Chapter 613 Go to the Great Hall, no time to delay!

At this moment, several people began to discuss one after another.

They are all talking about their ideas.

But soon, a decision was made.

Because of what Chu Yu said before, it really touched several other people.

Even Ouyang Xue now seems to have great expectations.

In this way, things come to an end here.

After all, no one is arguing anymore.

The matter has already had a certain result, and then, let’s see how it is decided.

“I think what Chu Yu said is pretty good. Then I have nothing else to say. Then move on. For that Great Hall, I think it should be a very good place.

Song Zhiyi nodded now and said with a smile.

He wanted to stick to his inner thoughts before.

But after thinking about it carefully, I also think it’s pretty good there.

That’s why I say it like it is now.

Otherwise, he will definitely stick to what he said before.

But now it’s different. After watching it for a while, he felt it was necessary.

If you don’t go to other places for the time being, there is no problem.

So now I also feel that it is really good to go to the Great Hall that Chu Yu said.

After saying this sentence, I didn’t add anything else.

Because he has already decided, of course he doesn’t need to add anything else.

After speaking at this time, I looked at other people.

He didn’t know what other people should think.

It’s already time to make a decision.

They have been here for a while.

If you keep on going like this, maybe there will be accidents afterwards.

For such a thing, he naturally did not want it to happen.

Because for him, there is indeed a great disadvantage.

So too lazy to think about it so much, just see how they decide next.

After all, even if they had a decision, it still had to see Chu Xiao in the end, he didn’t worry about it.

“I think there is this reason, then I will be like you, and I will continue to move forward, and that Great Hall will become our first choice!”

Ouyang Jian nodded with a smile at the moment.

He also changed his previous thoughts.

I feel that in this way, their decisions will be unified, and there will not be too many differences.

Then nothing else will happen.

After speaking, he was still looking forward to it in his heart.

He is not quite clear about the situation there.

But it looks like Chu Yu said it is still very old.

Then of course he has great expectations in his heart.

There must be a lot of things there.

However, the more things there are, the greater the danger.

For him, this matter must of course be paid attention to.

But this decision has already been made, and there is no need to think about other things.

Just be careful, there should be nothing.

What’s more, Chu Xiao is still there, so of course you don’t need to worry too much.

If Chu Lei made a move, perhaps he could also resolve the crisis.

For the next thing, of course, there is no need to think about that much.

He felt that this decision was very good, and it was also very reasonable.

As Chu Yu said before, he also had great expectations in his heart.

If the first step is to go to the Great Hall first, it is also a good choice.

Of course, you don’t need to think about it, so it’s a good decision.

Because they have already expressed their opinions before, everyone has expressed their own thoughts.

If it is now unified, it seems to be a very good thing.

That being the case, he didn’t think about it so much.

“Since the three of you have made such a decision, then I don’t have any problems. Then go to the Great Hall first. I don’t have any comments or anything to add.

After Ouyang Xue saw that several people had already made a decision, she said.

For this matter, she really has no other ideas.

Now that all three people have decided, of course she will obey the majority.

That Great Hall, she felt a little curious in her heart.

What Chu Yu didn’t say before, didn’t pay too much attention to it.

Now it seems that there are really some strange places there.

There is an ancient atmosphere, and it looks very vicissitudes. I don’t know how many years it has existed.

…For flowers

Compared with other places, it is also different.

That’s why she felt so curious in her heart, and immediately agreed to it.

But Chu Xiao has not yet expressed his opinion.

In this case, it seems that we should also listen to what he said.

After all, the final decision depends on Chu Xiao alone.

Then Ouyang Xue didn’t think too much, so she looked at Chu Xiao.

“Chu Xiao, what do you think of this decision? Do you have any ideas?”

Ouyang Xue looked at Chu Xiao and asked.

She felt that she still had to ask about this matter.

After all, I said before, Chu Xiao will be their leader.

If there are any questions, he will come to unify opinions.

So now they have all expressed their opinions, let’s see what Chu Xiao thinks.

If Chu Xiao goes to other places, then they can only follow.

After hearing Ouyang Xue’s words, several other people looked at Chu Xiao one after another.

They did not speak, because Ouyang Xue had asked the question before.

Now let’s see what Chu Xiao would think.

“I have the same idea as you, so you don’t have to argue so much next, you can start now.”

Chu Xiao said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, they unified their ideas so quickly, which was pretty good for him.

There is no need to say anything by yourself, no need to think about it.

After they have had a consistent idea, they can also set off.

Of course, he wanted it very much in his heart, eager to know the situation there.

Thinking of this, he didn’t want to add anything else.

I have already said it, and of course there is no need to say more about the others.

“Okay, then let’s set off. After all, I’m tired of staying here. It’s time to set off.”

Song Zhiyi said with a smile.

Several other people did the same, nodding their heads one after another.

Unexpectedly, Chu Xiao already had this idea, and of course it was a good thing for them.

So the next group of people all made a decision and set off towards the Great Hall.

At this moment, they also have great expectations in their hearts, and they don’t know what will be waiting for them there. Son,

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