Chapter 737 With more bullying and less, the situation changes!

“You don’t have to do unnecessary struggles. Your partners will also die. It’s just that I will solve you first.

The Great Nine Immortals looked at Chu Xiao in front of him and said.

Seeing Chu Xiao looking a little strenuous, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Of these intruders, he certainly would not let go of them.

Now that there is this opportunity, it is of course to kill them all here.

Only in this way can they be allowed to go to war and trespass in such a place. What kind of consequences will it be?

Then I won’t let these people run away.

The Great Emperor Jiuxian knew very well that the young man who was fighting Qilin was very strong.

And I was a little shocked in my heart.

It was completely unexpected that someone who just possessed such a Cultivation Base would have such terrifying strength.

This also made him feel a little curious.

At the same time, it is also clear that if this person grows up, it may be a very scary existence.

But the other party actually entered him, of course he wanted to kill.

Not only that, but it will not give them any chance to survive.

He wanted to let them die, and left none of them.

Now that he has this idea, he certainly wants to carry it out and implement it.

Now that the beast soul is recruited, naturally, there is no desire to survive Chu Xiao, and the other people are the same.

What will happen to the 387 in the end, it still depends on how Chu Xiao deals with it.

If you can’t solve it quickly, then you will only be able to do it yourself at that time.

After I thought it through, I didn’t continue to say anything.

The Great Emperor Jiu Xian knew very well that this matter would not be that simple at all.

The strength of this human being is really too strong, otherwise it won’t persist until now.

If he changed to someone else, he would have already died in his hands.

But Chu Xiao is different, he doesn’t seem to be affected.

There are no injuries on his body now.

After seeing this, Emperor Jiu Xian was also very confused, not sure what was going on.

Chu Xiao, a human being, could burst out with such a powerful strength.

According to his Cultivation Base realm, it is impossible to have this kind of power.

However, Chu Xiao is indeed the case.

Then this matter, of course, is also incredible.

I also saw such a young man for the first time.

Even when he was young, he was not as strong as Chu Xiao.

After the Great Nine Immortals thought it through, there was also a look of interest on his face.

(bbbi) He immediately became interested, and it was aimed at Chu Xiao.

Naturally, he didn’t need to think about such things.

Now that the situation has reached this stage, there is nothing to say.

“Show him a little color.

That is, after a few rounds, Emperor Nine Immortals looked at Linglong Qilin and said something like an order.

After Qilin heard the words of Emperor Jiuxian, a strong killing intent appeared in his eyes.

Chu Xiao saw this and knew that his situation was terrible.

But there is no way, no matter what, he is going to face such a thing.

After I thought it through, I knew it was completely finished.

After all, this ghost is really terrible.


Linglong Qilin certainly did not neglect at this moment.

After looking at Chu Xiao in front of him, he raised his head and let out an angry roar.

At this moment, its aura is getting stronger.

And it seems to be condensing some offensive.

Chu Xiao saw what was in front of him and knew that the next thing was not easy.

Maybe there will be more dangerous things at that time.

Because that exquisite unicorn has become more powerful.

The strong point now is beyond the previous one.

With such an idea, Chu Xiao also knew that no matter what, he had to be honest.

After you think it through, of course, you don’t have to worry about other issues.

This point has already been made very clearly.

When things get here, of course they don’t need to.

In any case, this is not a big problem.

Also know that this matter must be careful, this unicorn has become more powerful.

If he is too careless, of course this is not a good thing.

After Chu Xiao thought about it, he shot at this moment.

If the problem cannot be solved, of course it is a very bad thing.

However, if everything can be solved, there will be no problem with a series of things.

But now, this situation does not allow him to be distracted, and there is no way to make him feel good.

No matter what should happen later, I have to deal with it before I know, now I have no idea at all.

After thinking it over, Chu Xiao also knew that he couldn’t back down anyway.

At this time, I didn’t think about it anymore, and at this moment, I got up on it in an instant.

After speaking, there are no other questions.

If there is any problem, of course, it can be reflected.

As long as I can react to it, it shouldn’t be a big problem.

After thinking thoroughly, Chu Xiao certainly didn’t think about it so much.

“Then see if you can do this. We are not an intruder. Since you insist on thinking, then I don’t want to tell you more.”

Chu Xiao answered the words of Emperor Nine Immortals.

Although the other party said that he was a great emperor before, he is just a remnant soul now.

Although the strength of this remnant soul is stronger than him, he still has to say so.

After all, the other party didn’t want to let them go, so naturally he didn’t want to fall into his hands.

Even if he can’t beat him, then he has to leave here.

You can’t let all of them die in it, or you will be really frustrated.

Now that he knows there can be no distractions and no mistakes.

Once there is some danger, if he is injured, his situation will be more dangerous than it is now.

Chu Xiao thought it through, he certainly wanted to be more serious now.

That is to say, at this time, the attack at this time is already stronger and faster than the previous one!

However, the Qilin in front of him also had many injuries.

Because Chu Xiao’s speed is very fast, he can quickly fall and attack, without the Qilin responding!

“No, it can’t go on like this, this kid is really weird!

The Great Nine Immortals secretly said in his heart at this moment.

Of course he knew very well that he could no longer delay time like this, and he did not want to waste time dealing with Chu Xiao and the others.

So he didn’t have any hesitation at all, his eyes fell directly on Chu Xiao.

After watching for a while, his body rushed out towards Chu Xiao at this moment.

Chu Xiao saw this scene and knew that the other party just wanted to bully less!.

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