Chapter 248 Taoist magic, vast killing intent!

After all, Chu Xiao held his hand and stood in front of everyone.

Everyone gritted their teeth fiercely, but they didn’t know what to say.

Just now, with the power of Chu Xiao alone, it was almost necessary for them all to join forces to block his offensive.

This kind of power still made them feel a little unbelievable.

One person opened up and said, “How is it possible! Such a mighty power is so terrible!”

Everyone also responded one after another, and this kind of power really made them at a loss.

Chu Xiao smiled faintly, the aura on his body still made them feel a slight threat. After all, the power that Chu Xiao showed at this time also made them aware of an incredible.

They also didn’t expect that Chu Xiao now has such a mighty power!

In an instant, several people got up and directly used their own magical powers to bombard Chu Xiao!

Facing the attacks of three or five people in front of him, Chu Xiao’s expression remained unchanged, but he still had a hint of playfulness.

Such an attack is not worth mentioning in front of his Wandi Sword!

Chu Xiao’s body violent, Wandi Jian Guanghua surged, and suddenly cut it off with a single sword!

Even if it didn’t urge the Imperial Sword Technique, it was just a simple sword, but it also slashed out a strong sword aura!

This sword aura changed the complexion of everyone!

In an instant, this sword aura seemed to have infinite power!

When a person saw this situation, thunder gleamed hurriedly all over his body.

In an instant, he used the same Taoist magic technique as Ben Thunder God Child before.

In an instant, the body directly turned into a thunder-eyed giant!

The Thunder Giant opened his big hand and suddenly held his sword energy.

With a bang, the arm of the Thunder Giant was directly shattered by the sword qi!

Obviously, that person is still not proficient in such magic arts.

It can only be used barely.

But it can block Chu Xiao’s sword aura, and it can also prove his strength.

Chu Xiao saw his opponent and smiled indifferently, and said: “This way, it blocked my blow, and it is also very strong!

After all, Chu Xiao’s body is even more prosperous, seeming to have infinite power.

However, Chu Xiao closed his eyes slowly.

The Thunder Giant in front of him is more than ten meters high. Although he is not as proficient as running the Thunder God Child, he still should not be underestimated.

Moreover, the power of its thunder is not inferior to Ben Thor 053.

Presumably, this person is proficient in Thunder Magic.

If this is the case, the strength of this person is not bad.

However, compared with Chu Xiao, it appears to be much weaker.

“Such ability, in front of me, is not worth mentioning. It seems that you don’t know anything about real power, in fact.”

Chu Xiao said calmly, and then suddenly, a huge wave of air burst into his body.

He dragged out the Amber Swallowing Bead with one hand.

In an instant, a mountain python suddenly appeared.

This mountain python, straightened up, was even taller than the thunder giant.

Chu Xiao smiled indifferently, and said to everyone: “Let’s see if this mountain python can kill you!”

This huge mountain python has been served by Chu Xiao for a long time, and now it is natural to obey Chu Xiao’s order.

For these people who appeared in front of him, he naturally still killed them!

At this time, the mountain python is already at the level of a king-level cultivator, and he is naturally not a problem for these people in front of him!

Seeing the mountain python, everyone gritted their teeth.

They didn’t know what monster was in front of them, but they noticed it instinctively. This mountain python is definitely not to be underestimated!

But the reality is that this mountain python is not only powerful, but comparable to a monk cultivator.

Even if the amber swallowing bead of the body is not destroyed, it is immortal.

Maybe even the great sage met, it was a little tricky, but he could still win.

As for the king-level cultivator in front of them, perhaps only by joining forces can they barely defeat this mountain-eyed giant python.

However, with Chu Xiao stalking it, everyone is almost at a loss!

Chu Xiao smiled indifferently. The strength of this mountain python is naturally extraordinary.

In an instant, before Chu Xiao gave the order, the mountain python directly fought against the Thunder Giant.

The Thunder Giant, who was originally a severed arm, was unable to struggle even more easily under the attack of the mountain python, and was easily torn to pieces.

The King Realm cultivator that drove the Thunder Giant also exploded back several tens of meters, his face pale.

Obviously, facing the huge mountain python, there is still a lingering fear.

