Chapter 735 If you don’t give a way to survive, you can only fight hard!

Looking at that unicorn, Chu Xiao knew that it would certainly not be too simple.

Because that body has a breath of extremely pounding phosphorus.

If you are confronted with that unicorn, it shouldn’t be so easy.

But Chu Xiao knows very well that if you don’t try something like this and leave like this, it seems really unacceptable.

Except for this, he didn’t want to do nothing.

What’s more, even if you leave like this, you don’t know if you can leave. This is also an unknown.

So he also knows very well that he still needs to take a look at this matter.

If there is really too much danger, he will naturally not be able to deal with it here.

There are not too many solutions, and there is no good solution to this matter.

If he wants to give it a try, he will surely fight after a while.

Therefore, this is also a very dangerous thing.

But there is no other way, no matter what, he must do it.

If you don’t do this kind of thing, there is no way.

What’s more, some of them don’t seem to want to leave yet.

In this way, it is a very dangerous thing.

But I have no choice but to take them here because it is their choice.

And he has no chance to be distracted.

Because of a slight negligence, he might be injured here.

Of course it is impossible to do this, and this matter can only be left behind.

The problem he faces now is not just as simple as Emperor Li Jiuxian.

Now there is another exquisite unicorn.

Looking at the other person, Chu Xiao knew that this time he was going to be more troublesome than before.

At this time, he can’t let himself be too distracted.

If something unexpected happens all of a sudden, it will definitely be even more dangerous here.

Of course, Chu Xiao didn’t want to accept such a thing.

But there is no other way. Such a situation has already appeared.

If he can’t solve it, then he will be solved by himself.

After thinking it through, Chu Xiao didn’t think about anything else.

Knowing that this time I was obviously more dangerous than before.

But he didn’t want to back down at this time.

It’s impossible for him to see here and just want to run away.

Unless he can’t handle it next time, otherwise he would never do it.

If you can beat them, of course it is the best.

If it doesn’t work, it seems that I have to find a way to leave here.

Of course he would not be reconciled if he left like this now.

Chu Xiao had already thought very clearly in his heart, so he would not dwell on this matter.

If you are too entangled, of course this is not a good thing.

Now that the situation has developed, there is nothing to say about it.

Be careful. This shouldn’t be a big problem.

Chu Xiao has already thought very clearly, so he won’t back down temporarily at this time.

There is danger right there, and he will not escape at this time.

Wait a moment and see if you can take them.

If they can beat them, then they don’t have to leave here anymore, and leave without thinking.

After Chu Xiao thought it through, of course he made up his mind.

No matter how dangerous it is, he is going to try it.

“It seems that the other party doesn’t want to give a way to survive!”

After seeing the eyes of Emperor Jiuxian, Chu Xiao said in his heart.

Because the opponent’s eyes are full of killing intent!

After seeing that gaze, Chu Xiao knew that the other party didn’t want to survive for himself, or for others.

From that look, it’s as if you are going to kill them all here.

Without thinking about it so much, he also knew that no matter what, he was going to try it.

If it can, of course it is the best thing.

Because he didn’t want to leave at this time, because he was unwilling.

But this still depends on what happens next.

If it really doesn’t work, there is really no other way.

“You don’t have to think about it so much, because you can’t leave here!

The Great Nine Immortals spoke coldly at this moment, seeming to see through Chu Xiao’s mind.

After saying these words, Linglong Qilin came to kill at this moment!

When Chu Xiao saw this, naturally he did not dare to rush.

Knowing the power of this beast soul, he certainly wouldn’t let himself be taken lightly.

Because it is too lax to explain, this is of course a very dangerous thing.

So he wouldn’t let himself fall into that situation, so he just rushed out at this moment.

Know that the situation is terrible, but not too passive.

Once that happens, he won’t have any chance, and even a few other people will be in great danger.

Chu Xiao thought things clearly in his heart, so he knew that he had to do his best at this time.

If it doesn’t work, then it can only be withdrawn.

But it is obviously not easy to leave here.

After thinking about it all at this time, Chu Xiao didn’t think about that much anymore.

In the time of two breaths, he was already close to Linglong Qilin. After approaching, Chu Xiao swung his sword instantly!

Of course he can’t give the other party a chance. If he is really injured, then he wants to leave here, it is absolutely impossible.

So he knew that he couldn’t let himself get hurt so quickly 383.

If it really doesn’t work, he will find a way to leave here.

After you have made a decision in your heart, of course you will not take it lightly.

What will happen in the end? Of course he won’t struggle so much at this time.

In an instant, he fought with Linglong Kirin, and the sound of collision continued to be heard.

After a few rounds, Chu Xiao knew very well that the strength of this unicorn was much stronger than before.

In addition to this, it is very difficult to deal with it by myself.

And now I feel a little struggling.

It is true that the strength of this beast soul is beyond one’s imagination.

Chu Xiao thought of this, knowing that it is not that simple to settle the matter.

If you can get rid of this unicorn, it might be an opportunity for yourself.

But if you want to do this, it is of course very difficult.

Chu Xiao had already thought very clearly in his heart, so of course he would not worry about this matter again.

If you entangle this matter again, it may become a big trouble.

After thinking about it, Chu Xiao’s attack became even more fierce, without any slack.

Every time an attack falls, it is a very tricky position.

However, the speed of this unicorn was also very fast, and many of his attacks were defeated.

But I can’t be too careless here, some attacks still have to be avoided.

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