Chapter 332 Use the painting pen, the shadow of the true dragon!

They didn’t expect that Chu Xiao had so many magic weapons.

At this moment, several great sages also joined forces to urge Tao magic arts and smash them at Chu Xiao,

With a few punches, countless real dragons were smashed out in an instant. This kind of power can be called terrifying.

But for Chu Xiao, it is nothing more than that.

Chu Xiao smiled coldly, and said: “If it’s just such an ability, for me, it’s just dust.

The mighty power that these great sages bombarded, in Chu Xiao’s eyes, was not even certain, and could smash his own defenses.

In an instant, all the great sages took a breath, only to see that behind Chu Xiao, the sapphire circle was moved instantly.

The sapphire ring split instantly, but it was still fixed behind Chu Xiao. At the same time, a dazzling light curtain emerged directly.

This light curtain directly envelops Chu Xiao’s whole person, so it can be regarded as terrifying if it is stuck there.

Everyone’s eyes widened, and they saw it, countless real dragons bombarded the light curtain, but they still couldn’t shake the light curtain at all.

In this situation, everyone was stunned.

They did not expect that even the attack of the Great Sage would not be able to break through Chu Xiao’s magic weapon.

“What is the magic weapon of 103?”

“It turned out to be able to stop the attack of the Great Sage!”

“Such ability! It is really terrifying! It is indeed a cultivator that can kill the Great Sage!”

A group of cultivators of the Conferred King Realm were all talking, and their faces were shocked. Obviously, at this moment, Chu Xiao’s performance had completely shocked them.

They didn’t think about it anyway, it turned out that even the Great Sage was Chu Xiao who was unable to do anything at this moment.

At this moment, Chu Xiao smiled coldly, with awe-inspiring killing intent in his eyes. To them, at this time, the opponent seemed to be no big threat at all.

He looked at the crowd and said: “You are in my eyes, in fact, it is nothing more than that.

After all, Chu Xiao snorted coldly and said, “Even my magic weapon can’t break through. With this kind of strength, can it stop me?”

The great sages gritted their teeth fiercely. Although they knew that this defense was not invincible, they were still very angry.

In an instant, the thirty-three saints roared.

Their bodies were bathed in a golden radiance in an instant.

This light condensed together, and in an instant, infinite power bloomed from their bodies. Such power made everyone gasp.

They just felt it. It seemed that there was a terrifying force that could destroy everything. At this moment, the thirty-three great sages were constantly gathering.

In an instant, a golden and bright real dragon roared, as if it was about to pierce the sky.

The ground under everyone’s feet is constantly shattering at this moment. When everyone sees this picture, their eyes are widened, and the look in their eyes is full of incredible.

Those cultivators of the Conferred King Realm, this is the first time I have seen them. More than 30 great sages have joined forces like this, which really opened their eyes.

Looking at the real dragons gathered in the sky, Chu Xiao was also a little bit embarrassed. He didn’t expect that his opponent could still show such terrible power.

“Even if it has such power, it is really powerful.”

Chu Xiao smiled faintly, looking at the real dragon in the sky, a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

He also hadn’t seen how powerful the combined attack of more than 30 great sages would be.

Can you catch up with the strong of the Holy Master Realm?

But there is no doubt that the gap between the Great Sage and the Saint Lord Realm powerhouse is not so easy to flatten.

The aura of everyone is terrifying, but compared with the real Great Sage, it is still a lot worse. This point can be easily felt by everyone.

But everyone, at this moment, almost still has confidence in killing Chu Xiao. For them, Chu Xiao who is now (bbbi) is nothing more than a corpse.

The faces of their thirty-three saints also showed a trace of killing intent.

In an instant, the huge real dragon roared and rushed towards Chu Xiao directly.

These thirty-three great sages, the terrifying power that gathered, the true dragons that evolved through Taoism, at this moment, are even more revealing, unbelievable, terrifying power.

Just such power is to make that kind of king confinement realm and heaven and earth realm cultivator, the face appears shocked.

It was the first time they had seen it, and the great sage joined forces and was able to be so shocked.

The ground was almost constantly torn apart, billowing golden light, straight above the sky, such a terrifying power, it is almost unbelievable.

And Chu Xiao just smiled coldly and said, “But that’s it.”

Of course, it is almost impossible for Chu Xiao to resist such a terrible force, but this does not mean that Chu Xiao is really afraid.

However, everyone, just when Chu Xiao is talking big now, after all, Chu Xiao now looks like, in any case, it’s just the end of the battle.

Even though Chu Xiao’s strength is really terrifying, at this moment, under the combined attack of these thirty-three great sages, it looks terrifying.

But only Chu Xiao knew what level his strength had reached.

Such an attack is just trying to help himself, which is almost impossible in Chu Xiao’s eyes.

Chu Xiao took back the Seal of Heaven and Wandi Sword in his hand.

Instead, he took out the magic glass lamp and the painting pen.

These two magic weapons have almost unlimited power, and the ordinary cultivator is almost inaccessible.

In the subspecies of Chu Xiao, this is just the beginning.

In an instant, Chu Xiao used the sky-painting pen, and for a while, the shadow of a huge real dragon slowly appeared.

It has almost the same power compared with the true dragons that can be activated by the combined forces of many great sages.

This makes everyone, for a moment, almost unbelievable.

Looking at the two real dragons and the cultivator, they were all shocked in place.

They also did not expect that this Chu Xiao could still show such a terrifying power, such a strength, it really made them almost unimaginable.

And Chu Xiao also smiled coldly, with murderous intent rolling in his eyes.

In an instant, Chu Xiao copied the true dragon, rushing towards the great sages directly.

At the same time, the true dragon that the 33 Great Sages joined forces to strike at this time also came to Chu Xiao’s face.

It showed the terrifying power that ordinary people could hardly believe.

But this kind of power is nothing more than that in Chu Xiao’s eyes.

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