Chapter 693 Luo Tian Linglong Tower, unexpectedly appeared!


After a few rounds of the war, Chu Xiao confronted the Great Sage Potian with the palms of his hands, and then withdrew from each other.

After the two sides stopped, they both looked at each other.

In his heart, the Great Sage Po Tian felt very ~ uncomfortable.

Because Chu Xiao is also very tricky for him.

It is really not easy to get rid of it.

So here, he didn’t want to continue doing it anymore.

At this time, I also want to see what I should do next.

After all, Chu Xiao’s strength is really too strong, to an outrageous point.

I have never seen someone like Chu Xiao.

He even used his Cultivation Base to deal with his own existence.

This kind of thing can’t be accepted by anyone.

Because what Chu Xiao did was really horrible, I felt a little frightened when I thought about it.

Several times before, I was almost attacked by Chu Xiao.

If you were really attacked and fell on you at that time, maybe it won’t be that simple.

When things have progressed to the present, the Great Sage knows that there are some difficulties.

But there is no way, and now I don’t want to use my own means.

If you use your own means so quickly, you may be laughed at.

Because Chu Xiao’s Cultivation Base is there, it can have such terrible strength.

If he can’t solve it here, it is simply a joke.

So the Great Sage is thinking about this in his heart.

Thinking about how to solve Chu Xiao quickly next.

“This kid is really not easy, it seems that I can only spend a little more thought next.

The Great Sage Breaking the Sky murmured in his heart at this time.

I know that no matter what, I can’t let go of this opportunity this time.

So at this time, of course, there is no need to think about it.

There is absolutely no way for Chu Xiao to let him run away, just want to kill him this time.

If you just run away, you will miss the best opportunity.

Because there is no other person here, and no one will snatch Chu Xiao’s life with him.

Then this is of course the best opportunity, no one will interfere with him.

If there are other people involved, it might not be as easy as it is now.

The current situation is already very good for him.

That’s already a situation like this, so of course, you can’t let yourself be taken lightly.

Because of course Chu Xiao’s strength is recognized

It is of course not to be underestimated to have such a Cultivation Base, and then have such terrible strength.

“Well, you Chu Xiao, I didn’t expect that within a short period of time, you would have made such progress. It seems that I really underestimated you, but you still have no chance.”

The Great Sage Po Tian said at this moment.

After saying this, he narrowed his eyes, and there was a dangerous light in them.

He was completely prepared, and he had plans for the next thing in his heart.

Then of course he wouldn’t worry so much now.

When things came to the present, he just wanted to solve Chu Xiao as soon as possible.

As long as you do, all the rewards offered are your own.

Thinking of this, Great Sage Po Tian couldn’t help laughing.

Knowing that this time is already an excellent opportunity.

If you miss this opportunity, you won’t be so lucky next time.

At this moment, I set my gaze on Chu Xiao, wanting to see something.

“I said, if you want to kill me, then you can use your strength, otherwise you can’t do it, maybe I will kill you first.”

Chu Xiao looked at each other with a smile on his face.

He knew that he was doing this to anger the Great Sage.

Maybe if this is done, then he will have a chance.

If the stalemate continues, it is not a solution.

Because of its own consumption is also a very serious problem.

What’s more, several other people are not easy.

Although it looked like nothing before, he looked at it again and found that they were not so relaxed either.

If this continues, it must be a very dangerous thing.

So he doesn’t want this situation to continue.

After all, the opponent’s Cultivation Base realm is higher than his own. If he is exhausted, the opponent will still have more energy.

So taking advantage of the fact that he can still compete with the Great Sage, that is of course to do this as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the more dangerous things become later, Chu Xiao thinks very clearly.

After saying this, he looked at each other earnestly.

Chu Xiao knows very well that he has nothing to hesitate when things have developed to the present.

…For flowers…………

In fact, he can still contend with the Great Sage Po Tian, ​​and even face-to-face confrontation, but if it takes a long time, then he won’t know.

After thinking it through, Chu Xiao certainly wouldn’t shrink back.

Because he knows that this matter is also very important to him.

Therefore, the opponent must be dealt with.

Only in this way can I be worthy of the help of a few other people.

Otherwise, Chu Lei would feel sorry for them.

“Then I will let you see what is called a power gap, something that is high and thick!”

Hearing Chu Xiao’s words, the Great Sage Breaking the Sky didn’t get angry but smiled, and his face instantly became cold at this moment.

There was a strong killing intent in his eyes.


For the first time in so long, a junior has spoken to himself like this.

At this moment, the breath on the body seemed to have exploded to the extreme, and a terrible pressure came!

At this moment, the body disappeared in place, and when it appeared, it still came in front of Chu Xiao.

But when he just appeared, Chu Xiao fell with a sword!

“Damn it!”

The Great Sage Po Tian cursed secretly at this time, knowing that he was a little anxious this time.

It seemed that Chu Xiao had been prepared long ago and was waiting for his own shot.

At this moment, he escaped the terrible sword energy of Chu Xiao’s sword dangerously and dangerously, and he had to withdraw from his body.

After stopping, Great Sage Po Tian had an ugly look on his face, knowing that he had slapped himself in the face this time.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Xiao was forced to retreat.

How can he endure such a thing?

“Okay, very good, you are indeed worthy of my seriousness now!”

After the Great Sage Potian slowed down at this time, he was about to be a little frustrated.

But I tried my best to endure it, knowing that it couldn’t be done, otherwise, it would be too shameful.

He knew very well that this time he couldn’t go on like this anymore.

You must use your own means as soon as possible, otherwise Chu Xiao will really have a hard time coping, and this has to be admitted.

“Luotian Linglong Tower!!”

The Great Sage Breaking the Sky stared at Chu Xiao steadily at this moment, and then said it word by word.

It was also at this moment that a small tower suddenly appeared in front of him, with nine floors, exuding glazed radiance, it looked very good just like that!

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