Chapter 390 The terrifying power that destroys the world!

Seeing the giant sword of the law flying towards him, everyone was in fear.

Under the giant sword of this law, they feel that their strength has been greatly suppressed. Before, they didn’t feel like this.

“What kind of power is this?”

“For an instant, I actually felt that I seemed to be directly suppressed!”

“This kind of weird power, I really see it for the first time!”

Although the giant sword of this law did not show the incredible destructive power, they also felt a bit of incredible.

There was also a trace of jealousy in their eyes.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xiao also smiled faintly. Although the power of law itself does not possess much power, he is also irreplaceable.

This is derived from the extraordinary power in the Five Elements Bagua Pan.

At this moment, the Five Elements Eight Diagrams Pan and the Green Jade Ring are directly fused together, suspended behind Chu Xiao.

The same is demonstrated, an irresistible power.

When everyone saw the giant sword of the law, they just felt very tricky.They seemed to be clear about why Chu Xiao would kill so many great saints. After all, the current Chu Xiao, with such power, has already surpassed countless people. .

When Chu Xiao looked at them, he only smiled indifferently. In his eyes, infinite killing intent appeared, as if standing in front of Chu Xue was just a group of dead people.

And these great sages dare not care about enemies with such terrible strength.

Looking at the law giant sword, everyone roared.

Directly smashed out a few shadows of the boxing, and bombarded the giant sword of this law!

In the full bombardment of more than a dozen people, this law looked at the giant sword, and finally couldn’t bear it. With a bang, it burst in an instant!

A loud bang resounded throughout the world.

Everyone retreated four or five feet away, and they ran for a few steps before they stopped their bodies.

And Chu Xiao stood in front of them, just a sneer. Now Chu Xiao knew that his strength had already surpassed them.

At least for now, it is still impossible for them to kill themselves.

These people seem to know it too, and Chu Xiao now seems to be very tricky. It is necessary to be very careful.

“This person’s weird power just now is extremely tyrannical, everyone must be careful.”

One said coldly.

Afterwards, everyone agreed, because just now, they had actually seen Chu Xiao’s terrible strength. In their eyes, such strength was still extremely tyrannical.

To deal with it, you must be careful and cautious.

At this time, everyone looked at Chu Xiao and took a deep breath, with a solemn expression on their faces.

After all, they were also aware of this Chu Xiao’s terrifying power just now.

Chu Xiao looked at them, his eyes were still extremely cold, and he clenched the Wandi Sword in his hand.

Nowadays, the Five Elements Bagua Pan, the power of the Big Five Elements, still has not gathered, and naturally, his strength has not reached a peak.

Facing these great sages, it is still very tricky.The current self is already very careful to kill the great sage Dinghai just now, but now, there are eleven great sages standing in front of him, which makes Chu Xiao is almost irresistible.

He took a deep breath and looked at the eleven great sages, but he felt a little scary.

In an instant, these eleven great sages screamed, their bodies turned into Changhong, and they rushed directly towards Chu Xiao.

They also seem to understand that they still have to stand together if they want to kill Chu Xiao.

When Chu Xiao looked at them, his heart trembled.

Unexpectedly, these great sages of the Asura clan really gathered together and surrounded themselves directly.

This kind of strength is still extremely tricky in Chu Xiao’s own eyes. He took a deep breath and showed a solemn expression on his face.

Facing an enemy with such terrible strength, Chu Xiao also wrinkled his eyebrows slightly, knowing that he still couldn’t have the slightest carelessness now.

The opponent has such a powerful strength, and Chu Xiao himself must be very careful.

And these eleven long rainbows, rushing towards Chu Xiao at the same time, also made Chu Xiao’s heart tremble very much. He opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

The whole body, the Immortal Emperor’s Art and the Supreme Treasure Skill, urged to the extreme, at this moment, Chu Xiao’s breath directly increased to a very terrifying point.

But compared with these eleven great sages, it seems to be a bit weaker.

However, Chu Xiao still understands that if he wants to deal with his opponent, he has to be very careful.

In an instant, a person, extremely fast, directly rushed in front of Chu Xiao, punched hard, and hit Chu Xiao directly!

This punch also carries a terrifying power that can almost destroy the world. Chu Xiao also trembled in his heart. Xiao himself was also surprised.

“It turns out to have such terrible strength!”

Chu Xiao took a deep breath, and the sapphire ring on his body was instantly moved.

A light curtain appeared directly outside Chu Xiao’s body.

This light curtain looks very rich and 140. It seems that it has also received a slight increase because of the five elements gossip disc, making the current power also extraordinary.

Suddenly, it is normal to stop all attacks, but now Chu Xiao also knows that the opponent’s attack is estimated to be extremely fierce.

From that punch, Chu Xiao could feel the incredibly powerful strength. Such strength made Chu Xiao himself also surprised.

He took a deep breath and showed a solemn expression on his face. After that, the apprentice saw the punch and hit him directly.

In an instant, this punch, seemingly terrifying, directly hit the light curtain outside Chu Xiao!

The light curtain trembled twice, and then cracked.

Seeing Chu Xiao’s body protection magic weapon, the man also couldn’t protect him. He also smiled coldly, with a terrifying killing intent on his healed face.

Chu Xiao was shocked in his heart. He did not expect that the strength of this man was so terrible that he immediately urged the force of the law to resist.

The person was affected by the power of the law, and his figure paused for a moment, and then a trace of panic appeared on his face.

He didn’t seem to expect that the current Chu Xiao still had such means, and he was shocked.After that, he saw a person and stepped forward again, directly kicking and smashing Chu Xiao!

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