Chapter 344 Shouldn’t exist, a major threat!

At this time, Wandi Sword, the glow lingering, became more tyrannical.

When everyone saw this scene, they naturally did not understand. They had never been exposed to the power of the law. At this moment, Chu Xiao was even more confused about the power displayed by Chu Xiao.

All of them looked at Chu Xiao in astonishment, and their eyes were almost full of surprise.

“How is it possible! I have never seen such a terrible power!”

“This kind of power is completely different from all the magical powers I have seen before. What kind of power is this?,

“This power, it seems, is very scary. At this moment, I feel as if I have been suppressed!”

Everyone looked at Chu Xiao, and there was a bit of fear in their eyes.

Obviously, they have never seen such a terrifying power as “One One Zero”.

And Chu Xiao just smiled indifferently. On the five-element gossip board, they naturally had never seen the power of the law of urging. If they were able to contact this power, they would not be here to fight like this.

Looking at the light flying towards me, this light seemed to have infinite power, but only Chu Xiao knew it.

In fact, this kind of power is no threat to Chu Xiao himself. At this time, Chu Xiao even just wants to smile indifferently.

Because he naturally knew that such power would hardly pose any threat to himself. Since it is like this, then he does not need to care about the strength of the opponent.

In an instant, the power of infinite laws poured into Chu Xiao’s body. At this moment, Chu Xiao’s power seemed to be infinitely blessed.

Subsequently, through the increase of the Supreme Treasure Art and the Immortal Emperor Art, Chu Xiao seemed to be bathed in light.

At a glance, this Chu Xiao seemed to be wearing a golden armor, and looked unstoppable.

In an instant, Chu Xiao screamed, the Wandi Sword in his hand, a terrifying force, completely condensed.

For a while, Chu Xiao’s eyes were almost filled with terrifying power, condensed here.

Looking at the strong light, Chu Xiao screamed, and then, on the Wandi Sword in his hand, the terrifying force of force, at this moment, if it was also completely urged, everyone looked at Chu Xiao, in their eyes. At this moment, it was almost all fear.

They felt the suppression of themselves by the force of the law. This feeling seemed to make them all feel suppressed.

Facing such power, they just felt the fear instinctively, after all, they had never felt this way before.

Of course, they had never seen such a terrible power before.

Chu Xiao screamed, and slammed his feet fiercely, a piece of void, and immediately sank, and then Chu Xiao’s figure also burst out.

He clenched the Wandi Sword in his hand, and in his eyes, there was an incomparably bright killing intent, with a strong light and power, it was directly cut out with a fierce sword!

This sword slashed directly on these 33 Great Sages with a combined force.

At this moment, a ray of light burst out in an instant.At this moment, everyone’s eyes seemed to be full of nothing. They have never seen such a terrible power, such a power, in their eyes, it almost shouldn’t exist.

At this moment, in their eyes, Su Ruo only has the word fear.

But the power of the thirty-three great sages was still unstoppable. Chu Xiao slashed on it, feeling his own blood, surged up, and gritted his teeth fiercely, as if he was about to vomit blood.

Chu Xiao’s arm broke apart every inch, and his skin was constantly cracking, and blood was flowing from it.He clenched the Wandi Sword, and he felt that there was a terrifying power, directly revealing the Wandi Sword, and hit his own. On the hands.


Chu Lei’s face was pale, his figure flew out, and he went straight back several hundred feet to stabilize his figure, but at this moment, there was no trace of blood on his face.

He still didn’t expect that the opponent’s power was still terrifying.At this moment, Chu Xiao’s eyes were also full of fear.He also seemed to be unable to believe that the opponent’s power turned out to be truly terrifying at this moment. When he reached this state, and because of this, he also felt a period of fear…

And everyone, at this moment, the cut out of the blow was still towards Chu Xiao, constantly rushing, Chu Xiao looked at the opponent, but also gritted his teeth, obviously did not expect that the opponent’s power turned out to be terrifying to this point. .

He took a deep breath, and then, with a fierce sword, slashed on it.

At this moment, the power of the law, as well as the immortal emperor’s law and the supreme treasure technique, were constantly urged, and Chu Xiao almost used all his strength.

In an instant, the light cut by everyone seemed to be unable to withstand Chu Xiao’s power at this moment, and it burst directly.

With a bang, it exploded directly!

Everyone seemed to be constantly bombed out by this terrifying force at this moment, but it only seemed to be embarrassed, in fact, there was still no substantial harm.

And Chu Xiao, now also in a messy figure, the Wandi Sword in his hand is still strong, he looks at his opponent, his eyes are full of jealousy.

“Unexpectedly, these thirty-three great sages, the combined attack power, is so terrifying!”

Chu Lei took a deep breath, and his eyes gradually became serious.

And everyone, at this time, also discovered that after Chu Xiao faced the seemingly invincible blow just now, it seemed that there was still no substantial harm. This also surprised them. In their eyes, Chu Xiao Xiao shouldn’t be so tyrannical.

However, at this time, they still saw that Chu Xiao’s strength still made them somewhat unpredictable. Facing this terrifying power, in the end, it was still so easy.

And the Wandi Sword in Chu Xiao’s hand, at this time, is also shining. Chu Xiao gritted his teeth fiercely, transformed into a long rainbow, and shot out suddenly 2!

When the crowd saw Chu Xiao rushing towards them, they also held up their weapons and pressed directly on them.

In the face of Chu Xiao’s power, everyone didn’t care much, but instinctively felt that the opponent was a hard-to-handle existence, but even if it was like this, he still firmly believed that the current Chu Xiao, for them, It’s still not a particularly serious threat. .

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