Chapter 339 Eight fist shadows, majestic and majestic!


This great sage of the Shura clan was directly cut and flew out.

This fusion of the ultimate sword of the Royal Sword Technique naturally exploded with powerful power.

A huge blood hole suddenly appeared in the man’s chest.

Muffled, howled miserably, and hit the ground.

Fortunately, he has the powerful physical body of the Asura clan, otherwise, it is estimated that he has become a dead person directly.

Chu Xiao snorted coldly, looking at this person on the ground, there was also a trace of killing intent in his eyes, showing that this person is so insignificant.

“Unexpectedly, this is the great sage of your Asura clan. It seems that the strength is nothing more than that.

Chu Xiao squinted slightly, the expression in his eyes was awe-inspiring to kill.

Looking at one of his companions, Chu Xiao was cut into the air with a single sword. Everyone gritted their teeth and took a deep breath, with a solemn expression on their faces.

They also didn’t realize that Chu Lei still had such a powerful strength.

This kind of strength is also terrifying in their eyes.

Chu Xiao smiled indifferently, the Wandi Sword in his hand was even brighter, revealing an extremely terrifying aura.

Everyone looked at Chu Xiao, and their eyes were full of jealousy.

They didn’t expect that the current Chu Xiao, under one sword, would still have such power. This also made everyone, almost no part-time job in Xi’an.

And Chu Xiao smiled indifferently. In his eyes, killing intent was awe-inspiring. At this moment, these people standing in front of them seemed to be none of Chu Xiao’s opponents at this moment.

“But it’s just a human cultivator, what are you doing?”

One person gritted his teeth fiercely and strode forward. In his eyes, the killing intent was awe-inspiring and the aura was deep, as if he hadn’t seen Chu Xiao at this time in his eyes.

In his eyes, Chu Xiao at this time was more like an ant.

And this person snorted coldly, and in his eyes, the killing aura was profound, and the magic weapon in his hand was the magic weapon, which seemed to be even more murderous.

Very much in line with the strong killing and killing aura of the Shura clan.

When Chu Xiao saw this great sage, he also sneered, and said: “I said that you Asura clan, it is really boring. It’s because of inferior skills, you still chase me down, don’t you can’t afford it?”

The man froze for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, “You are just a human cultivator, and now there is no condensed Eucharist. You are just the ants of the four kingdoms of the king. Now they dare to talk to us, really not. Die!”

After all, this person violently rose up, raised his hand to lower the magic pestle, and slammed it towards Chu Xiao fiercely.

It seemed that Chu Xiao would turn into blood in the next moment.

But Chu Xiao just glanced at this person, then smiled coldly, and said: “It seems that the strength of your Asura clan is nothing more than this, just at this level, you also want to kill me?”

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Xiao’s waist, Wandi Sword, showed its sharp edge.

In an instant, the sword light flashed and the sword light appeared everywhere. At this moment, it seemed as if the sky was filled with sword light.

This fierce sword energy slashed directly on this person with a force that made people feel extremely fearful.

The man groaned, and the magic pestle was dropped in his hand, and the light burst again, but he was resisting the sword aura. It seemed to be weak, and he was directly blown out by the sword aura and hit the ground. It looked like, Almost embarrassed.

Chu Xiao smiled indifferently when looking at this person, and said, “It looks like it’s just such a strength, and he still wants to kill me. It’s really unassuming, it’s almost unconscious!,

Having said that, a sullen smile appeared on Chu Xiao’s face, and said, “Could it be that the strength of your Asura clan is only so high?”

The cultivators of the Asura clan also gritted their teeth. Now they looked at Chu Xiao, with murderous intent in their eyes, and they directly smashed their punches.

This number of punches turned out to be smashed, with an extremely terrifying and majestic momentum. I saw that only a few seemingly unfancy punches burst out with powerful force.

This kind of power is almost unbelievable, but it is also true that it also made Chu Xiao directly feel a trace of jealousy. He also noticed that the aura in it was also terrifying.

Chu Xiao snorted coldly, and then he saw that the great sages of the many Asura clan directly smashed ten boxing shadows in succession.

Each of these ten boxing shadows, each one looks terrifying, and even looks, one after another, more fierce and unusual, with an almost unstoppable aura, as if it is invincible, making Chu Xiao also stare. Big eyes.

After all, this was a blow made by thirteen great sages of the Asura clan. It seemed that it was naturally terrifying. Chu Xue gritted her teeth fiercely, and her eyes were fierce.

Holding up the Wandi Sword, he rushed directly in front of these ten shadows of fists, screamed, and made a fierce sword.

In an instant, the light was everywhere, the killing intent was awe-inspiring, and the infinite sword aura was even more driving, and it was almost unbelievable terrifying power, just this way, it looks like an unfancy punch, but it still shows It’s out, it’s almost unbelievable, powerful.

So far, the horrible punch that numbs the scalp has revealed the power of horror.

A fierce sword aura, with an aura of destruction, directly exploded on the shadow of the fist.


As the sword aura suddenly expanded, the shadow of the fist also collapsed suddenly.

However, the remaining nine fist shadows were still inseparable, and they rushed towards Chu Xiao directly. It seemed that they wanted to tear Chu Xiao directly into pieces.

This scene made Chu Xiao take a breath in his own eyes. He also did not expect that the opponent’s current strength of 1.8 would be so terrible. All this really made Chu Xiao somewhat unacceptable.

In an instant, the child slashed out with a few swords again, bombarding the shadow of the fist behind him.

The horrible power rippled out, and Chu Xiao at this time also hummed, flew out directly, and hit the ground.

His face was pale, before he had time, he continued to rest, and just saw it, and then, the eight fist shadows were revealed again, which was unbelievable, terrifying power.

It was this kind of power that made Chu Xiao’s eyes widened for an instant.It seemed that he couldn’t believe it.It turned out that the strength of the opponent was so terrible!

“It’s worthy of being the Great Sage of the Asura Clan. I didn’t expect this strength to be so terrible!”

Chu Xiao took a deep breath, his eyes filled with jealousy.

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