Chapter 371 Determined to prepare for war, not to be extravagant!

The dragon seemed to know too, the terrorist threat from Chu Xiao.

His eyes widened in an instant, and he took a deep breath. Facing an enemy with such terrible strength, the dragon seemed shocked by the fact that he had such a powerful force.

After that, I saw that these thousands of sword lights rushed straight into the sky, gathered together, and instantly shot out a powerful force that made people extremely fearful!

At this moment, such power is also very terrifying!

Suddenly, thousands of sword lights shrouded together, converging into a terrible light.

In this light, it seems that there is also an amazing power that makes people very timid!

At this moment, Chu Xiao had a strong killing intent in his eyes. This killing intent, at this moment, spread in an instant, as if the whole world, in this moment of time, all changed suddenly.

And the one who changed color also had Chu Xiao’s face.

Chu Xiao’s face was extremely pale, and the two external forces, the power of killing and the power of law, were directly integrated into the Wandi Sword. This was also a huge consumption for Chu Xiao.The current Chu Xiao is almost There is no way to maintain it.

Looking at his opponent, Chu Xiao also took a deep breath, with a solemn expression on his face.

He knows that the opponent is the essence of water, and its strength is naturally not too weak. Since it is like this, he must also be cautious.

At this moment, the dragon roared, as if it was also afraid of the power of Chu Xiao. For the dragon, the power of this law was already very terrifying.

And Chu Xiao also smiled coldly, in his eyes, killing intent was awe-inspiring, as if everything was nothing but so ordinary!

Chu Xiao showed a terrifying power, and on this Wandi Sword, the aura gradually became terrifying.

In an instant, it was this sword, severely slashed!

This sword, in an instant, came in and issued a terrifying power that made people extremely fearful!

Slashed down with a sudden sword!

This sword, directly converging in midair, became a huge sword-qi blue dragon!

This sword-qi Canglong also showed a terrifying power that made people extremely fearful.

Looking at Sword Qi Canglong, Chu Xiao smiled coldly. Looking at Sword Qi Canglong, he was naturally confident that he could kill the opponent.

And looking at the sword-qi black dragon, the giant dragon also trembled.

He seemed to have also discovered that the terrifying power above the sword qi blue dragon was gathering together.

At this time, the dragon trembled all over.

Looking at Chu Xiao, facing an enemy with such terrible strength, he has such a powerful force to stand here.

This dragon also roared.

In an instant, the surrounding sea water directly gathered together.

These sea waters, also in an instant, came in with a terrifying and powerful force!

This kind of power, in an instant, became very terrible!

Chu Xiao looked at his opponent and took a deep breath, with a solemn expression on his face.

From it, he also felt that an extremely terrifying aura was being enveloped together.

Feeling this power, Chu Xiao’s eyes gradually became cold. He still did not expect that the opponent’s strength, now it seems, is still so incredible.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao squinted slightly, feeling the terrifying aura of Cai Rao on his opponent, and Chu Xiao was also very surprised.

At this moment, Chu Xiao also felt a strong threat, which came from the power of the terrifying dragon.

I saw the sea water in the air, which turned into a huge long sword, and it pierced directly towards Chu Xiao!

On top of this long sword, Cai is even more powerful with strong laws and terrifying power!

In Chu Xiao’s eyes, there was a trace of surprise.He still didn’t expect that this giant dragon could still be displayed now, so surprisingly terrifying power, such a power, in Chu Xiao’s eyes , Is also very amazing.

“Unexpectedly, this Chu Xiao can still show such amazing power now,”. ”

Chu Xiao took a deep breath, with a solemn expression on his face. Facing an enemy with such terrible strength, he actually has such a powerful power. The strength of the opponent is not trivial.

This huge long sword is directly wrapped with a layer of very terrifying powerful force, such a power, now it seems that it is also terrifying.

Chu Xiao glanced, his mind was also agitated.

Sword Qi Canglong directly rushed towards the opponent. This Sword Qi Canglong also carried a very terrifying power. Such a power was not inferior to the huge long sword controlled by that giant dragon.

Chu Xiao looked at his opponent, a trace of caution appeared in his eyes, and then he saw that this sword-qi Canglong directly rushed to the opponent’s huge long sword.

Chu Xiao smiled coldly and directly operated the Immortal Emperor’s Law and the Supreme Treasure Skill.

At this moment, these two powers were once again blessed on Jianqi Canglong’s body.

The breath of the sword qi blue dragon looked more terrifying, and the giant dragon was also slightly taken aback when he saw the sword qi blue dragon.

He did not expect that the current Chu Xiao still had such terrifying strength.

The two collided!

Sword Qi Canglong and Long Sword directly collided together!


A terrifying force is directly twisted together, revealing its scary power!

At this moment, the sea of ​​a hundred miles around seemed to be shaking violently, revealing its terrifying and very powerful power!

In Chu Xiao’s eyes, there was also a hint of caution, and he did not expect that the opponent still had such a terrifying power claw now.

(Good) Thinking of this, Chu Xiao took a deep breath, with a solemn expression on his face. Facing an enemy with such terrible strength, he actually has such a powerful force, he dare not have the slightest amount. main idea.

It directly urges the sapphire ring to call out the light curtain, which directly covers his whole body. At the same time, Chu Xiao’s eyes are also extraordinarily cautious.

When he defeated the essence of water, he didn’t want the slightest extraneous branch.

In an instant, the incomparably terrifying power spread directly, revealing a powerful force that is almost unbelievable!

The sea water around it seemed to be instantly evaporated by the terrifying power of the sword qi blue dragon!

This sword qi blue dragon was actually slowly smashing this long sword, and at the same time, there were still countless leaks of light rushing towards the dragon!

At this time, the dragon seemed to know that the situation was right, and immediately became cautious. .

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