Chapter 306 Thunder descends and turns into a child’s fan!

Bai Ming knew that his strength was at what level it was. Now it was only Chu Xiao’s sword qi Canglong. For Bai Ming himself, he didn’t care about it. In his eyes, there was no wave of trouble.

At this moment, he smiled indifferently. What stood in front of him was not a huge sword-powered dragon, but just an ordinary beast.

But now Bai Ming wants to tame this beast.

Bai Ming closed his eyes slightly, with a long sword in his hand, and marched with infinite murderous intent.

At this moment, he suddenly cut off with a sword.

In an instant.

This sword rushed straight into the sky.

Again, go deep into the ground.

It seems that this piece of heaven and earth is to be directly split into two halves.

This kind of power is even more unacceptable.

It’s so terrible, it’s so shocking!

Everything around it seems to be torn apart by this sword. It seems that all living beings are afraid of this sword. Such a sword is really amazing and amazing.

At this time, Chu Xiao smiled coldly, and in his eyes, killing intent was flowing. Such a sword, for himself, was nothing more than that, just a sword of this kind, he was still not particularly satisfied.

Facing the shocking blow of Bai Ming 11, Chu Xiao just smiled indifferently, it seemed that he was not very concerned about the blow.

Because Chu Xiao also understands that with just such a sword, he just wants to love himself. This kind of thing almost doesn’t exist.

Such a sword is nothing more than that in my own eyes.

However, looking at this sword, Chu Xiao still sighed. He did not expect that the strength of this Bai Ming was so terrible.

Chu Xiao couldn’t help but marvel at himself.

Just looking at it, the sky seemed to be directly torn apart, such a sword, it seemed, it was such a terrible, such a power, it was even more so that people could feel it, an extremely violent shock.

Between heaven and earth, this sword is particularly eye-catching.

As for Jian Qi Canglong, he still didn’t seem to believe that Bai Ming’s sword was so powerful that he roared and installed it directly.

It seems to be provoking, this Baiming blow.

And Bai Ming, at this time, just smiled indifferently, showing that he didn’t care much.

I don’t care whether this sword-qi Canglong can stop himself.

Because Bai Ming knew.

It’s just that, in my own eyes.

Still can’t beat myself at all.

In an instant, a huge sword energy slashed out directly.

This sword aura seemed to be able to cut everything in general.

Everything along the way was torn apart every inch, and it was shocked by this sword aura, almost broken.

Such a power is really amazing. Chu Xiao has almost no line drafts, and Bai Ming still has such a sword.

Looking at the huge sword energy between the world and the earth, this is unstoppable.

Chu Xiao also showed a solemn expression on his face, and took a deep breath.

It was also the first time that he saw this kind of terrifying power, in Chu Xiao’s eyes, it was still extremely shocking.

After a while, Chu Xiao smiled calmly and said: “It seems that your strength really seems to be stronger than I imagined.

Chu Xiao also didn’t expect that the sword aura now has such an incredible power, which is so incredible to Chu Xiao.

But Chu Xiao still knew that if this Bai Ming had only this kind of strength, he would still be unable to stop himself.

And I will never forget that Bai Ming’s body has the essence of fire.

For myself, that is the most powerful help.

He just watched with his own eyes that this sword turned into a huge sword light and slashed on the sword qi blue dragon.

There was a shocking sound.

It’s like thunder is coming.

People can barely open their eyes.

Can only feel the amazing power in it.

At this moment, Chu Lei stepped back slightly.

He saw that countless sword lights were shooting towards him.

And the sword light that looks even more terrifying.

Everything around seemed to be covered by sword light, cut inch by inch, and turned into child powder.

A rock suddenly rolled down from the mountain on the side at this time.

Smashed towards Chu Xiao.

At this time, countless sword lights passed by.

The rock was chopped into countless pieces in an instant.

It can only be turned into very small dust.

Such power can be said to be shocking.

Chu Xiao at this time also smiled indifferently, such power, he was naturally in his eyes.

He also did not expect that this opponent really had such a terrifying power.

Sure enough, invincible.

Thinking of this, he also smiled and closed his eyes.

When meeting such an opponent, Chu Xiao was also a little surprised.

But he knew that the opponent now had such strength, and it was impossible to kill himself.

Thinking of this, he opened his eyes,

In the eyes, a brilliant killing intent came out.

The killing intent is like a solidified substance, which makes people look terrified.

Even Bai Ming was silent for a moment.

His hands trembled slightly.

The sword was trembling too.

A trace of sweat fell from his forehead and stayed on the sword.

Dropping on the blade, about to fall to the ground.

But at the same time, a sword light flashed.

This drop of sweat turned into mist.

At the same time, there are countless sword lights flying towards Bai Ming.

At this time, Bai Ming also took a deep breath.


“With such a level of terror, no one can defeat you in the King Seal Realm.”

There was a solemn expression on Bai Ming’s face.

He noticed the terrifying power in Chu Xiao.

This kind of power made Bai Ming himself unsuitable, and he did not expect that Chu Xiao still had such a terrifying power.

In this way, this Chu Xiao is really terrifying.

Thinking of this, Bai Ming frowned slightly.

He gritted his teeth hard and raised his sword.

A few swords cut down.

Smash the sword light that is about to cut himself into pieces.

At this moment, he raised his head and his eyes were almost full of jealousy.

He also didn’t expect that this Chu Xiao now has such amazing power.

He took a deep breath and said, “Chu Xiao, in my eyes, your strength is really terrifying, but even if you look like this, you are nothing more than that in my eyes.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that Jian Qi and Jian Qi Canglong were constantly entangled.

Become a sword gas storm.

Then it dissipated violently.

Everything around it seemed to be shattered.

This is the first time that Bai Ming has seen such a terrible power.

He also noticed that Chu Xiao is definitely a terrifying opponent.

Thinking of this, Bai Ming also took a breath.

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