Chapter 273 Calling the Great Sage of the Open Mountain, it is just the King Seal Realm!

Chu Xiao took a breath.

It turned out that the great sage just now was from the Shura clan.

The Shura tribe, their own body, is much stronger than other races.

However, he is not proficient in precious arts, but is good at physical combat.

This is also due to the fact that the cultivator below the Great Sage of the Shura tribe is generally inferior to the cultivator of other races.

However, once the Asura clan becomes a great sage, his body will be countless times stronger than a normal great sage!

You can even use talented supernatural powers, which can transform three heads and six arms, and your strength is even more powerful!

Chu Xiao looked back, and sure enough, there were several Shura emperors standing aside.

All of them exudes a very tyrannical aura!

This kind of breath made Chu Xiao feel suffocated for a while.

It is so terrible, it is really the emperor of the Asura clan, it is really terrifying!

But fortunately, the Shura people generally don’t make much publicity, that is to say, they rarely fight directly with life and death.

But once annoyed, the power that bursts out of it is extremely terrifying and astonishing.

Therefore, when Chu Xiao ran into it, he naturally had to be extremely careful.

At this time, Chu Xiao looked at the desert island treasure house again, and felt all sorts of weird auras from it.

No one knows where this deserted island treasure house comes from, but knows that it definitely contains innumerable treasures.

Since this is the case, then I must be very welcome.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao smiled indifferently. Now he is still very interested in these things.

In an instant, Chu Xiao rushed directly into the treasure house of the deserted island.

As soon as he stepped into the treasure house of the deserted island, Chu Xiao felt like he had come to another space.

In this treasure house, an extremely strong spiritual energy raged in, which made Chu Xiao, and even felt, a little weird.

If this kind of rich spiritual energy is cultivated in it, the effect is still dozens of times better than Qiongloufeng.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao couldn’t help showing a solemn expression on his face, and took a breath.

Why is there such a place here?

Thinking about walking around again, I also saw countless Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, born in this deserted island treasure house.

In an instant, it seemed like weeds, growing in disorder in this deserted island treasure house,

But at the same time, Chu Xiao also noticed that after entering the desert island treasure house, he had a lot of aura and was following him.

For a moment, Chu Xiao slowly turned his head, and he saw several people standing behind him, with killing intent all over his body.

These people are also the cultivator of the 1st god race, and their strength is also very strong.

The three cultivators of the Conferred King Realm, and one more, seemed to have become the Great Sage.

The strength is almost above the Great Sage Qianyuan, but it is not much stronger.

Looking at these four people, Chu Xiao smiled coldly.

Since it was a Celestial Clan, Chu Xiao almost knew why his opponent had been following him.

At this time, the great sage opened his mouth slowly and said: “It seems that our guess is correct. You are afraid of being chased by the Holy Master Realm, and you will hide in this deserted island treasure house. It seems that our chance is here. NS!”

Another King Realm cultivator also opened his mouth and said: “Yes! As long as we kill you, we can get infinite benefits from Sacred Land and Sacred Land. It seems, Chu Xiao, you are dead today! ”

Seeing the two people in front of him, it was really because of the lonely thunder Sacred Land and the god Qiong Sacred Land that they just chased him down.

Chu Xiao was naturally not surprised. Hearing what they said, there seemed to be a reward for himself, which made Chu Xiao even more interested.

He smiled coldly and said: “It seems that I, Chu Xiao, really makes people jealous.

After all, Chu Xiao exudes a terrifying breath directly.

“The Great Sage of the Mountain! Now we will let him see what is the real power!”

A King Realm cultivator smiled coldly and said to the Great Sage next to him.

However, there is still a King Realm cultivator who pondered for a moment, and said: “Great Sage Opener, it is better to be careful (bbbi). I heard that Chu Xiao can defeat the Great Sage! It’s terrible!”

The great sage opened the mountain, looked at Chu Xiao, smiled lightly, and said: “Today, since we are eyeing you, then you are a dead end. Perhaps, if you commit suicide now, it is better to waste energy than we waste.”

Chu Xiao looked at the Great Sage Kaishan, with killing intent in his eyes. He smiled and said: “I have even killed the Great Sage Qianyuan. You are not worth mentioning in my eyes!”

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Xiao stepped on the ground, his figure suddenly exploded, and then punched fiercely, blasting towards the great sage of the mountain!

The Great Sage Kaishan saw that Chu Xiao was actually trying to compete with himself in the flesh, he also smiled coldly, and said: “Fighting with me in the flesh, you really don’t know how to live or die!”

The great sage of the mountain, but the Holy Physique has been gathered, his body is strong and invincible, and now Chu Xiao, standing in front of him, seems to be inadequate.

However, Chu Xiao didn’t seem to pay attention to the great sage of the mountain, as if to him, just a great sage of the mountain could not become a climate!

The two fists suddenly collided together, and the Great Sage of the Mountain opened four or five steps back, and Chu Lei also backed out more than ten steps.

Although it seemed that Chu Xiao had a slight disadvantage in this blow, in fact, the Great Sage of the Open Mountain had already sensed Chu Xiao’s horror.

“You have actually broken through the life and death realm, and now you have reached the Wangyin realm!”

That great sage, gritted his teeth, obviously couldn’t believe that Chu Xiao’s current strength was so terrifying. Obviously, Chu Xiao’s strength at this time was already beyond his imagination.

Hearing that Chu Xiao had already broken through the realm of life and death and reached the realm of Wang Yin, the other people also stared, and they seemed to be unbelievable. Chu Xiao was already so terrible.

Such power is also terrifying in their eyes.

They also couldn’t believe that the current Chu Xiao had already achieved this kind of strength.

Chu Xiao looked at his fist, and there was a scar.

However, he was not surprised, after all, he is only Wang Yinjing now.

Comparing the body with the Great Sage, it is already very scary to have suffered such a little injury.

At this time, Chu Xiao was almost the same, and he also had an understanding of his own strength. From the Lingxu, he summoned the Wandi Sword.

At this time, on the Wandi Sword, the brilliance was bright, and it seemed to be wrapped in infinite murderous intent.

Looking at it at a glance, the king-level cultivators in front of him shuddered. Obviously, they did not expect that Chu Xiao now was so terrible.

However, the Great Sage Kaishan, still snorted coldly, and said: “It’s just that, a King Seal Realm, dare to challenge me in front of the Great Sage!”.

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