Chapter 632 Admire the courage, the mighty warrior!

Several people looked at the figure of Chu Xiao walking forward, with anticipation in their eyes.

Because Chu Xiao is going to explore the way for them again and check the situation ahead.

For such things, they are naturally very grateful in their hearts.

If it weren’t for Chu Xiao here, then perhaps they would have been in danger for a long time.

Or they have to exit this secret realm.

But now there is nothing more, Chu Xiao is the first to check the situation for them.

Then they don’t have to worry so much here.

It’s just that the force of coercion right now makes them feel some difficulties.

But no one wants to stay at this time.

After all, staying here is not a solution.

Of course, we must continue to move forward at the moment, and we can’t take it lightly.

Although Chu Xiao found the way for them in front, they still had to stay vigilant.

No one is sure if anything else will happen next.

Naturally, it is better to be careful.

“I don’t know if we will be able to go to the other side. With our current situation, it looks a bit unsettled.”

Ouyang Jian muttered at the moment.

I feel that if they want to go to the other side in this situation, it might be really impossible.

Because 310 is only halfway there for them, it is already that simple.

There is still half the distance behind it, and whether they can bear it or not is an unknown matter.

But from his point of view, hope should be very slim.

After all, at this time, he can feel his own uneasiness.

Not to mention the same goes for several other people.

They are taking the next step again now, but it is more difficult than before.

Everyone’s face paled again.

Fortunately, after a period of rest, it is not so difficult to accept.

“There is no way. Who can make our strength worse than Chu Xiao? There is such a thing right now. Chu Xiao will explore the way for us. This is already very interesting. How far we can go next depends only on our own. NS.”

Song Zhiyi sighed beside him and said.

Knowing this is also an unavoidable problem for them.

No matter how difficult it will be next, it all depends on them.

After all, Chu Xiao really has no other way.

It is already a very good thing to be able to take a look at the previous situation for them now.

In this way, even if there is any danger, Chu Xiao can detect it first and discover it first.

Then they will certainly not be so difficult, and they can relax.

But I don’t know how far they can go.

Because there is still half a distance to get outside of the Great Hall.

Facing this last distance, he felt it would be extremely difficult.

At this moment, I feel difficult to move, let alone the next distance.

But if you give up at this moment, it is of course unacceptable.

It’s not only that he can’t accept it here, but also a few other people.

He is naturally able to see it now.

Because everyone has dissatisfaction on their faces, it shows that they don’t want to give up at this time.

“That’s right, after all, it is impossible to say that we have been relying on Chu Xiao all the time. We have to prove ourselves now. No matter what, I hope we can reach the opposite side together.

Ouyang Xue said with a serious face.

She looked at Chu Xiao’s back and became more serious now.

After all, on the way here, they really wanted Chu Xiao to help too much.

Now, of course, they don’t have to think about it any more, and they can only rely on themselves.

This is also an opportunity, an opportunity to challenge yourself.

So naturally she can see it clearly, and she won’t give up so quickly.

After saying this sentence at this moment, Ouyang Xue took another step unconvinced.

When it fell completely, they were all panting.

(bbbi) Obviously it is not easy.

“Try it, after all, I’m not sure I can go to the other side.”

Chu Yu laughed softly.

He is not as serious as the expressions of a few people now.

After all, how far you can go, all this can only be up to you.

He wouldn’t think there is anything here.

But after seeing Chu Xiao moving forward, he also began to squint his eyes.

He also felt that people like Chu Xiao really really admired them.

So he began to put away his previous thoughts, and now he started to become serious.

Of course he wouldn’t think so much anymore, but took a step out again with a solemn expression on his face.

When he fell this step, it was not as difficult as Ouyang Xue.

At this time, he was in the forefront except Chu Xiao.

This can also prove that his strength is stronger than the other three.

Others saw that Chu Yu had taken another step, so naturally they would not be willing to fall behind.

All began to take action at this time.

But every time they advance, they will also face great coercion, which has a great impact on them.

Every step forward, the feeling gets stronger.

It didn’t take long for several people to pale again and sweat profusely.

Because of this short distance, it is not easy for them. In contrast, it is more difficult than before.

In fact, the situation here is a bit bad for them.

It is indeed a very difficult thing to reach the opposite side completely.

In addition to this point, they also knew that there would be no good way.

Everyone also felt a little heavy in their hearts.

If it really goes on like this, maybe they can’t go far, they can only retreat.

Because now they can feel that extremely terrifying coercion descending on them.

It’s like carrying a huge mountain on your back. Every time you advance, the next time it will become extremely difficult.

Except for Chu Xiao, all of them felt a little unbearable in this situation.

But when they raised their heads again and looked in front of them, they were all stunned.

Because they see now that Chu Xiao is already a long way away from them.

And now it seems that he can still move forward easily.

After seeing this scene, of course they felt a little unbelievable.

At the same time, my heart was extremely shocked.

Chu Xiao actually walked so far, not the same as them, but now he is still very relaxed.

For them, this is really a very scary thing.

Chu Xiao was able to go there without any impact, it really made them feel very shocked!

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