Chapter 658 Go into battle, the hope of genius!

After everyone had finished speaking these words, they also seriously plunged into the battle.

At this time, there is no more to say.

Because they all know that there is nothing to say now.

Just be careful now, and there shouldn’t be any major problems.

Chu Xiao has already said, just let them drag the black dragons.

As for the others, there is no need for them to say anything.

In this way, it is also a very good thing for him.

After all, you don’t need to think about it any more, just need to hold the black dragons.

Such things are a very simple thing for them.

Just be careful, it shouldn’t be a big problem.

Therefore, in everyone’s heart, Chu Xiao should have great certainty.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t say that.

So of course they are looking forward to that step in their hearts.

As long as Chu Xiao can do this, they should be safe at that time.

And they also believe in Chu Xiao’s strength very much.

With his strength, it shouldn’t be difficult to do this.

So in this case, of course they are very much looking forward to it.

I hope to see that scene and see that Chu Xue kills all the black dragons.

In this case, of course it will become a very good thing.

At that time they can also break the formation and enter the Great Hall.

This kind of thing, they are already thinking clearly in their hearts.

As long as this is the case, there won’t be too many problems.

After thinking it all over, there is nothing else to think about, and nothing to say.

Chu Xiao had already said very clearly, just let them drag the other black dragons.

He was there himself, and he was fighting against the five black dragons himself!

After seeing this scene, everyone actually felt a little shocked in their hearts.

After all, if Chu Xiao did this, then the risk would definitely be greater than what they are here.

So everyone is afraid to rush now.

At this time, every shot was done with full strength, and I didn’t want Chu Xiao to deal with so many by himself.

Because in that case, there is also a great threat, and of course they are sorry.

At this time, I certainly hope to help Chu Xiao share a little bit.

If Chu Xiao had to do it all by himself, then things would really be too much trouble.

So they don’t let this happen, and they don’t think there is anything in it.

They just need to be more serious, and then they will help Chu Xiao to hold on, there won’t be any big problems.

Because of this, of course they have to be extra careful.

Because they had dragged the black dragons now, the fighting situation in Chu Xiao was also extremely fierce.

When seeing this scene, everyone didn’t think so much in their hearts.

They also knew very well that they really could only hold on to others, and they could not help.

So what will happen next, then it all depends on Chu Xiao.

If Chu Xiao can solve all those dragons, then he can help them solve all the other black dragons.

After everything is solved, maybe this formation will be broken.

Then they can also enter the Great Hall.

When they thought of this, they began to get serious, and constantly confronted those black dragons.

Because they knew that they couldn’t let these black dragons attack Chu Xiao again.

Chu Xiao has already dealt with too many black dragons, and if the black dragon they deal with here passes, it will definitely be very dangerous.

Although I can’t help much, it’s still okay.

Therefore, in everyone’s heart, they don’t think so much anymore.

Because they all know that this matter has reached a critical time.

Of course no problems can arise next.

Chu Xiao also looked very fierce and extremely dangerous.

If you are not careful, you may be very threatened.

Of course, they don’t want such a thing to happen.

Once such a thing happens, they will be very dangerous here.

Because this is the time, although you can’t take it lightly.

The others are not what they should think about.

If you think about it so much, it won’t be of much benefit to them.

Now that this point has been reached, what we need to do next is naturally to be more careful.

It would be much better to hold the black dragons and let them not have any big problems here.

…Please ask for flowers………

So at this time, everyone’s hearts were already thinking very clearly.

They also know what they are going to do and what they should not do.

If you can’t completely solve those black dragons, then they should be more careful. This is not a problem.

If it can be solved, then they will not let go of the opportunity and directly take action to solve it.

But at the moment there has not been such a situation, and there is no such opportunity, then it is better for them to be honest.

At the same time everyone knows that they cannot be aggressive at this time, nor can they be arrogant.

If they are injured here, then Chu Xiao will definitely have a lot of trouble.

Thinking of this, of course they can’t do that.

At this time everyone also put their hope on Chu Xiao.

It is impossible for them to solve the current situation here.

So Chu Xiao also became the hope of all of them.

As long as Chu Xiao can get rid of those black dragons, they can leave here completely.

In this way, of course, there is no need to think about it so much.

So I also know that the boat is sailing carefully, so everyone is very cautious now.

At this time, they are constantly observing the situation on Chu Xiao’s side.

If something dangerous really happens there, they will have to take action at that time.

After all, they had already dragged down the other black dragons, so Chu Xiao still faced a lot of them.

This scene made everyone very surprised.

The fighting situation there was too fierce, and Chu Xiao faced more black dragons.

For them, it also made them feel a little scalp numb.

If they are allowed to go, it is probably impossible to say that this step can be achieved.

So it is clear that they are not going to hesitate anymore.

I didn’t think about it so much, so I sighed at this moment.

At this time, he kept making shots with those black dragons again, and kept facing each other.

In this formation, the loud noise has not stopped, it is still coming out continuously.

Others are also very clear that their hope can only be placed on Chu Xiao, and Chu Xue is their hope!

As long as Chu Xiao solves those black dragons, things will definitely get better!

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