“Such a method, it is so terrible!”


One person gritted his teeth and counted.

These people, facing Chu Xiao and the mountain python, there is almost no room for struggle.

In an instant, several people could only rush towards Chu Xiao again.

These people, performing various Taoist magic arts, bombarded Chu Xiao.

And the rest of the people also followed up, one by one, performing countless magic arts, as if they could really kill Chu Xiao directly into scum.

But Chu Xiao understands that just relying on the talents of these people is just nonsense.


Chu Xiao looked at these people without any waves on his face.

The mountain python roared and rushed directly to the crowd.

Countless treasures bombarded the mountain python.

The mountain pythons were constantly blasted to pieces, but due to the amber swallowing beads in their bodies, they were unusually strong, and almost all of their attacks could not spread to the amber swallowing beads.

It is precisely because of this appearance that these people’s attacks are almost impossible to really hurt the mountain python.

And the rest of the people are constantly bombarding Chu Xiao.

Chu Xiao held the Wandi Sword, and even the magic glaze lamp was not sacrificed.He was standing in front of the crowd, constantly waving the long sword in his hand, his face was indifferent, as if he did not put them in his eyes at all!

In just a moment, these people realized that they were no match for Chu Xiao!

It is the Wandi Sword in Chu Xiao’s hand, seemingly indestructible, no matter what kind of treasure they use, they can’t break the protection of the Wandi Sword in Chu Xiao’s hand.

When Chu Xiao stood in front of everyone, his expression was even more indifferent, with the Wandi Sword in his hand, the killing intent constantly rolling, turning into fierce sword light, sweeping toward everyone.

Under this kind of offensive, these dozens of people can only slowly retreat.

At this time, everyone has to admit

Chu Xiao alone, with the Cultivation Base of Life and Death, almost suppressed all of them!

“Damn it!”

Cen Jian was even weaker at this time. His destiny was destroyed, and now he can only evolve the Thunder Treasure, bombarding Chu Xiao.

But I didn’t think that Chu Xiao could easily resolve this kind of attack, and would hardly cause Chu Xiao any substantial harm.

This is also one point that Cen Jian has to admit!

Everyone gritted their teeth, watching Chu Xiao, performing various treasures, and bombarding away.

These heaven and earth realms are also the various treasures of the monarch realm repairers, although they look dazzling and full of murderous aura.

It seems that it can really kill Chu Xiao into a child fan!

But for Chu Xiao, these are nothing more than that!

Chu Xiao looked at the treasures flying all over the sky and smiled faintly. If this kind of treasures could hurt him, then Chu Xiao might be too weak.

In Chu Xiao’s eyes, the killing intent was rolling recklessly, as if the Qianwang realm powerhouse in front of him was just a group of small floating people!

The Wandi Sword in his hand is even more radiant.

Chu Xiao holds the Wandi Sword in one hand, and the magic glass lamp in the other. The two god-tier soldiers are held by Chu Xiao at the same time. For a while, these people in front of them seem to be really helpless Chu Xiao!

The Wandi Sword in Chu Xiao’s hand, with golden light flashing, rushed straight into the sky, like a dragon that rushed into the clouds, wandering freely.

And the magic glaze lamp in his hand is even more enveloping Chu Xiao with colorful glow. For a moment, it seems to be mysterious and unpredictable!

In Chu Xiao’s eyes, there was even more killing intent.

In an instant, the Wandi Sword in Chu Xiao’s hand suddenly slashed away with a sword aura!

This sword aura, like a wall, directly intercepted all the magical treasures of these heaven and earth realm and king realm cultivator.

The powerful people saw this sword qi, and their hearts trembled, as if they were paying attention at this time, Chu Xiao still has such a heaven-defying power! It is just a cultivator of life and death, if it really grows in the future Get up, that mighty power, maybe no one can do it!

Facing the future talents of a human race, they absolutely cannot allow Chu Xiao to leave like this!

This is the ancient battlefield and the realm of the king of gods. Here, their gods are the real masters here.

Therefore, they will not let Chu Xiao, the Human Cultivator, just go out like this!

Besides, Chu Xiao still killed God Child Ben Lei!

