturally, this imperial law was not that simple. Even if they wanted to crack it, it was impossible.

They should know this kind of thing.

However, the faces of these Tianjiao showed a trace of killing intent.

In their eyes, Chu Xiao’s existence has almost threatened them. No matter what, they are here to kill Chu Xiao.


In an instant, one day, arrogantly holding a long sword, the sword body was rippling with brilliance, and then the light was cut off, and a huge sword aura struck towards Chu Xiao!

Looking at the huge sword aura, Chu Xiao smiled indifferently, such an attack, naturally it is impossible to hurt himself, because he is not as unbearable as he imagined, such an attack, for himself, it is nothing more than that!

Looking at the huge sword aura, Chu Xiao shook his hand, and the Wandi Sword flashed out a flash of sword light in an instant.

Afterwards, Yi Jian stood on top of Jian Qi.

But what surprised the Tianjiao people was that Chu Xiao’s sword did not smash the sword qi, but looked at the sword qi, sticking to Chu Xiao’s Wandi Sword, began to rotate slowly, and then turned towards Sacred from Shenqiong. Ten princes of Land suddenly cut off!

The two sword auras echoed each other, turning into a huge cross, and suddenly slashed towards the Tianjiao!

This power seems to be beyond the reach of these people, after all, this power has almost surpassed their imagination.

“Damn it! This person is really tricky!”

One day arrogantly gritted his teeth, his hands were inlaid with colorful colored glaze gold bracelets, and a colorful glow burst out in an instant.

Afterwards, the other nine people also gathered together spiritual power and hit one person’s body.

In an instant, that person’s strength continued to skyrocket, and in an instant it skyrocketed dozens of times.

He was holding a huge sword in his hand, and for a moment, it seemed as if he was holding a big mountain.

At this time, the Canghai Realm was also in constant defeat.

“Can the power of this colorful colored glaze inlaid with gold bracelets smash the realm space? Even if it is the imperial law, it can still be!”

Chu Xiao quickly noticed the power of the colorful glaze inlaid gold bracelets on ten people, and soon discovered that the bracelet is indeed a treasure.

However, after he defeated the Canghai Realm at this time, it was obvious that the light dimmed a lot.

But Chu Xiao knew that as long as these treasures were not destroyed, one day, they would definitely be able to return to their peak period.

The strength of the opponent is always unimaginable. At this time, + individuals concentrate all their power on one person.

The person was holding a giant sword, and at this moment, the ground under his feet seemed to be trembling slowly.

The realm of the sea was broken, Chu Xiao’s face turned pale, after all, this was a backlash.

But this level of backlash only made Chu Xiao’s body a little uncomfortable. For his opponent, Chu Xiao was still confident that he could defeat him.

After all, the opponent is just a tianjiao in the Sacred Land of the celestial clan, and his strength is far inferior to that of the god child.

The man was holding a huge sword, and suddenly his feet sank, as if his whole person was embedded in the earth.

And the huge sword in his hand has also turned into a shadow of a big mountain.

At this time, he was like holding a mountain in his hand!

Seems to be able to smash Chu Xiao directly into mud!

Everyone saw that at this moment, this god Qiong Sacred Land’s arrogant can still use such powers, and they are all shocked.They did not expect that these people are really very powerful!

But this kind of power, in Chu Xiao’s eyes, in fact, is nothing more than that. This kind of strength is not enough to make himself tempted.

This kind of power is in my own eyes, in fact, it is nothing more than that!

Chu Xiao smiled lightly, the Wandi Sword in his hand trembled, as if he was longing for the next battle.

Chu Xiao’s eyes were hot, and in an instant, he urged the immortal emperor’s supreme treasure technique to bless his body, causing a brilliance to bloom directly from his body.

In the brilliance, Chu Xiao feels even more unstoppable!

Tianjiao, who held the giant sword in his hand, looked at Chu Xiao, and there was also a trace of jealousy in his eyes.

Because he knows that Chu Xiao’s power is definitely not that simple!

Tianjiao, who was holding a huge sword, opened his third eye on his forehead instantly, and began to evolve Taoist magic arts.

In an instant, the giant mountain phantom in his hand seemed to be enlarged countless times, and even heavier countless times, as if it had the power to smash everything.

Suddenly, that day arrogantly screamed, a giant sword slashed at Chu Xiao fiercely!

And the giant mountain phantom, even towards Chu Xiao, directly press!

Looking at this picture, Chu Xiao smiled indifferently, as if he didn’t regard this huge mountain as the same thing.

After all, such power is placed in front of my own eyes. In fact, I am not afraid of this power at all.

In an instant, Chu Xiao’s body instantly blessed the supreme treasure technique, the Immortal Emperor’s method, and his own power instantly climbed to a peak.

The infinite aura wandered around Chu Xiao, only to hear a click, the ground under Chu Xiao’s feet was directly shattered into two halves!

“This kind of power is nothing more than that in my eyes!”

Chu Lei smiled flatly, and a trace of cruel expression appeared in his eyes. The Wandi Sword in his hand was still shaking, and he had seen flickering.

A sword cut out, but after hearing a dragon chant, the blue dragon appeared and everything was hidden.

