Chapter 674 Be prepared for danger in times of peace, revealing mystery!

Everyone was watching Chu Yu walking out at this time.

They are very clear, and it is estimated that they can see a wonderful scene at once.

After all, Chu Yu is going to surrender that sword, it is estimated that it will require a certain amount of energy.

In other words, there will be some trouble at that time.

Otherwise, it must be impossible to say that you can easily surrender.

Because they can already see that the sword is extremely difficult.

Once something happened, it would definitely not be easily surrendered by Chu Yu.

At that time, there may be resistance.

There is a look of expectation in everyone’s eyes.

After all, Chu Yu is a swordsman, so after getting that sword, his strength will definitely rise.

They did not have any surprises on this point, and it was completely certain.

In this way, “Three Three Seven” is certainly something to look forward to for them.

I don’t know what will happen next.

If Chu Yu can really do this, of course it would be the best.

But they are also very clear that what they can do before and now they can only wait.

If Chu Yu can do this, of course he will have a lot of benefits.

At this time, everyone has the same idea in their hearts.

And all their eyes were on Chu Yu walking out.

It’s already a complete decision, and it all depends on Chuyu’s.

It has nothing to do with them next.

Now let’s see if Chu Yu can do this.

If he can do this thing well, then the following benefits will definitely be great.

And being able to surrender that sword is of course a very good thing, and perhaps it will all be a big benefit.

Then of course they have nothing to be jealous of here.

After all, they are all together, of course you don’t need to be jealous of this kind of thing.

Because here they haven’t started investigating.

If there is anything, it will definitely benefit them.

And there is no need to worry so much, just wait here quietly at this time.

Not for others, they should worry about it now.

Chu Yu had already walked out at this time, so of course they had to stop any problems that followed.

If danger arises, these few of them are responsible for facing it.

Chu Yu still had to surrender the sword, so naturally there would be no time.

It just didn’t start now.

“You said, wait a moment if Chu Yu surrenders that sword, will there be any danger at that time, or touch other organs?”

Song Zhiyi said cautiously at this time.

He also had this idea in his heart.

It seems like this is very possible.

If something like this does happen by then, it may not be a good thing for them.

But Chu Xiao is here, and it doesn’t seem to be a big problem.

If this happens, Chu Xiao can deal with it alone.

Then they won’t have any big problems here.

There were only four of them left at this time, and Chu Wangyu already had other things.

If there are any problems, you can only rely on a few of them.

So I still want to discuss this kind of thing with everyone.

After Song Zhiyi finished speaking, he didn’t go any further.

It’s already very clear, so we have to look at what the other people think.

If their ideas are different from their own, they can start the discussion.

So Song Zhiyi’s heart is very clear that they naturally have to discuss such things.

When this time has come, it is of course to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

It should be said that no danger has been seen at this time, so we must be prepared.

It took him so long to come here, and he has already learned this.

Even if you are in a safe place, you have to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

Because no one knows whether there will be any other dangers next.

It was very unusual for him to look inside this Great Hall.

So there is nothing wrong with saying these things at this time.

After Song Zhiyi finished saying this sentence, he didn’t say anything else.

Because he also knows that it is better to discuss things step by step.

If there are a lot of words here, it will be messed up after a while.

Of course he would not do this, because it would be too much trouble.

If you have any questions, discuss them slowly, and just talk about them slowly.

For other things, you don’t need to think about it so much, and you can put it aside for the time being.

“I think it is really possible. It seems that we have to be more vigilant, and we have to look at Chu Yu a little bit. There should be a dangerous situation in his place.”

Ouyang Xue nodded and said something seriously.

Of course she also felt that something should happen later.

Otherwise, it would be an eye-opener.

So there is a palace guarding formation outside, but it doesn’t mean that there is no danger in it.

They naturally have to do this, and they have to be vigilant at all times.

Although it is very safe at this time, so you have to think about the next thing.

If you don’t want to be good, then you will be caught off guard for what happens suddenly next.

When it comes to facing things, it will definitely be more troublesome than it is now.

Ouyang Xue did not say any more, she had already expressed her opinion and said what she wanted to say.

Others just look at what other people say.

“There is indeed something not very simple here, and it seems to be a little weird. Apart from Chu Yu, we have other things to worry about. Then we can’t be distracted. We must be vigilant.

Ouyang Jian nodded solemnly at the moment.

He also felt that they were only temporarily safe at this time.

I’m not sure what too much of 1.8 will happen next.

If there is any major problem, it may be dangerous for a few people to face it.

So you can’t let yourself be too lighthearted here, you must take all of this seriously.

All the way to here, he felt that there were many dangers everywhere.

In this case, it is natural to make it clear at this time.

Not only that, but everything must be arranged properly.

Although they say they are safe now, they still have to think about what will happen next.

Also pay attention to the situation inside.

After all, no one can say whether there will be any other dangers.

This Great Hall seems to be a bit too simple, and it also reveals mystery. ,

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