Chapter 298 The Five Elements Bagua Pan, the power of the Five Elements!

When Chi Leihu saw the current Chu Xiao, his attitude was still so bad. If he didn’t regard himself as the same thing at all, he was naturally furious.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, and his teeth creaked. Although he was seriously injured now, he is naturally not an ordinary monster.

The strength is naturally very tough.

In an instant, this Scarlet Thunder Tiger was covered with blood-colored thunder and lightning, and then, if it turned into a blood-colored afterimage, it rushed towards Chu Xiao directly.

The strong aura in it is almost invisible, and the current Red Thunder Tiger is already at the end of the battle.

“Beast, you are already seriously injured now, but I didn’t expect that you still want to kill me!”

Chu Xiao squinted his eyes slightly, and the killing intent naturally shook. The Wandi Sword in his hand was also slightly fascinating, a tyrannical force, integrated into it.

Chu Xiao slashed out a sword suddenly, and then watched, a huge sword aura slashed directly towards the Scarlet Thunder Tiger.

This sword aura looked extremely fierce, as if it had infinite power.

It directly exploded on Chi Leihu’s body.

The Red Thunder Tiger roared, and his figure paused.

Afterwards, Chu Xiao jumped directly and turned on the back of the huge Red Thunder Tiger.

This Scarlet Thunder Tiger, 080 size, was almost like a hill, lying on the Red Thunder Tiger, almost invisible to Chu Xiao.

However, Chu Xiao stood up and urged the imperial sword technique. In an instant, through the blessing of the immortal emperor technique and the supreme treasure technique, the power of this sword increased by several times.

Directly slashed down with a fierce sword, and the sword light flashed.

The Red Thunder Tiger let out a miserable cry, and then, the huge head rolled directly down.

As for the Red Thunder Tiger’s body, it also fell down and hit the ground. It looked like it was still extraordinarily bluffing.

Chu Xiao looked at the head of the Scarlet Thunder Tiger and smiled faintly. He knew that even though the Scarlet Thunder Tiger was full of treasures, the most important thing to him was almost this head.

Because this head is what the Scarlet Leopard asked for.

If you have this, the magic weapon in the treasure box will naturally be used by yourself.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao also smiled coldly. If he had a magic weapon, his strength would naturally rise.

He quickly walked towards the valley where the Scarlet Leopard was before.

“The Scarlet Leopard shouldn’t lie to (bbbi) me! After all, he still didn’t kill me so many times. If he just lied to me, I should have been dead long ago. I hope I won’t be out of line.”

Chu Lei’s eyes slightly.

When he returned to the valley, the scarlet leopard was still lying in front of the treasure box.

The Scarlet Leopard seemed to have noticed it too, and Chu Xiao had come over now.

He lifted his eyelids, took a look at Chu Xiao, then smiled faintly, and said: “Unexpectedly, you really came back.

After that, the Scarlet Leopard also stood up and shook his body, and then he saw the huge head dragged by Chu Xiao.

That was the head of the Scarlet Thunder Tiger, and also the scarlet leopard. The treasure requested by Chu Xiao was now brought back by Chu Xiao.

Seeing the head of the Scarlet Thunder Tiger, the Scarlet Leopard, with a greedy look, he hurriedly said to Chu Xiao, “Give me that head!”

It seemed that the Scarlet Leopard at this time couldn’t wait.

Chu Lei smiled slightly and said, “Here you are, it is naturally possible.”

After that, he threw the head of the Scarlet Thunder Tiger in front of the Scarlet Leopard.

“Don’t forget that you promised me and gave you this to help me open this treasure box.”

Chu Xiao gritted his teeth and said.

He hoped that this scarlet leopard would not break his promise.

If this scarlet leopard lied to himself, it would prove that he was busy working in vain.

The Scarlet Leopard raised his head, then smiled coldly, as if he didn’t regard Chu Xiao as a thing, and then said: “Don’t forget, you are only a human King Seal Realm cultivator now. Hope, you will understand the Lord. Second-rate.

This scarlet leopard didn’t regard Chu Xiao as the same thing, as if in the eyes of this scarlet leopard, this Chu Xiao was nothing more than that.

Chu Xiao snorted coldly and said, “If you break your promise, I will kill you.

Of course, Chu Xiao didn’t have full confidence in killing the Scarlet Leopard. Even under the Scarlet Leopard, it seemed difficult to keep his life.

The leopard sneered a few times, then opened his mouth and swallowed the head of the Red Thunder Tiger directly.

In an instant, the body of this blood-colored leopard was even bigger, as if the whole body was directly fatter.

Seeing the Scarlet Leopard, he had already successfully swallowed the head of the Scarlet Thunder Tiger. Chu Xiao also took a deep breath and said, “Then, your seal is unlocked. Should the treasure in this box be given to you? Me?”

Unexpectedly, the blood-colored leopard lifted his eyelids, glared at Chu Xiao, and said, “Who told you that my seal was unlocked?”

The Scarlet Leopard sneered and said, “This is the seal left by the emperor. Naturally, it is not that simple. It can be unlocked. If it is so simple, it can be unlocked. Then I don’t need to be stuck here. It has been so many years. .

After all, the Scarlet Leopard sighed even more, as if to talk about how difficult it is for him for so many years.

Hearing the seal of the Scarlet Leopard, Chu Xiao still didn’t untie it, Chu Xiao was also shocked, his pupils tightened, and said; “Then, why did you let me collect these?”

“I want to eat, don’t forget, I am also a beast monk, and naturally I am also a carnivore.”

The Scarlet Leopard sneered, and then said: “However, what I promised you will never be forgotten.”

After all, Scarlet Leopard raised his paws, a ray of light directly hit the treasure box.

The treasure box that appeared to be half-person tall shivered twice, and then opened layer by layer.

Unexpectedly, this treasure box seems to be half-person tall, but there are still countless organs hidden in it. When it is opened at this time, layers of organs continue to recede.

In this way, it is as if there are countless boxes in this box.

At the end, just a palm-sized plate, stay in it.

On that plate, the five elements and eight hexagrams were inscribed, and it seemed that it was also primitive and unusual, in which there was also a touch of law, which revealed it.

“This is a five-element gossip plate, in which the seal has the power of the five elements. If the power of the five elements gathers together, even if the power of the holy master realm is strong, it is natural to retreat.”

Scarlet Leopard said lightly.

“But, now this treasure has all the five elements lost. If you don’t look for the power of the five elements, this thing is just scrap iron.”

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