Chapter 270 Shocking sword, heaven and earth jade platform!

At this time, everyone’s eyes widened and their bodies trembled.At this time, they still couldn’t believe that Chu Xiao could cut such a shocking sword!

“How is it possible! Daozi’s sword is so terrible!”

“It is beyond our imagination!”

“Even if it’s a cultivator in the Conferred King Realm, I’m afraid I won’t be able to resist such a shocking sword!”

Chu Xiao smiled lightly at this moment.

Having reached the Great Perfection of Life and Death, Chu Xiao’s strength has naturally grown rapidly, and now it is even more of a bottleneck. Now his strength is almost not an ordinary cultivator, comparable.

Faced with such a terrifying power of Chu Xiao, everyone didn’t know what to say, they were just amazed.

After all, they had never seen it before, Chu Xiao could cut out such a terrible sword.

This sword, in the eyes of “Zero Six Seven”, is almost impossible.

At this time, it is more like refreshing their cognition.

It turns out that the modification of life and death can also be cut out, such a terrible blow!

At this moment, Chu Xiao smiled indifferently, as if all this was nothing more than that for himself.

This kind of sword almost emptied Chu Xiao’s body, but Chu Xiao knew that if he used the Killing Spear, his power might be even more amazing!

He faintly felt that after he broke through to the King Seal Realm, using the Killing Spear would be a powerhouse that could severely injure the Holy Master Realm!

At that time, your own strength will be truly amazing!

What is shown now is nothing more than a drop in the bucket!

My own strength should be more terrifying and stalwart than these people imagined!

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao’s eyes showed a hint of warfare. He wanted to know whether all this in front of him could stop him.

It seems that the infinitely powerful Thunder Dragon slammed into Wang Yutai in the eyes of everyone’s surprise!

This jade platform also seemed to feel the infinite power in it, trembling slightly, as if it were in fear!

In an instant, the giant dragon hit the jade platform, the jade platform trembled slightly, and everyone’s eyes also hit the jade platform.

At this time, it seems that everyone wants to see what this Yutai looks like now.

Will it surprise them now?

I saw a fine line split instantly on this jade platform.

What shocked everyone was that this fine line was a full ten inches deep!

Facing this scene, the many disciples of the immeasurable Sacred Land onlookers could hardly restrain themselves.

They also didn’t expect that this Chu Xiao actually had such a terrifying power that he could achieve this kind of strength!

Everyone’s eyes widened, and they didn’t expect that this Chu Xiao could actually stay ten inches above the jade platform!

What is the concept of ten inches is almost unclear in the minds of everyone onlookers

They have never heard of anyone who can leave a mark of ten inches on the jade platform of heaven and earth!

Not only them, it seems that even the three great emperors were shocked. They had never seen this before.

They almost never thought that Chu Xiao had reached this level, and each of them took a deep breath.

There was a solemn expression on his face.

“This son unexpectedly left ten inches above the jade platform of heaven and earth!”

The Great Emperor Tianji said in an unbelievable way. Obviously, even the Great Emperor was shocked by this scene.

After all, before this, no one has ever been able to leave a ten-inch mark on this.

Even Ruyi the Great was shocked.

She had guessed that there were eight inches before, and she felt it was the limit, but she didn’t expect that this Chu Xiao actually left ten inches.

At this time, Chu Xiao, looking at the mark on the jade platform, also smiled lightly. Obviously, he was still very satisfied with this.

Ten inches is already enough.

In an instant, in Chu Xiao’s body, the Immortal Sovereign Law continued to operate, constantly having terrifying power, condensing on Chu Xiao’s body, for a time, it seemed that there was infinite power, which made everyone continuously amazed.

One sword is another sword slashing away!

I saw that the world seemed to be trembling, and obviously they didn’t seem to have thought that this Chu Xiao had such a terrifying power.

Can reach this point.

“Is this really the cultivator of life and death?”

“How is it possible! The cultivator of life and death, how can it reach this point!”

“This is almost beyond the imagination of ordinary people!’

Everyone’s eyes widened one after another, as if they couldn’t believe what happened in front of them.

After all, all of this seems too weird in their eyes, and they have never thought before that this Chu Xiao can be so heaven-defying, and directly cut into this jade platform ten inches!

At this time, Chu Xiao smiled indifferently, and constantly waved the Wandi Sword in his hand. At this time, the Wandi Sword was also brilliant, and countless murderous intents were released.

Everything seems to be proceeding in an orderly manner.Now, Chu Xiao breaking through the Wang Yin realm seems to be just a small matter.It seems that there is no difficulty at all!

Everyone also widened their eyes at this time and expressed surprise. After all, the current Chu Xiao can reach this point, and it has almost surpassed everyone’s imagination.

Before that, they had also witnessed countless people, successfully engraving marks between heaven and earth, but like Chu Xiao, they had never seen it before!

At this time, when Chu Xiao kept engraving his mark, he also felt that his own strength was growing rapidly.

This extra power seems to come from the general between heaven and earth. At this time, Chu Xiao seems to be able to borrow the power of this piece of heaven and earth. This kind of power has also made everyone admire.

Before that, they had never thought about 1.8 that this Chu Xiao could reach the current state. Now, the strength that Chu Xiao displayed has also made everyone aware of a trace of horror.

At this time, Chu Xiao smiled lightly.

Suddenly, Chu Xue made the last sword!

After the light dissipated, only the mark of Chu Xiao appeared on the jade platform of heaven and earth. ;

At this moment, this jade platform is glorious in an instant, and it seems that it is mixed with infinite power and is generally daunting. Everyone did not expect that this Chu Xiao was so easy to reach the Wangyin realm.

At this time, Chu Xiao smiled indifferently, looking at the jade platform of heaven and earth, and returning to the space between heaven and earth. At this time, Chu Xiao felt as if he had invincible power.

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