Chapter 625 Great responsibility, the rise and fall of martial arts!

Seeing how hard they are now, Chu Xiao shook his head.

There is no way to help them now, so I can only watch.

Right now behind, Chu Xiao didn’t know what to do.

After all, it happened so suddenly that he didn’t react at once.

Now that he encountered such a thing, he felt a little uncomfortable.

But there is no other choice, they can only move on.

If you leave at this moment, maybe those few people won’t be able to accept it.

So he also knows that things are like this, after all, there is no solution now.

He also knows now that at this time, he doesn’t need to worry so much anymore.

“It seems that this matter is really troublesome

Chu Xiao secretly said in his heart.

Knowing the current situation also made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But there is no way, after all, it is all like this, almost as he thought.

He also felt that if there is no danger, it would be better.

After all, their current speed of 11 degrees is very slow and very difficult.

Even the magic weapons were put away, and they didn’t add to the burden on themselves.

Seeing how difficult they are at the moment, Chu Xiao shook his head.

It feels okay, I am not like them, otherwise, I will definitely feel very uncomfortable.

At this time, he didn’t hesitate so much, knowing that there is no way to solve this matter for the time being.

Of course, there is no more consideration now.

Thinking so much, it doesn’t do much good for him.

Now, he didn’t think about so many other things anymore.

At this moment, he knew that when things reached this point, he should pay more attention to it.

Although they said it was very difficult, he didn’t have any problems here.

Then I have greater responsibility here, and I need to pay attention to everything at all times.

Once something happened, he had to react immediately.

Because Song Zhiyi and the others didn’t even think about other things at all.

It’s a problem to move on at this moment, and it may be dangerous to distract you from thinking about other things.

The coercion was not a joke, but it was just for them.

Here, there is no big threat at all.

Therefore, Chu Xiao also knew that his next responsibility would be heavy, and no matter what, he had to pay attention to them.

Because they can’t be distracted to think about other things.

If he is in a situation like theirs, maybe he can’t say that he has so many ideas.

After all, they can only go outside the Great Hall if they move forward.

If you leave like this and go to other places alone, you will also have other dangers.

At that time, there will be no one to take care of.

If that were the case, it would be even more dangerous and more terrifying than it is now.

Chu Xiao thought about this very clearly, so of course he didn’t think about it so much.

At this time, he was vigilant around him, watching everything.

Because once something appears, he can react immediately.

You can take care of a few of them.

After all, they are all together, and of course he feels it is necessary to do this.

If they are allowed to bear the danger, it is not what he thinks in his heart.

Because he can’t do such a thing either.

After Chu Xiao made this decision, of course he didn’t consider other things.

His own responsibilities are heavy, and he is relatively clear now.

Then of course he has to pay more attention than other people, more careful and happy.

Otherwise, he might not be able to react to what happened suddenly.

Then of course he won’t happen like that.

So he is more careful than anyone at this moment, and more vigilant about everything around him than anyone else.

“Damn it, this situation is really uncomfortable, and I don’t even feel it can accept it now, it feels like a mountain of hundreds of thousands of kilograms is pressing on my body!”

Ouyang Jian spoke at the moment, cursing.

His face turned pale at the moment.

Knowing that the situation at this time is not optimistic, not only here, but also a few others.

After he finished saying this sentence, he could only sigh in his heart.

After all, there is no other way. Everyone is the same.

When Chu Xiao said it before, they were already very vigilant.

But when I was under such pressure suddenly, I naturally felt a little uncomfortable, and some couldn’t accept it.

“It’s so uncomfortable, no matter how you reduce the weight on your body, the speed of advancement is still so slow, and I don’t know when I can get there.”

There was also a pale color on Ouyang Xue’s small face, and she didn’t look very relaxed either.

It looks like this is really unacceptable.

“Don’t say so much, this situation has already occurred, and Chu Xiao has already told us before, let’s move on now, stick to it, there should still be a chance.”

Song Zhiyi said with a smile.

But his smile also looked very pale, and there was almost no blood on his face.

It can be seen that he is already very uncomfortable at this time.

Everyone was breathing heavily for each next step.

In addition to this, the speed of advancement is also slower.

Chu Yu didn’t speak, but his face was the same as the others, some 307 pale.

At the same time, there was a great shock in my heart, and I didn’t expect such a thing to happen.

In this way, they seemed to have some difficulty in reaching the outside of that Great Hall.

Thinking of this, he felt a little unacceptable.

This coercion is also unbearable for them.

There is no way, after all, things are destined to happen.

I didn’t feel it before, and I thought it would be a good thing for them.

But now that this happened, I knew it was still unavoidable.

That is of course a bad situation for them.

After a few people finished speaking at this moment, they were all panting and had to stop.

Because this is really tiring and burdens them a lot.

Then several people also looked at Chu Xiao behind them.

But when they saw Chu Xiao, their faces were all shocked.

Because each of them was sweating profusely and their faces were very pale.

But after seeing Chu Xiao, everyone felt a little bit unbelievable, and even felt extremely shocked in their hearts.

They can see that Chu Xiao seems to be just like a okay person, diametrically opposite to their situation.

In addition to this, walking around at this moment seemed to be very casual, and soon stood in front of them!

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