Chapter 232 Condensing the Eucharist, increasing the supreme treasure


The chest of the mummy broke directly. Although it did not cause any substantial damage to the mummy, it was obvious that it still caused a lot of attacks on the mummy. Such a fierce offensive seemed to be very terrifying.

This kind of power, in Chu Xiao’s eyes, was almost the full strength of his own punch, but it still couldn’t cause any substantial wounds when it hit the corpse of the great sage.

Although the great saint of Transcendent has condensed the sacrament, the flesh is extremely powerful.

But for Chu Xiao, this kind of body shouldn’t be so tyrannical.

Presumably, this great sage was also known for his physical tyranny during his lifetime!

The chest of this mummy broke open directly, but obviously, he still didn’t care about his wounds.His attack like this, he could not cause any substantial scars to himself.He roared and turned towards him instantly. Chu Xiao rushed over again.

In an instant, the mummy roared, and the long knife in his hand directly condensed a fierce sword aura, and suddenly slashed towards Chu Xiao!

This sword aura seemed to directly split the sea, and the entire sea was completely split by this sword!

Chu Xiao raised the Wandi Sword in an attempt to contend with this sword aura, but he didn’t expect that he would be directly slashed out by the sword.

The figure exploded directly back several hundred meters. With tremendous strength, Chu Xiao’s internal organs really seemed to be tumbling, his eyes were bloodshot, his teeth were gnawed, and the tiger’s mouth was shaken with blood flowing across it, and it was constantly dripping here. Above the sea.


Chu Lei spewed out a burst of sullen blood again, but with the power of the eternal cave sky and the life and death of his own guards, the wounds on his body were still healing continuously.

Under the blessing of these kinds of powers, his wounds recovered almost instantly.

Even then, even if it was like this, Chu Xiao was obviously shocked by the strength of his opponent.

“The power of this sword is so terrifying! Compared with the great sage before his death, it has infinite power! Its body, I am afraid that it has surpassed the ordinary great sage countless times!!

Chu Xiao gritted his teeth and said, he also did not expect that his opponent, at this time, unexpectedly broke out such a tyrannical force!

And this corpse, after slashing out the knife, also whispered and rushed towards Chu Xiao again.

At the same time, raising the long knife in his hand, it seems that he is preparing this knife, and he wants to cut Chu Xiao directly in half!

Seeing this knife slashing towards him, Chu Xiao burst out, and infinite power emerged directly on his body.He was blessed by the Supreme Precious Art and the Immortal Emperor Art. Bright light.

Clenching his fist, this punch condensed the Thunder Word True Art and the True Dragon Treasure Art, and slammed it against the long sword of the mummy!

As soon as this punch was delivered, I heard a thunderous dragon roar, and in an instant, a huge thunder dragon was directly smashed out by Chu Xiao!

The Thunder Dragon roared, and a shining thunder light burst out from his body.At this moment, its strength seemed to be infinitely increased, and it suddenly smashed toward the corpse!

The corpse looked at Thunder Dragon and roared, obviously disdainful to Thunder Dragon, the long knife in his hand, even sharper, cut towards Chu Xiao’s forehead!

And Chu Xiao’s punch directly hit the long knife in the hands of the mummy.

Obviously, the corpse didn’t expect that Chu Lei’s punch was so terrifying. Although this long knife did not cause any damage, it had already been released.

This punch also hit the mummy’s head fiercely!


The head of this mummy was directly smashed out of a big pit.

The corpse shook a few times, seeming to be in the end, but when the corpse was dying, a chain was exploded again in his hand, which was directly wrapped around the long knife that was flying away.

This long sword, at this moment, a bloody glow appeared even more, and it seemed even more killing intent.

This sword, being manipulated by the corpse, directly slashed at Chu Xiao. Looking at the long sword, Chu Xiao stared in his heart. Naturally, he knew that the power of this sword was absolutely extraordinary.

But even with this appearance, Chu Xiao is not afraid at all, and there is a burst of battle intent in his eyes!

Under the awe-inspiring battle spirit, Chu Xiao urged the thunder character in his body to infuse the power of the god’s punishment to the sky, and merged with his own power of extinguishing the sky. Above his own Wandi Sword.

