Chapter 648 Wrong choice, especially worried!

Everyone present also became shocked again.

They are very clear, and what Chu Yu said seems to be very reasonable.

Because it is impossible for them to do this themselves, they have done nothing before.

But such a thing happened, and it is indeed very difficult.

And they all knew they didn’t do it here, so besides them, there was only Chu Xiao here.

There is no other existence here, they know this.

If except for Chu Xiao, then they don’t know what the reason is.

So they felt that the big reason should be Chu Xiao.

It was determined before that Chu Xiao had entered the illusion, so it should be because of Chu Xiao.

Otherwise, there will be such a situation here, and of course they will not believe it -.

In this way, Chu Xiao seems to really be able to do this.

It seems that Chu Xiao really did it.

But after having such thoughts, everyone was staring at Chu Xiao.

But after they watched it for a while, they didn’t find anything strange.

Because Chu Xiao’s body did not move at all now, nor did he fully recover.

So why can this be done?

This also makes everyone feel even more strange in their hearts now.

Knowing this thing seems to be really not easy, it is incredible.

If it is Chu Xiao, why has he not responded yet? This is a question worthy of doubt.

I don’t know what the situation is, such a thing happened at this time.

In this way, several of them did not endure the same situation as before.

This is of course a very good thing for them.

There is no need to worry so much now, and I am thinking about this issue at this time.

Because I think it’s better to figure out this kind of thing.

If nothing is clear, it really prevents them from moving forward.

There is a big threat in this, and they are very clear about this.

For example, Chu Xiao doesn’t have any reaction right now, maybe he is already deep in the illusion.

Such a thing is not impossible.

Everyone is also very clear, thinking that this may have been made by Chu Xiao.

But why Chu Xiao’s body is still motionless now, this is a question worth thinking about.

And this is indeed a very weird thing.

But after thinking about it for a while, they didn’t think of any good solutions.

In this way, this kind of thing is really too strange.

Even if they think about it now, they can’t think of a good way.

Of course, they will not act rashly at this time.

Because there are really too many dangers here, if they have an accident, no one can help them.

Everyone knows that they have to calm down at this time.

If it is too impulsive, this may be a very fatal thing.

At this time, everyone had their eyes closed, all of them were looking at each other.

We all know that what happened this time was really too sudden.

They are still a little unacceptable.

But there is no way, because all this really happened.

And they felt it carefully, and they didn’t feel anything too dangerous.

In this way, they know that things seem to be true, and it’s not that simple.

If anything happens next, they will definitely be very dangerous here.

For them, of course this is a very dangerous situation.

But there was no way, because it was all here, and Chu Xiao didn’t have any movement.

Although Chu Xiao should have done this, why is there no movement in Chu Xiao’s body?

This is a very strange thing, and it makes them puzzled.

No way, because after they thought for a while, they still didn’t think of any good way.

There is also no good explanation.

In this case, everyone feels that things seem to make them feel a little headache.

There is no way, now I can only feel everything around here.

I want to see if anything else happens around here.

But after everyone waited for a while, nothing else was discovered at all, and there were no other problems.

…Please ask for flowers………

That is a very good thing, but it is also a headache.

Because I don’t know what this is because of, and why it happened.

Even if Chu Xiao did it, it seemed incredible.

“This is really weird, weird, if Chu Xiao did it, then why hasn’t he come out yet? There is no movement, is it possible that he really has an accident in the illusion?!

Song Zhiyi said with some doubts at this time.

Speaking of the last time, his face also became difficult to look instantly.

If this is really the case, then they will really lose out this time.

But there is no other way, and now I can only guess at this time.

“I think it is also. In our place, there should be nothing else except Chu Xiao’s words. It is very possible that Chu Xiao will do this, but there is no response from him. This makes me even more worried. ”

Ouyang Jian also said at this time.

Knowing this matter, it seems that it is really difficult to solve.

Because it is not clear what is going on, and I can’t think of any clues.

“What you said makes sense, it seems that this is really what Chu Xiao did, but he hasn’t responded yet, but it makes me more worried now!”

Ouyang Xue also spoke at this moment.

Knowing that this matter is not easy, and that the situation in Chu Xiao’s place seems very dangerous.

It’s been too long, and Chu Xiao didn’t even have any reaction.

Their coercion here has completely disappeared.

But Chu Xiao didn’t have any movement, this is indeed a very dangerous thing.

If Chu Xiao really had an accident, then they would really become very self-blaming here.

I really can’t believe it. The current situation is really unacceptable.

At the same time, several other people were worried at this time.

There was no response from Chu Xiao. It had been a long time, so of course they would be very worried.

They don’t want Chu Xiao to have trouble there, because they can’t accept that.

At this point, everyone felt very complicated in their hearts, and they were still worried about Chu Xiao. Son,

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