Chapter 739 The demeanor the emperor should have!

“Damn it, is this the style that the emperor should have? How can we bully the less at this time? We really can’t help it, otherwise Chu Xiao wouldn’t be like this!”

Song Zhiyi was a little upset on his face at the moment.

He didn’t expect that the Great Nine Immortals would actually bully the less at this time.

Knowing that Chu Xiao didn’t deal with it easily.

After such a toss, things suddenly became a little troublesome.

And it can be seen that Chu Xiao’s current battle is obviously very thrilling.

As long as there are any problems, there will be great dangers all at once.

What’s more, if you are not careful, you might get injured soon.

Of course they don’t want to see such a situation.

Song Zhiyi’s face also had an angry look.

But there is no alternative, because their strength simply cannot reach the point of “three nine zeros”.

If you rush out now, it is estimated that you will be injured if you are affected.

In such a situation, they should not be able to deal with it.

If the situation develops as it is now, it will definitely become very dangerous in the end.

Of course he could see this.

Chu Xiao was facing the unicorn and the Great Nine Immortals at once, of course it seemed very difficult.

He wanted to go out to help, but there was no way at all.

In this way, of course there is nothing to say.

If the situation continues in this way, it is of course unacceptable.

Maybe there will be a lot of trouble in the end.

Such things are naturally not so easy to deal with.

After thinking it through, Song Zhiyi felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

In order to help them, Chu Xiao faced such a big danger alone.

But now they have absolutely no other way.

In this way, it seems that it is really very difficult to handle this matter well.

They are really helpless now.

“Damn, I don’t know how long Chu Xiao can hold on, but why doesn’t he plan to give up? If this goes on, it will definitely be very dangerous!

Ouyang Xue also had a solemn expression at the moment.

Knowing that Chu Xiao is not feeling well at this time.

But they really can’t help it, because the attack there is really too strong.

These few of them are probably not enough for others to kill.

In this way, they seem to have no other way except watching here.

After thinking about it, he sighed, knowing that they couldn’t help.

“We are really useless here, and we can’t help at this time. It seems that there is really no way.”

Ouyang Jian also followed.

Knowing that if it goes on like this, it will also be in great danger.

But this is not a good way, unless Chu Xiao chooses to retreat.

If they want to leave here, it shouldn’t be a big problem.

However, if this situation continues, there will be a lot of trouble.

There might be terrible dangers in Chu Xiao.

But they can’t help it. If they can, they won’t be standing here now.

“Everyone shouldn’t say so much. Of course, we have to choose to believe in Chu Xiao. He should have his arrangements. We can just wait and see the changes.”

Chu Yu also said something next to him at this time, of course he wanted to comfort everyone.

Because it can be seen that they are all anxious now.

Maybe you will do something impulsive in the future.

At this time, of course, I want to comfort them, and don’t let them get angry.

However, his heart is also very anxious.

It can be seen that after the nine immortal emperor joined the battle, Chu Xiao fell into a disadvantage all of a sudden.

If we continue under this situation, there will be a lot of trouble.

But there is no way, Chu Xiao still has no action.

Judging from his appearance, he still wanted to persevere, and he didn’t mean to retreat.

Seeing this, Chu Yu’s heart was also a little shaken.

Unexpectedly, Chu Xiao had such a great spirit that he dared to fight against the remnant soul of the emperor level.

In addition, he didn’t panic at all when faced with the situation of bullying by more.

In this way, he felt that compared with Chu Xiao, the difference was really too much.

But he didn’t want anything to happen to Chu Xiao, because Chu Xiao was equivalent to their leader.

In it, Chu Xiao has helped them too much.

Now that there is such a situation, they have no choice..

Now that things have come, it seems really hard to tell.

There is no other idea about the current situation.

Because it’s already like this, I really don’t know what to do.

If he knew there was a way, he would certainly help Chu Xiao without hesitation.

But their Cultivation Base, in the face of such a battle, seems really not enough.

In this situation, of course there is no way.

After hearing Chu Yu’s words, several other people also nodded.

It is clear that now they really have no way.

“You guys, hurry up, I won’t be able to hold on for long here, after you leave, I will leave here again!”

But before everyone thought about it, Chu Xiao’s voice came in his mind.

That is Chu Xiao’s voice transmission!

After hearing his words, the expressions on everyone’s faces became serious in an instant.

At the same time, they also know that in this case, of course they can no longer hesitate.

Because staying here may cause a big problem for Chu Xiao.

And Chu Xiao has already said in TRANSSION that he won’t be able to hold on for long.

Then they are harming Chu Xiao if they don’t leave.

“Go, we can’t wait any longer, Chu Xiao will follow up later!”

Chu Yu looked solemn at this time, and then looked at several other people and said something.

The others were the same, their expressions were serious, and they nodded solemnly.

Then they did not hesitate and left at this moment.

It was clear in their hearts that since Chu Xiao had already spoken, they naturally wanted to listen.

They didn’t leave before, just worried about Chu Xiao’s accident, and then they could help.

But now, Chu Xiao wants to retreat, which of course is a good thing!

After seeing a few people leave, Chu Xiao breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

However, he also knew that he could not retreat at this time, because there was still a long way to go outside the city, and he had to hold on for a while!

And he had no choice but to make this decision.

Because no matter how one enemy is two, he would definitely be in danger of losing his life!

Of course he can’t let himself happen to this situation, so he wants to retreat and then escape!

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