Chapter 608 With a goal, strengthen your combat power!

Chu Xiao didn’t think about other things.

Because he knows that now he has a goal.

That is to keep going, and then arrive at that Great Hall.

But he also knows very well that he still needs to ask them what they think.

If they can accept it, then there is no need to think about it so much.

You can start directly.

If they have any opinions, they can also discuss it and see what they should do next.

Chu Xiao had already thought clearly in his heart.

He now has his own ideas.

But I don’t know what they think.

Next, I still have to ask.

Because this time has come, there are no other dangers here.

Now I want to ask something, then of course there will be no problem.

It seems that a few of them are somewhat happy now.

At this time, after I got rid of the unicorn by myself, of course it became safer here.

So they stay here for a while, of course there will be no problems.

Chu Xiao also knew that the next step should also be discussed.

He did not go too anxious.

Because he is not short of time here.

Because it’s better to be here than to be outside.

If you are outside, you will definitely encounter other races.

Then if they recognize themselves, they will definitely pursue and kill themselves.

Because they can’t wait to kill themselves, and then go to receive the reward above.

Chu Lei sneered in his heart.

He would not give them this opportunity.

After all, he felt that it was much safer and easier here than outside.

What’s more, it is possible to obtain treasures here.

He would naturally not refuse such things.

In any case, he has great expectations this time.

Chu Xiao still had a lot of doubts in his heart about what would happen next.

Because he didn’t know what kind of things were there.

If there is something that makes him feel heartwarming, of course it is the best.

But after thinking about it for a while, I feel that such a possibility is very low.

If this is really the case, he would be the chosen one.

Chu Xiao smiled in his heart now.

I feel that I think so, it is really a bit whimsical.

Then naturally he won’t think about that much anymore, this matter also depends on the next situation.

After all, I didn’t understand the situation here, I didn’t know what else was there, and what danger was still there.

If you think about it so much, it might not be realistic.

So of course Chu Xiao didn’t think about those things anymore.

For him, as long as he keeps going, he is already very satisfied.

If you can understand this secret realm clearly, it feels better.

But now it seems that there is no such opportunity.

After all, they are completely unfamiliar with this place, let alone explore it completely.

Chu Xiao also understood it very well in his heart, so of course he would not think so much.

The current situation, in his opinion, can be accepted by him.

Because there is no other danger, it is a very good thing for him.

He doesn’t have to trouble so much anymore.

After solving the Qilin, he didn’t have much idea.

Now it is fully supplemented.

So of course he doesn’t need to rest.

Even if he set off right away, it would have no effect on him.

Chu Xiao felt a little weird about such things.

I didn’t expect to recover so quickly.

However, if you can explore here clearly, you may also get more benefits.

But the danger in this, he thinks it should not be that simple.

After sighing in his heart, Chu Xiao didn’t think about it anymore.

Because there are still many unknown situations, and now I think about so many, the next result is not what I think now.

So of course he will not think about this issue again.

That way, it would also waste his time and energy, so it would be better not to think about it so much.

Chu Xiao shook his head, knowing what happened next is not something he can guess now.

So of course he will not think about it again.

But he also knew very well that he himself had to be vigilant about this matter.

In this, he didn’t know when he would encounter danger again.

Then of course he has to be more careful now than before.

Because once he is attacked, it will have a fatal impact on him.

…For flowers…………

If those people can’t handle it and he gets injured again, the situation will definitely be very bad.

So now I know that no matter what, he can’t get hurt again.

Once injured, his strength will certainly not be fully utilized.

At this point, Chu Xiao had already thought very clearly in his heart.

Then he naturally wouldn’t let himself fall into a dangerous situation.

If you can’t solve the danger, then join hands with others.

In his opinion, this idea of ​​his is also very good.

After all, the strength of several people is not weak, and all of them are in the Conferred King Realm.

Then once they join hands, maybe the strength will be very strong.

Of course he will not worry about the shortage of manpower.

When thinking of this, Chu Xiao also appeared with a smile on his face.

Because he also knows that everything has been arranged, let’s take a look now and talk to them.

If they can agree with their decision, it would be best.

At that time, there is no need to struggle so much.

After all, if there are too many differences and opinions, it will not take long before they will go their own way.

There is no problem for him. After all, he is alone and there is no great danger.

Even if he can’t deal with it, he has a chance to escape.

But other people are different.

Once there is any danger, it may not be able to react to it in the first time, or it may be able to help.

Then he also knew that of course several people had to work together.

If you are not united, have a lot of opinions, and everyone sees who is unhappy, then the problem will become very big.

When Chu Lei thought about this, he didn’t think about other things.

Because he also knows that this matter has reached a certain point.

Then, of course, I won’t worry about other things.

Chu Xiao knows that he can also talk to them well and talk about his plans.

His current purpose is to reach the ancient Great Hall he had seen before.

He wanted to clarify the other situation.

At the thought of this, Chu Xiao was completely determined, and would not change anything.

For that Great Hall, he felt it necessary to explore it!

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