Chapter 603 Self-knowledge, defeat in the offensive!


The others took a breath.

They saw that Chu Xiao only severely injured Qilin with a simple sword.

In addition, that sword aura has a terrifying power.

In their opinion, this is really too scary.

Unexpectedly, Chu Xiao could have such a powerful and terrifying attack.

They had never thought of this before.

After seeing it now, I feel a little unbelievable.

Because they both felt that the two might have a more intense battle.

But I didn’t expect that Chu Xiao would seriously wound the Qilin with a simple sword.

Such things are shocking in their hearts now.

No matter what the matter is, it is now beyond their expectations.

Chu Xiao’s strength is beyond their imagination.

It is of course a very scary thing to be able to solve the unicorn so easily.

Because in their opinion, things may not happen so easily.

But Qilin was indeed seriously injured by Chu Xiao with a single sword.

Then they saw a simple sword, and Chu Xiao completely killed the unicorn!

In such a situation, there is no mess.

This time, everyone really didn’t expect it.

Since such a situation can happen, it is indeed shocking for them.

But fortunately, they also reacted now.

I think such a thing is still incredible.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, you might not believe that this will happen.

What happened now, Qilin had been solved by Chu Lei.

They didn’t expect that Chu Xiao could actually do this.

In this way, their current crisis has been lifted.

Now there are no other dangers.

This is of course a good thing for them.

So everyone has a smile on their face.

“Let me go, Chu Xiao actually did it, he even solved the unicorn by himself, his strength is terrible!”

Song Zhiyi looked there, swallowed, and exclaimed.

He also looked very excited at the moment.

Because of the strength that Chu Xiao showed, he now feels a little bit unbelievable.

So now, Chu Xiao is really the strongest existence among them.

In addition to this, if they are allowed to go up, they may not be able to achieve such an effect.

No wonder Chu Xiao was so relaxed before.

It turned out that his strength was already so strong.

This kind of thing, in the present, he feels a little unbelievable.

But such a thing really happened in front of him.

If he doesn’t believe it, he will feel sorry in his heart.

So he took a breath again, this kind of thing is really incredible.

Until now, he didn’t know what the process was like.

Because I feel that all this seems to be a dream.

“This is really terrible. It seems that Chu Xiao was already at an astonishing level when he was at the time. He is indeed the strongest among us. There are no surprises now!”

Ouyang Jian said in shock at this time.

He was indeed frightened.

For Chu Xiao’s previous attack, if he were to go up, he might not be able to bear it.

In this way, Chu Xiao’s strength, of course, is also surprisingly terrifying.

So he is still very excited.

Chu Xiao has such a strong strength, then if he encounters danger next, it should be easier.

For them, that is a great thing.

But we also know that there should be many dangers in the future.

After all, the unicorn I encountered now already had such a powerful strength.

If you encounter danger again next, perhaps it will be even stronger.

This point, he also thought very clearly in his heart.

But I haven’t thought about it so much now, because now it is something to be happy about.

The smile on his face also emerged.

This time Chu Xiao’s performance really made him feel incredible.

No matter what, Chu Xiao is an eye-opener for them.

“How could Chu Xiao’s strength be so terrible? Can he really have such strength in the Conferred King Realm?”

Ouyang Xue felt a little sluggish, and some couldn’t believe the current situation.

I feel that this series of things happened too suddenly.

Originally thought there would be a difficult duel, but Chu Xiao just took a sword and solved the Qilin.

…For flowers.

This is indeed a very scary thing.

But it was true, Chu Xiao was like this, and solved the unicorn.

And it happened in front of them.

In any case, Chu Xiao demonstrated terrifying strength this time and achieved the effect of completely suppressing the unicorn.

Estimated to die, Qilin may not know why this human will kill it so easily.

“Don’t be so surprised, this is a good thing for us, isn’t it?”

On the contrary, it was Chu Yu, he thought very clearly, with a faint smile on his face.

He knows that the stronger Chu Xiao’s strength is, the more benefits it will benefit them.

Of course it is something to be happy about.

However, there was still a certain vibration in his heart.


Although there was speculation before that Chu Xiao was terrible, but he didn’t expect it to be so terrible.

He is a sword repairman. As for Chu Xiao’s previous sword, he was shocked after seeing the sword.

Because in his opinion, he may not be able to bear it.

After the relaxation came over, I was still a little shocked, and it took a long time to disperse.

But after a while, everyone was shocked again!

“That’s a unicorn bead!!!”

Seeing a bead appeared, Chu Xiao held it in his hand.

Song Zhiyi exclaimed.

The other three people were like this, their bodies trembled.

There is a fiery color in the eyes.

But soon, they also knew that it was none of their business.

The Qilin was solved by Chu Xiao alone, and of course the beads belonged to him.

“Unexpectedly, this unicorn has already formed a unicorn bead, and Chu Xiao is really lucky this time.”

Ouyang Jian spoke with envy.

Just pure envy, no other ideas.

“Well, it’s a pity, if we can, maybe it’s ours.”

Ouyang Xue nodded, looked at Ouyang Jian and smiled.

It’s just that their defeat in the Qilin offensive is of course a pity.

“This is what Chu Xiao deserves, after all, we didn’t have much effort.”

Chu Yu spoke slightly beside him.

After everyone heard it, they all nodded one after another.

Of course, they are also aware of this matter, so they still have self-knowledge. Son,

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