Chapter 617 Be sincere and avoid killing!

After hearing Chu Yu’s words, several other people were stunned.

They had forgotten this before.

After being reminded now, I reacted to this all at once, and realized it thoroughly.

Originally thought what it was.

But I didn’t expect it to be this thing.

At first they thought there was something in the front, but after not seeing it, they didn’t think much about it.

Instead, he asked Chu Xiao, wanting Chu Xiao to tell them.

Chu Xiao didn’t say anything, which made them feel even more strange, thinking there was something about Chu Xiao.

Put the idea on this aspect.

After Chu Yu said it now, they all reacted at once.

So they all began to feel the front carefully.

After a while, the faces of all three people were shocked.

Because they really felt a strange breath, a restraining force.

That seems to be a very troublesome thing for them.

I don’t know what’s ahead, so I feel a little nervous in my heart.

If they encounter too big a problem, maybe they will have 300 big difficulties to deal with it.

When I got here, everyone’s face was unbelievable.

But they didn’t know what was going on at all.

At this moment, I felt a little strange, and felt a little shocked.

In the current situation, several people don’t know what to do.

Chu Xiao didn’t tell them, so he felt it by himself at this time.

But they didn’t have any thoughts in their hearts, and they didn’t know what to do.

“Chu Xiao, it turned out to be this. No wonder you didn’t move on and see if you were waiting for us. This is really great. Do you have any insights?”

Ouyang Jian said excitedly at this moment.

Chu Xiao should have felt it before.

But he didn’t leave them behind and move on, instead he waited for them to arrive.

That is of course a good thing for him.

Because Chu Xiao is the strongest among them.

If you don’t wait for them and move forward by yourself, maybe they will encounter great danger.

After knowing Chu Xiao’s intentions, I felt that this matter was incredible.

Because they had just advanced a distance, something happened again.

(bbbi) It seems that this situation is worse than before.

For him, this is really a very difficult thing.

Now let’s take a look at what Chu Xiao will say next.

If he thinks of a way, then they will definitely be more relaxed.

“This is really weird. It seems that there are also a lot of dangers here. The situation here is beginning to become a little more complicated.”

Ouyang Xue nodded beside her and said.

After saying this, he shook his head.

Knowing that this matter seems to be not that simple.

After such a situation, there is no other thought.

She knew that such a situation was also very dangerous for him.

Especially for a few of them, they are not very optimistic.

After all, no one knows what’s ahead.

If there is any horrible existence, it is really a terrible thing.

But Chu Xiao is not so tight now, she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

He didn’t have any unusual behaviors, so you can rest assured.

Ouyang Xue still thought very clearly in her heart.

Of course she didn’t continue to add anything.

Feeling that this matter, they still have to discuss further after a while.

After all, I don’t know what to do next.

It is not clear what exactly exists there.

For her, it seems to be a difficult thing to solve.

Of course I don’t have any ideas here, and I don’t have any other decisions.

So next, we still have to see how Chu Xiao chooses.

If he can arrange these things well, maybe it will be a good thing.

Then they don’t have to worry so much.

In this case, there is no need to bother.

Looking at Chu Xiao expectantly now, Ouyang Xue was also a little excited in her heart.

If Chu Lei could do anything, it should be better than them.

After all, he has rich experience, of course Chu Xiao said.

Not to mention that Chu Xiao is still their leader, it is better to listen to him.

“Chu Xiao, don’t keep silent. This is really uncomfortable. We will definitely be more careful next.”

Song Zhiyi spoke awkwardly now.

You must express your attitude in this matter.

After all, they had always been behind before and didn’t say anything.

And I didn’t feel other things.

Chu Xiao didn’t tell them before, it should be because of this incident.

Of course he thought about it, so he said.

If they make Chu Xiao dissatisfied, wait for Chu Xiao to leave them and act alone, that would be bad.

Because of that, it is a great loss for them.

He still didn’t think so much at this time, but looked at Chu Xiao seriously.

Because he also knows very well that he still needs to pay attention to this matter.

If they don’t even express their attitude clearly, Chu Xiao shouldn’t worry about them anymore.

It was already a good thing that Chu Xiao waited for them here before.

If he leaves here directly, maybe they will face greater danger next.

Of course he wants to express his attitude now, and he also wants to clarify these things.

They didn’t worry so much before, and they talked and laughed all the way to the present.

Chu Xiao hasn’t said a word even now, so he feels a little uncomfortable.

If you really have an opinion on them, it might become a troublesome thing too.

Chu Xiao, but a very strong person.

It is the strongest existence among them, the most powerful existence.

If this were to leave them and act alone, then they would not be so good.

So, of course, we have to express our attitude and make it clear.

The attitude of speaking is also very sincere, I hope Chu Xiao won’t mind anything.

If he cares about their previous situation, there is nothing he can do about it.

After all, things are already there, and if you start again, you should not have this chance.

So now I am acting very seriously, and I didn’t say anything more.

Because he was afraid that Chu Xiao would be annoyed by talking too much, he didn’t continue to consider this matter.

Brother and sister Ouyang are like this, looking at Chu Xiao’s face, there is a sincere look.

At the same time, they also recognized their mistakes.

Because before that, they had not been vigilant and did not take precautions.

Just laughed and talked all the way, without paying attention to the surrounding things.

Their current attitude is already very sincere, and their eyes are also very sincere. ,

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