Chapter 563 Don’t mind, interrupt!

Chu Xiao didn’t feel anything wrong with his decision.

Since the other party has spoken so sincerely and invited himself again, if he refuses, it may not be justified.

What’s more, he didn’t want to explore this secret realm by himself.

Because something too dangerous happened, he might not be able to cope with it alone.

Song Zhiyi and the others are both in the Conferred King Realm. If they are together, of course they will be able to take care of them.

Even if there is any danger, several people can take care of each other.

And teaming up with them may also be a good experience for yourself.

That’s why he agreed.

So thinking of this, Chu Xiao didn’t go on.

Because next, he didn’t know what these people had planned.

He wants to recover himself here.

The previous consumption is indeed a bit big.

So there has been a certain degree of recovery along the way, but it has not yet fully recovered.

So he came here only to find a place to stay.

In addition to this, it is also to avoid chasing by those outside.

My reward is too high, causing the others to be jealous.

Perhaps many Human Cultivators are looking for him. He knows this very well.

After all, people die for money, and birds die for food.

There is such a generous reward on my own body, and other people will definitely be extremely excited.

Just like the ones I encountered before, they were all for their own rewards.

Of course he knew that now that he came into this secret realm, he was temporarily safe.

Song Ziyi had no idea about themselves, he could see it.

And what they say is also very sincere and true.

It’s been a long time since I met someone who treats each other frankly, Chu Xiao still feels a little weird in his heart.

At other times, maybe someone has already shot himself.

But Song Zhiyi and the others did not look like this, instead they invited him to join them.

Then they have such a friendly attitude, so naturally he can’t leave others in the cold.

It may be a good experience to join them and become one of them.

So Chu Xiao also knows that his choice is of course very good.

Even if there are other dangers in the future, a few people can work together to solve them.

I just don’t know what the strength of a few of them is.

If it is really strong, then they can definitely explore all of this secret realm.

But if something unexpected happens, a few people will probably only stop.

Thinking of what might happen next, Chu Xiao sighed in his heart.

Now, I still can’t tell how strong they are.

Just know their Cultivation Base realm.

No matter what, I have already agreed, and I will see what happens next.

If you want to know their strength, then maybe they can know when they explore.

Naturally, Chu Xiao didn’t bother with this problem anymore.

Because he had already agreed to their invitation, he hesitated so much, which had a certain impact on him.

So after putting aside his thoughts, Chu Xiao had a slight smile on his face.

Looking at Song Zhiyi and them, he was still looking forward to it.

After all, after I came here, I was alone all the time.

But now it’s different, they even invited themselves to join them.

And he also agreed, and several people are now like a small team.

It can also be clearly seen that after agreeing to their invitation, Song Zhiyi and the others all had smiles on their faces.

Even Chuyu, the arrogant Jian Xiu before, appeared with a smile on his expressionless face.

It seems that they are also happy because of this incident.

Chu Xiao also felt a little funny in his heart.

Especially Song Zhiyi, his face is almost as if he is about to smile.

It is close to ears at the moment, and it does not seem to have any image.

For such a person, Chu Xiao felt relieved in his heart.

After all, his performance at this time, everything is true, not pretending.

Then he can rest assured.

It was confirmed in their hearts that they had no other thoughts about themselves.

The reward for him is really what I said before.

For them, Chu Xiao is naturally also very satisfied.

“This is really great. With your joining, then we can definitely search around here. No, it’s exploration.”

…Please ask for flowers………

Song Zhiyi said so excitedly that he felt a little embarrassed afterwards.

But there is a lot of confidence in his heart.

With the addition of Chu Xiao, their strength has certainly risen to a great level.

They know that Chu Xiao is terrible, but what it is is not known now.

But I haven’t considered that much before.

I just decided to invite Chu Xiao to join, and now I have agreed to them, which is naturally a thing worthy of joy.

And after they came here, they didn’t start exploring.

It is because of waiting for someone.

Now this person has already waited, and he is also the most suitable candidate for them.

Next, let’s take a look at what Chu Xiao thinks.


They decided before that after they had enough people, they could start exploring.

But now this person is Chu Xiao, if you want to act, maybe you have to listen to Chu Xiao’s opinion.

Because he could tell, Chu Xiao didn’t seem to intend to go deeper in the city.

“Chu Xiao, originally we thought you would not agree, but now it seems that you are not so cold-blooded.”

Ouyang Jian looked at Chu Xiao and said.

From the rumors before, it was heard that Chu Xiao was a murderous figure.

And also did such an unthinkable thing.

Everything that comes out can surprise people.

But after seeing it now, it really subverted his previous cognition.

Sure enough, I heard that it is better to see it with my own eyes.

Now that Ouyang Jian finished speaking, he smiled at Chu Xiao.

Because he didn’t see anything wrong with Chu Xiao at all, Chu Xiao was just like a normal person.

After all, I can still communicate with them friendly.

So there are not too many emotions, but in his opinion, it is also ok to get along with.

“Ouyang, don’t talk nonsense, how could Brother Chu Xiao be such a person.”

After Song Zhiyi heard Ouyang Jian’s words, he immediately interrupted.

“Chu Xiao, he is joking, don’t mind you.”

Then he turned to look at Chu Xiao, and said with some embarrassment.

Because if Chu Xiao changed his mind, it would be bad. Son,

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