The life and death of a god child was enough to shock the entire Dao realm. What’s more, Chu Xiao was just a human world cultivator, and that was how he killed the god child Ben Lei.

If it is spread out, it is definitely a shame!


Countless Taoist magic arts revealed the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, bombarding Chu Xiao’s sword aura, but it did not seem to hurt Chu Xiao’s hair.

Chu Xiao stood behind Jian Qi, his face calm and composed, as if he really didn’t put these people in his eyes.

In Chu Xiao’s eyes, these people cannot stop themselves, because only their own power can control the existence above them.

Chu Xiao smiled indifferently. At this time, his strength was already vast, and the Wandi Sword in his hand could bring Chu Xiao a terrifying blessing that was unimaginable by ordinary people.

There are several emperor methods on his body, which makes Chu Xiao’s strength even more elusive!

At least the cultivator of the gods in front of you is completely unpredictable!

Chu Xiao smiled indifferently, countless waves of air rushed forward and raised the corners of Chu Xiao’s clothes, but Chu Xiao still stood in place, as if there were no scars on his body.Under this situation, everyone was shocked. , I did not expect that such a Human Cultivator has such a terrifying ability.

Seeing that Chu Xiao was still unscathed, and everyone was upset again, they did not expect that such a cultivator of life and death would completely stop them.

“You cultivators of the god race, standing in front of me, there is only one consequence, and that is a dead end!”

Chu Xiao’s voice is indifferent and unusual. It seems that these cultivators of the god race in front of him can really kill him with a single sword!

And everyone, at this time, is also very ambitious. They discovered at this time that it seems that the current Chu Xiao does have this ability, such a strength, in their eyes, it is still too mysterious.

You have to know that there is only one opponent, and the life and death cultivator of the human race can make them helpless, which is simply too incredible.

The Ten Thousand Emperors Sword in Chu Xiao’s hand was even more rolling, moving towards the head of a cultivator of heaven and earth, it was suddenly cut out with a sword light!

This sword light rushed straight to the center of this person’s eyebrows!

The person’s heart was shocked, but he didn’t expect that this sword would have such a vast killing intent!

With this killing intent rolling, his limbs seemed to be as heavy as a thousand pounds!

“Damn it!”

The long sword in the man’s hand was crossed, and he wanted to block the blow directly.

But Chu Xiao’s sword can be stopped so easily. In the eyes of everyone, there is only a flash of fear at this time. Facing this sword, they seem to have no room for struggle. After all, this sword The shock to them was still too terrifying.

In an instant, this sword directly hit the sword of the heaven and earth cultivator, and suddenly, the figure of the cultivator that day exploded back three hundred meters!

With a bang, the cultivator of the situation that day was finally unable to contend, was directly cut off and hit the ground suddenly.

In an instant, a blood spit out from the mouth. Obviously, such an attack is still too unbelievable for this cultivator of the heaven and earth realm. It is just a sword that can severely inflict oneself on the Dao!

On the day of the cultivator, the long sword in his hand shattered and turned into fragments, scattered within a hundred meters of the surrounding area, and his arm was also cracked by the shock, one arm was almost directly covered by blood, watching Terrible.

Slowly climbed up, and in his eyes, there was almost nothing but fear.After all, he was facing such an attack, and that person had almost no possibility of struggling!

“How come! It’s just a sword!”

At the corner of that person’s mouth, blood was constantly left behind. At this time, facing this sword, he still felt a trace of horror.

The impact that this brought to him was simply too shocking. If he hadn’t fully utilized his strength, he might have been completely smashed into pieces by this sword.

Seeing this sword, everyone’s eyes widened, as if they really couldn’t believe it, just a Chu Xiao could actually cut such an incredible sword!

This sword shocked everyone!

Chu Xue smiled indifferently, with the Wandi Sword in his hand, Guanghua gradually introverted, and Huang Yunruo was hiding his murderous intent.

And this sword also completely caused everyone to say nothing for a while. They looked at Chu Xiao, and there was almost nothing but dread in their eyes.

After all, one sword almost killed a cultivator of the heaven and earth realm. They couldn’t believe this kind of thing.

What is the origin of this Chu Xiao? There is such a terrible power!.

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