The Wandi Sword shot in a flash of sword light instantly, and everything was wiped out where the sword light shrouded.


Chu Xiao roared, and the Wandi Sword in his hand exuded a bright sword aura, and he cut out a purple thunder sword aura!

This sword aura, as if entwined with infinite power, slashed directly on the rusty long knife thrown by the mummy!

At the moment of the long knife, it clicked and was cut in half!

The mummy seemed to be shocked because he also didn’t expect that Chu Xiao’s sword had such power!

Afterwards, the sword was cut on the mummy’s body impressively.

In an instant, the body of the dry corpse was directly cut in half!

And his corpse was floating on the sea, motionless!

After seeing the mummy finally being disposed of.

Chu Xiao also developed a sigh. After all, this opponent was finally dealt with by himself. In this way, it is better than the ending.

Seeing the dry corpse floating on the sea, Chu Xiao also released the thought of the sea.In an instant, the world seemed to be twisted again, and Chu Xiao returned to the ancient battlefield again!

The sky is still so dim, and the ruins in front of him still seem so illusory.

It seems that there is no real object, but it is still so cold when it touches it!

Looking at the fallen corpse on the ground, Chu Xiao’s face was also pale for a while, and his sword just now almost cut off most of his energy!

But fortunately, this corpse was finally dealt with by himself!

Among the ruins, there must be the real tomb of the great emperor, and in front of him, it is naturally where his chance lies.

This is the most important opportunity.Compared with him, everything before it seems to be so small!

Looking at the broken knife in front of the corpse in front of him, Chu Xiao suddenly felt a little distressed. After all, this long knife was not a normal thing.

Fortunately, this so-called coffin was not a major problem. Chu Xiao walked towards the jade coffin slowly, and there was a hint of enthusiasm in his eyes.

This coffin seems to be a treasure too!

As soon as Chu Xiao approached the jade coffin, he saw the upper body of the mummy on the ground.

In this claw, it seems that there is still a layer of black energy!

This claw is poisonous!

And Chu Xiao also reacted very quickly, with one-handed Wandi Sword, the sword light on it flickered, and the Thunder Sword Qi in the package suddenly slashed away!

In an instant, the upper body of this mummy burst open in an instant!

Seeing the corpse completely dead, Chu Xiao let out a sigh of relief.

It seems that the strength of this corpse is still below himself.

Although he had lost a lot of strength in the battle, it was obvious that it was worth it in the end!

Chu Xiao looked at the huge jade coffin in front of him and took a deep breath.

Perhaps only a person of the same size as a mummy can sleep in this coffin!

Pulling off the chains connected to the mummy, in an instant, the coffin healed again.

Restore as before.

Looking at the coffin that contains bursts of Taoism on it, Chu Xiao also understands in his heart that this coffin is definitely a treasure.

He stroked the coffin and observed carefully, hoping to find a clue from it, to see what kind of power the coffin had.

Suddenly, the coffin turned into a white light and poured directly into Chu Xiao’s spirit ruins!

Chu Xiao was shocked, after all, Lingxu couldn’t let things in casually.

If one is not careful, he may harm his foundation and even endanger his life!

But looking at the Lingxu, this coffin seems to have no unusual movement.

I saw this coffin floating above the Lingxu, under the Tianlan treasure mirror, slowly emitting a soft light.

It seemed that there was no unusual movement.

As Chu Xiao’s mind moved, this coffin also appeared outside of Chu Xiao’s body again.

At this time, Chu Xiao also discovered that this coffin still had such a purpose at this time.

You can call out of the body at will, and it seems that it is not harmful to yourself.

Although Chu Xiao still doesn’t know what the coffin is for, he still put the coffin in his body.

After all, this coffin is considered a treasure!

Looking at the ruins in front of him, Chu Xiao took a deep breath and walked directly in.

After all, here is my chance!

Inside the ruins, there seems to be no unusual movement, and only one can see it. There seems to be a little bit of light in the ruins for illumination.

