Chapter 565 There have been rumors, and greater expectations!

After Song Zhiyi finished speaking, the other three people did not speak.

Looks like that, it should be exactly what he said.

They have just arrived here not long ago, and they have not explored here.

This point, Chu Xiao can already be determined.

After all, there is no need for them to lie to themselves.

I already joined them, and if I still do that, there is no need at all.

Then they are like this, of course when they told themselves.

Of course, Chu Xiao also had greater expectations in his heart.

Because they have never explored here, that is to say, the things inside are still intact.

If something good is really going to happen next, maybe it will be a good luck for him.

When thinking of such a thing, Chu Xiao sighed.

I think it’s really that good.

So after thinking of this matter, he didn’t think about it so much.

After all, there is no need to struggle so much next.

They invite themselves to join them, which is also a recognition of themselves.

Then he wouldn’t mind anything.

After all, he didn’t want to explore here alone.

A few of them are better than 11 alone.

If you are alone, you may encounter even greater dangers and things that cannot be solved.

Then these few of them now, even if they encounter too much danger, they can join hands to deal with it.

It’s always easier than alone.

Of course Chu Xiao thought very clearly, so he didn’t refuse before.

He is also very clear about the current situation, and it is still quite good for him.

Because there is no need to worry so much, it has not been searched by them yet.

Then, they can also explore together.

This is a secret realm, and there must be many things and many good luck.

But whether it can be found is another question.

When Chu Xiao thought of this, there was no bottom in his heart.

As for the situation here, he naturally has no idea at all.

So if you want to find any benefits here, you may have to go through a lot of difficulties.

If you know the situation here, then naturally you don’t have to go through danger.

After all, just follow the route.

But I don’t know it. It seems that Song Zhiyi and the four of them don’t know.

Of this, Chu Xiao’s heart is certainly certain.

If they knew, they wouldn’t have to wait for his arrival.

I won’t invite him with him.

If they knew it, they would have been eager to clean up here after they came in.

How could it be possible to wait until I came in and then invite him to join.

So Chu Xiao is also very clear, and the analysis is also in place.

After thinking about this time, he didn’t continue to think about anything.

Because for him, there is no need for him to think about this situation.

Even if they encounter any danger, if the five of them face it, it shouldn’t be a big problem.

Here, each one has the Cultivation Base of the Sealed King Realm.

As for the strength, although I don’t know, but it must be very strong.

For this, Chu Xiao still has great affirmation in his heart.

Therefore, he also felt that he didn’t need to say so much next.

They have already answered their own questions, so next, he has to recover his own consumption.

Although it doesn’t seem to be a big problem now.

But only he knew that if he didn’t recover well, it would definitely be very dangerous afterwards.

Because his current body is already a bit tired.

If this continues, it will be a very dangerous thing for him.

So naturally he would not put himself in a dangerous situation.

After finally coming here, he didn’t want to let his life be lost here.

He could break through the siege of those people before.

It’s really too embarrassing to die here.

So at this moment, I was also very careful and did not act rashly.

“I didn’t expect you to hold this idea. It seems that I am really honored.”

Chu Xiao said with a smile.

Since the other party has such a good attitude towards him, of course he can’t give others a look.

After saying this sentence, he also laughed.

What he said was not too clear, and he didn’t say things simply and clearly.

But Chu Xiao knew very well that Song Zhiyi and the others should be able to guess what they were talking about.

So it was not as clear as it was said, it was just a simple sentence.

“Friend Chu Dao, I believe that with your joining, we will definitely sing all the way, and don’t have to worry so much!”

Song Zhiyi looked at Chu Xiao and said.

After all, the smile on his face became more.

He also knew that Chu Xiao should have known their thoughts.

It doesn’t matter, after all, this kind of thing is not shameless.

So when he said it, there was no problem.

On the contrary, in his opinion, this is a very normal thing.

After all, if there are too few people, you may not be able to take care of it.

Now that Chu Xiao has joined them, there is no need to worry about them.

Although he didn’t see Chu Xiao’s real strength.

But it was said before, that would definitely have this extremely powerful strength.

At that time, they can also become their strongest combat effectiveness, which is also a good thing.

That’s why Chu Xiao was invited to join a few of them before.

He has already agreed to 260, and he has nothing to worry about here.

Song Zhiyi had expectations in his heart at this time.

The same is true for several other people.

Finally came to such a secret, of course, it is necessary to search again.

They don’t know if they can come in again, so they must do it as soon as possible.

If there is really no opportunity to explore, it is a wasteful thing.

Now that Chu Xiao has joined them, they don’t have to make other plans next.

They all felt a little dangerous before.

But now it’s different, and I think this kind of thing is acceptable.

It may be a good thing for them to seize this opportunity.

Maybe it’s really possible to get the good fortune inside.

If they can get some good fortune here, that would be an excellent thing.

When you come to this deserted island treasure house, the most important thing is of course the treasure hunt.

Right now Chu Xiao agreed to their invitation so boldly, which of course made them happy.

Because they are now five people, if they want to explore in the secret realm, it is enough.

Before Chu Xiao came in, they were completely different, so of course their attitude was also very friendly.

With the addition of Chu Xiao, they will probably relax a lot. .

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