Among the dragons, the sun and the moon were dark, the long sword cut out the blue dragon, while the blue dragon roared, looking at the shadow of the big mountain, his eyes showed a trace of disdain.

In an instant, they crashed together.

The explosion sounded suddenly, and the majestic waves directly rolled up the sand and dust on the ground, and instantly fascinated the eyes of everyone around.

Everyone didn’t understand, what kind of situation it was like now, it actually produced such a powerful power!


The ground layer is shattered, and the endless murderous intent turns into a powerful wave of air, like a heavy hammer, raging!

Countless people were hit by this air wave, vomiting blood on the spot, and flew out.

If you are lucky, you may be able to pick up a life, but there are still four or five people who were directly smashed by this blow and died on the spot!

After the blow, Chu Xiao carried the Wandi Sword behind his back, a trace of disdain appeared in his eyes.

I saw a big pit in front of him, and the Tianjiao who had cut out this giant mountain phantom just now was covered in blood. Standing in place, his hands were cracked and his skin was leaking blood.

A blood fell from the corner of his own mouth, his legs softened, and he almost fell directly to the ground.

That god Qiong Sacred Land’s arrogant, half-kneeled, if he didn’t have his own armor, he would have died a long time ago!

…For flowers…

“So strong!”

The Tianjiao gritted his teeth and said, he still didn’t expect that Chu Xiao at this time had already reached this point. Such a fighting power made him almost unbelievable for a while.

“Is this the Tianjiao of Human Race!”

The man squinted his eyes and slowly stood up, but his body was already weak at this point.

Chu Xiao sneered, and then, he saw the man holding the giant sword and walking towards Chu Xiao step by step.

“No matter what, I will kill you!”

There seems to be blood flowing from the corner of that person’s eyes.As the arrogant of God Qiong Sacred Land, he almost does not allow himself to die in the hands of a human race!

He must kill Chu Xiao!

But for Chu Xiao, he is an ant-like existence. Chu Xiao almost never puts him in his eyes. For Chu Xiao, this kind of power is simply not enough to be his opponent.

A trace of killing intent appeared in Chu Xiao’s eyes.

And beside that Tianjiao, the other nine people quickly stopped.

The nine people looked nervous, and they were obviously very jealous of Chu Xiao’s power, but they still seemed to believe that as long as they joined hands, Chu Xiao would definitely lose in their hands!

Among the audience, there was a hint of wonder on their faces.

“This person, Jingran took that blow just now!”

“Damn it! That blow can almost smash this land, but it still can’t help the opponent!


“The opponent even hit one of the arrogances!”

Obviously, everyone was jealous of Chu Xiao at this time.

But even in this way, Chu Xiao is not afraid of the few people in front of him.

For him, these ten people are just for death!

In an instant, Tianjiao, who was holding a giant sword, kept shining with the colorful glaze inlaid gold bracelet in his hand, and then his injuries were quickly healed.

Just for a moment, that Tianjiao seemed to have nothing to do.

“Damn it! Let’s go together!”

One yelled, and then rushed to Chu Xiao.

And ten people swarmed up.

These ten people, holding all kinds of incomparable, attacking methods, are extremely fierce.

They share their vision and are connected with each other.Although there are only ten people, their strength is hard to compete with even twenty people!

There was almost no error in the attack, and even the attack that Chu Xiao gave them seemed to be able to evade in an instant!

Chu Xiao smiled indifferently when he saw this look in front of him.

It seems that the opponent is still a bit tricky in front of him.

But the feeling for Chu Xiao is just tricky. In fact, these people still find it difficult to help him.

Chu Xiao deliberately sold a flaw, and his chest directly met the man’s spear.

The Tianjiao, who was holding a long spear, lit up in front of him and stabbed him in an instant!

Seeing this scene, the other nine people also used weapons or treasures to block Chu Xiao’s retreat!

It seems that the victory or defeat is about to be divided!

Everyone is also nervous at this time, don’t know what will happen in the next battle

Can these nine arrogances defeat Chu Xiao!

Sure enough, the spear pierced Chu Xiao’s chest!

The attacks of the other nine also fell on Chu Xiao!

Victory, as if it has already been divided!

Chu Xiao is not the opponent of these nine people at all!

But just when these nine people had not had time to rejoice, they saw that Chu Xiao had already appeared behind one of them.

Holding a long sword in one hand, and holding the Emperor Treasure in the other hand, magic colored glaze!

For a moment, Chu Xiao directly used the magic glaze lamp to transform all the attacks just now into dreams, and into nothingness!

It was equivalent to the attack just now, and it didn’t cause any harm to Chu Xiao at all!

At this time, everyone was shocked in their hearts. They didn’t expect that this Chu Xiao actually had this kind of power!

On Chu Xiao’s face, there was a gloomy killing intent, and the sword fell in his hand.In an instant, the body of one person was directly cut in half!

The other nine Tianjiao, who had the same mind, almost at the same time, they discovered that Chu Xiao hadn’t died!

And one of them has already become a corpse.

Looking at the magic glass lamp in Chu Xiao’s hand, everyone’s faces showed a trace of astonishment. They opened their mouths, but they couldn’t speak!

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