Suddenly, a cloud of smoke shrouded in front of him, and Chu Xiao subconsciously clenched the Wandi Sword in his hand.

He wanted to see who actually appeared in front of him at this time!

Among the ruins, it was in tatters and it was visible. It was indeed the Great Emperor’s accidental fall.

The two great emperors fell together. At this time, this place should be the tomb of the so-called Big Dipper!

And the Great Big Dipper, there is no coffin left, obviously he died in an extremely hasty!

The smoke also slowly formed a human form.

I saw an old man floating in front of Chu Xiao!

This old man has a very familiar face! It was the Great Beidou in the illusion before Chu Xiao stepped into the tomb of the Great!

“..You are!”

Chu Xiao’s heart trembled, could it be that this is the Big Dipper?

The Great Beidou and the Great Emperor Zhanri were both extremely powerful emperors in ancient times!

The strength of the two of them is extremely powerful!

Almost already represents the most powerful combat power of that era!

And now, this great emperor seems to be standing in front of his own eyes!

The old man’s figure is extremely thin, as if it is just a layer of phantom, his movements are also extremely slow, but between every move, you can still see the infinite breath of the Great Emperor!

“Countless years have passed, and finally someone can get in here!’

The old man’s eyes deepened, looking at Chu Xiao, his eyes were also extremely complicated.

“Nothing wrong, I am the Big Dipper!

Chu Xiao took a deep breath, and as expected, the person in front of him was the Great Big Dipper!

Before this countless years ago, he was almost the strongest person!

Big Dipper!

And the Big Dipper, looking at Chu Xiao at this time, said lightly: “Human Cultivator who can come here, you really are the first, and the only one who has come here in countless years.”

The figure of the Great Big Dipper is already extremely thin at this time, and he slowly said: “Now standing here is nothing but an afterimage of me! Even if it is this afterimage, it has been guarded here for countless years, I finally waited for one person!”

The Great Big Dipper, with a faint luster exuding his body, appeared so dazzling among the ruins.

The former Emperor Tianbei was able to leave a complete tomb and phantom, because this day Emperor Beibei did not fall suddenly.

The Big Dipper was different, he was in battle, died with his opponent, and fell into the realm of the king of gods!

It is already very difficult to leave this ruin as your cemetery!

And Chu Xiao looked towards the north (yes) Emperor Dou also took a deep breath. He didn’t expect that after countless years, the great Beidou would be able to bloom such a mighty power. This is what Chu Xiao has never had. Thought-of.

The Great Beidou said slowly again: “In the ancient years of countless years ago, the war between the Protoss and the Human race has long been forgotten because of what provoked it, and it lasted for so many years.”

“At that moment, there were countless deaths and injuries, three thousand realms, nine heavens and ten earth, all blood stained the earth”

“After all, I, the Great Big Dipper, still failed to end this war and fell into the realm of the king of gods.”

Afterwards, the Big Dipper looked at Chu Xiao again and slowly said, “You come from the Tiannan Dao domain to this God King Dao domain. Naturally, you have to cross the long chaos in the middle, and it is not easy to compare!”

At this moment, Chu Xiao slowed down and hurried to his knees, and said respectfully: “Junior Chu Xiao, I have seen the Great Big Dipper!”

The one in front of him is the same as the Great Emperor Tianbei, they are all real emperors!

Even the strength of the Great Big Dipper is far more than that of the Great Emperor Tianbei!

The Great Emperor Beidou slowly nodded, and said: “Standing here, it’s just a phantom. You don’t have to pay this big gift at all. I fell here. After countless years, this phantom, disappeared, and soon, I didn’t expect it. Before that, you can still see the cultivator towel of my human race!”

After that, the Big Dipper slowly sighed and said: “It’s just a pity, I don’t know what it looks like outside.

Chu Lei stood up and said, “The war between the human race and the god race has long been over, but the bloody enmity between the two has not been wiped out! The juniors came here on the way, just beating and killing how many god race cultivators!”

The Great Emperor Beidou looked at Chu Xiao, with a hint of wonder in his eyes, and said: “I didn’t expect that, my Human Cultivator, I can still make a talent like you!”

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