Chapter 504 Beyond Dibao, a rare existence!

“Although you want to kill me, can you really kill me now?”

Chu Xiao smiled coldly. In his eyes, his opponent with awe-inspiring killing intent seemed to be nothing more than that.

Since he had taken out the Killing Spear, he believed that his opponent must be nothing more than this, and he would definitely not be able to withstand the absolute power of his own right now.

In an instant, Chu Xiao screamed, and the infinite power directly bloomed from it.In an instant, a black light instantly turned into a beam of light and rushed directly to the snow demon!

For a moment, Xue Yao felt a trace of terrifying power.In front of that power, he was almost like a child without the power of a chicken, but he still believed that even if his opponent had such a treasure, he should still be able to fight with him. The opponents died together.

“But it’s just a cultivator of heaven and earth! I will kill you!’

Xue Xue’s “Nix 20” demon roared, and then smashed it out with a fierce punch!

A punch! It just bursts out with infinite power!

In an instant, almost everything around it collapsed every inch, almost completely destroyed.

And Chu Xiao also smiled coldly, this black beam of light directly hit the Snow Demon’s body!

Just for a moment!

The snow demon’s body suddenly turned into dust!

Even the slightest sound was not emitted, it turned into a corpse!

At this moment, Chu Xiao also smiled coldly.

This beam of light directly rushed into his sky, almost piercing through the sky!

And Chu Xiao’s body was completely exhausted, he snorted and almost lay directly on the ground.

At this time, the Five Elements Bagua Pan evolved the power of the Five Elements and poured it directly into Chu Xiao’s body, and Chu Xiao gradually recovered.

“No matter what, the opponent is finally dead.”

Chu Xiao closed his eyes slightly.

This is really the most dangerous opponent he has ever seen. The strength is so tyrannical. Even if it is a cultivator like himself, facing the opponent, he still seems a little powerless.

He took a sigh of relief and his expression became serious. This time, he basically knew the level of his opponent. If the people who chase him in the future are really such strong people, then Chu Xiao really needs to be careful. A little bit.

“If people like this are going to chase me down, if I am still at my current strength, sooner or later, I will be beheaded by them!”

Chu Xiao took a deep breath, with a solemn expression on his face

Afterwards, he looked at the Gunslinger in his hand.

He was able to defeat the Snow Demon, in fact, it had nothing to do with the Killing Spear in his hand.

The last blow of the Snow Demon was still extremely fierce. If it really hit him, I’m afraid he would be overwhelmed.

But the absolute power of Killing Spear was revealed in the moment just now.

On the spot, the very powerful Snow Demon was directly bombarded into flying ashes!

“If I usually have the power of Killing Spear, why should I be afraid of such opponents?”

Chu Xiao shook his head helplessly. Although he was already the opponent of the Heaven and Earth Realm peak, he still seemed a little powerless now.

If you don’t reach the Great Sage, I’m afraid it will be very difficult to gain a foothold in this deserted island treasure house.

“This place still doesn’t seem to be that simple. If I continue to walk, maybe I can still find more opportunities.”

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao’s eyes also flashed a trace of cruelty, if he really thoroughly searched for all these opportunities, and obtained extremely terrifying power.

So even if the opponent is Xue Yao, he can still resist easily.

“In short, you still have to improve your Cultivation Base more.”

Chu Xiao took a breath, and at the same time, a bright killing intent flashed in his eyes.

He naturally knew that, in the current situation, facing an opponent at the level of the Snow Demon, he almost still had to take out the Gunslinger.

He gritted his teeth, stood up, and continued to walk forward. After all, he still couldn’t stay here for too long.

At this moment, outside the deserted island treasure house.

Emperor Zhenghuai’s eyebrows tightened.

A group of strong holy masters did not say a word.

They naturally knew that this Snow Demon had also failed.

After a while, the Great Emperor Zhenghuai said, “I didn’t expect that even if it is a strong man at the pinnacle of the Great Sage, it would be difficult to resist this so-called Chu Xiao!”

The crowd nodded one after another.

Afterwards, a Saint Lord Realm powerhouse gritted his teeth and said: “How can it be possible to have such strength just as a King Realm cultivator? I am afraid that there must be something tricky in this! Maybe this Chu Xiao really hides a lot of it. The treasure!”

Hearing that, everyone nodded their heads. Obviously, they also thought that Chu Xiao must have some absolutely extraordinary treasures on his body…

The Emperor Zhenghuai also took a breath.

Since the battle this time mainly took place between Xue Yao and Chu Xiao, he did not see the whole picture either.

As for the great sage before, it has long since been affected and turned into dust.

He still couldn’t forget the so-called Five Elements Bagua Pan, its terrifying strength, even the Great Emperor Zhenghuai himself was a little surprised.

Among them, the power of such a pristine law can be possessed, which was never discovered before by Emperor Zhenghuai.

In addition, the strength of Chu Xiao this time is still very amazing. It turned out that even the Snow Demon who stayed at the peak of the Great Sage can be killed. This point made Emperor Zhu Zhenghuai a little confused.

However, no matter how you say it, Chu Xiao is a great sage who killed many of the Asura clan. This feud has already been forged.

If you can kill him, and then get his treasure, for the Shura clan, there are only good things, no bad things. Anyway, the treasure is also obtained from the desert island treasure house.

As for Chu Xiao, it doesn’t matter long ago.

Being pregnant with the great emperor, he smiled coldly and said: “If this is the case, then I will release 1.8 news, saying that Chu Xiao has a treasure comparable to the emperor! At the same time, announce the location of Chu Xiao!”

Everyone sucked in a bit of air, with a solemn expression on their faces.

It seems that this way, I really want to die.

Once this happens, Chu Xiao will naturally be hunted down by countless people. At that time, I am afraid that many people will choose to hunt down Chu Xiao to seek Chu Xiao, the so-called treasure that surpasses the emperor’s treasure.

Everyone retreated. At this time, they had already obeyed the instructions of Emperor Zhenghuai and went to release the news.

At this time, Chu Xiao was still in the desert island treasury, looking for the legend, buried in the desert island treasury.

In Chu Xiao’s subconscious mind, he always feels that he should be able to obtain more important treasures, which is right. .

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