Chapter 374 Absorb the essence of water and disappear in place!

Chu Lei looked at the Five Elements Eight Diagrams Pan that was absorbing the essence of water.

Later, when the essence of water was absorbed by the five-element gossip disk, Chu Xiao was stunned, because he felt that a strong force was appearing on the five-element gossip disk at this moment, and it was directly poured into Chu. Xiao’s body.

Chu Xiao was stunned for a moment, as if he still didn’t understand what was happening now, but he still felt that a strong force of law appeared directly in his body.

At this time, Chu Xiao seemed to understand that now he can break away from the five-element gossip plate and evolve a strong law of power on his own. Looking at it this way, his own strength has also improved a lot now.

And now he has obtained the essence of water, and the power of the five-element gossip plate has been enhanced by a larger “one thirty zero”.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao smiled coldly, and a strong killing intent appeared in his eyes.

He still knows that there are countless people in this deserted island treasure house, chasing him, and he is still planted with the mark of the Asura clan Great Sage, so it seems that he is also extremely dangerous.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao also sighed for a long time. He didn’t expect that now he was reduced to the point of being hunted down, and it was only a matter of time before he was found.

But fortunately, now, the four powers of the five elements have been successfully collected. In this way, plus the essence of the last wood, the power of the five elements is complete.

Thinking of this, in Chu Xiao’s eyes, a ray of light came out again.Anyway, to be able to collect the power of the five elements is to improve his strength, no matter how you look at it, this is a good thing. Correct

Chu Xiao smiled faintly, and then, the dragon and phoenix shuttle, left here directly, after all, the current Chu Xiao still wants to find where the last essence of the wood is hidden.

Suddenly, I don’t know how long it will span this deserted island treasure house.

At this time, Chu Xiao also sighed slightly, this deserted island treasure house is indeed huge, and it is still a lot more terrifying than Chu Xiao imagined.After driving the dragon and phoenix shuttle for so long, he did not expect that he still did not touch it. On the edge of the treasure house of the deserted island, and above, there are still many places that I have not explored.

From this point of view, this deserted island treasure house is really a treasure, and the opportunities are endless. If you can search carefully here, it will definitely improve your own improvement.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao also smiled slightly.He naturally knew that it is very important for him to improve his strength. I still have little choice.

If the 36 Great Sages I met before were all of Chengyan’s level, perhaps he would be beheaded, sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, the opponent who came had the strength among the great sages, and he was not a strong one, but even in this way, it was extremely terrifying.

If it is really thirty-six great sages of the Chengyan level, perhaps oneself, it is really possible, will be forced into a dead end, with a sharp spear, a desperate fight is also uncertain.

At this time, Chu Xiao observed the five-element gossip plate he was working on, and found that the current five-element gossip plate still had no movement at all. This proved that within ten thousand miles, it is estimated that there is no such essence of wood.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao gritted his teeth again.If there is no wood essence, then he is basically unable to gather the power of the so-called big five elements.If you look at it this way, he is still in a desperate situation. middle.

Thinking of this, a trace of unwillingness appeared on Chu Xiao’s face again.

Suddenly, Chu Xiao was stunned for a moment.He felt that there were countless terrifying auras, and now he was locked in his body. Chu Xiao could clearly perceive that, basically, these auras are of the great sage level. The strong.

Seeing this, Chu Xiao took a breath, with a solemn expression on his face, gritting his teeth severely.

Unexpectedly, now the opponent is looking for himself, and the feeling of being locked in this way is really a bit uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the current Chu Xiao can perceive that they are still at a considerable distance from him. Looking at it this way, he is not particularly dangerous, as long as he can quickly escape the range of their perception. It’s okay..

At this time, countless tyrannical auras suddenly appeared in the deserted island treasure house.

I saw that more than ten great saints appeared in the treasure house of the deserted island.

Although the number of these great sages is not as large as before, they are considered elites among the great sages.

Such existence, basically, each is a great sage beyond Chengyan,

Suddenly, everyone was taken aback.

They clearly perceive Chu Xiao’s direction, but when they want to specifically perceive a certain position, they are taken aback.

I can only feel the general direction, but it is impossible to determine where Chu Xiao is now.

They want to deduce the past, but what they can see is only a bright day.

This big day is so dazzling that it simply obscures their eyes.

At this time, they gritted their teeth fiercely, seeming to understand what special magical powers Chu Xiao possessed that could prevent him from being deduced and perceived.

And this is Chu Xiao’s sun-shielding technique!

At this time, Chu Xiao also sensed that his sun-shielding technique was being activated, so he took a sigh of relief.Since the sun-shielding technique was activated, it means that these great sages want to catch themselves. , It is not a simple matter anymore.

Seeing this situation, he also sneered coldly and said: “It seems that these great sages, 1.8 is nothing more than that, even I can’t perceive it.’

At this time, the faces of the many great sages were also gloomy and terrifying, and an extremely terrible aura appeared on their bodies instantly, shrouded in the treasure house of the deserted island.

Many young cultivators who have just entered the treasure house of the deserted island, seeing so many great saints, took a breath and quietly retreated, for fear of angering them.

“what to do?”

One person asked.

Everyone was silent for a moment, and then one person said: “Anyway, we now have Chu Xiao’s general direction. It’s better for us to look for it separately. Once we find it, we will kill it on the spot!”

Everyone nodded their heads. Now it seems that this is indeed the best way, and there is no other better way.

In an instant, everyone turned into a Changhong and disappeared in place. .

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