Chapter 753 Orc squad, join in advance!

Chu Xiao can now be sure that there is nothing wrong with his previous feelings.

Then he stopped everyone at this moment.

And now after feeling it for a while, I also know that those auras are right across from them.

It seems that those beings are also going to continue to move forward.

But according to the current situation, if you continue to move forward, you will definitely encounter it.

Chu Xiao has already thought very clearly in his heart, so he can also be determined.

Just after Chu Xiao stopped, several other people also stopped.

They are all looking at it suspiciously now, not knowing what Chu Xiao is going to do.

“What’s wrong? Is it possible that you have discovered something again? It’s not such a coincidence. I just finished talking, and now this is happening.”

Ouyang Jian now asked something unbelievably.

If this is the case, then they seem to be really unlucky.

When things are up to now, naturally they cannot be taken lightly.

Because we have already encountered a dangerous situation before, we can’t be careless now.

But Chu Xiao hasn’t said yet, it still needs to be seen, he only knows after he said it.

If you really find anything, it won’t seem to be an easy thing.

In this way, it cannot go on like this.

How the situation will develop is not known now.

Thinking about it, Ouyang Jian didn’t say anything, but looked at Chu Xiao earnestly.

“It doesn’t seem to be right, I don’t feel it now. Could it be because our gap is too big?”

Song Zhiyi looked at Chu Xiao and said something.

After saying this sentence, there was nothing more to say.

Because it doesn’t seem to be a good thing to say so.

Now I have completely thought about it, and didn’t think about anything else.

I just wanted to see what Chu Xiao would say next, why would he stop them.

In this case, of course, it cannot be taken lightly.

If you are too relaxed, this is not a good thing.

I have already thought about it clearly, so I don’t have to struggle so much anymore.

“Don’t talk about it. There is a big gap between our strength and Chu Xiao. If he can discover things, naturally it won’t be so easy for us to know.”

Ouyang Xue gave Song Zhiyi a roll of eyes, and then looked at Chu Xiao earnestly.

She also wanted to see what Chu Xiao had to say.

Otherwise, it would be completely impossible to stop them for no reason.

Chu Yu didn’t speak next to him, but his eyes fell on Chu Xiao like everyone else.

After he stopped before, he also felt it well, and then he didn’t find anything.

Now, if you want to know why Chu Xiao stopped, you still have to let Chu Xiao speak out in person.

Of course everyone at this time didn’t say anything, they were already quiet.

They are all looking at Chu Xiao in front of them, wanting to hear what Chu Xiao would say.

“There are a few breaths coming towards us, and the strength seems to be about the same as ours.”

Chu Xiao said seriously after seeing that everyone was silent.

For him, this time is not a simple matter.

And those few breaths, I don’t know if they will have any thoughts about them here.

However, those few existence should not have found them here.

I am different from other people, and my perception ability is definitely stronger than them.

After having such thoughts, Chu Xiao certainly didn’t struggle so much anymore.

If he struggles so much anymore, it will have a great impact on himself.

In this matter, we still have to look at the existence of the other party.

After all, their direction is still similar to theirs, and it won’t be long before they should be able to meet them.

Because the direction of the two sides is almost the same at this time, they both continue to move forward.

After hearing Chu Xiao’s words, several other people had solemn expressions on their faces.

They also know now that this seems to be a big problem.

Then, I didn’t think so much at this time, and I became serious at this time.

Unexpectedly, Chu Xiao really made a certain discovery.

Otherwise, they would not be called to stop at this time.

After hearing what Chu Xiao said, everyone knew that things seemed very difficult.

“I didn’t expect it to be like this. It looks like we will be in danger again next.”

Song Zhiyi said something seriously at this moment.

I thought they could continue to move forward, and then continue to explore this.

…For flowers…………

But after Chu Xiao finished saying this sentence, he knew that things didn’t seem to be that simple.

The development of the situation may not be that simple, and it is not an easy thing.

After thinking it all over now, Song Zhiyi also felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Several other people also nodded solemnly at this moment, but did not speak.

Because they all know that in this situation, they can only be careful.

It’s not a good idea to say so much now.

Then it’s better to take advantage of this time and prepare well.

If you really encounter a big problem, you can deal with it at that time without rushing.

“We are all prepared, if the other side is against us, then we can only go to war.”


Chu Xiao said at this moment.

After saying this sentence, I didn’t think about it so much.

After I thought it through, I didn’t think about other things.

Because thinking so much now is not a good way.

At this time, everyone was waiting in place.

As long as you wait for the arrival of those few existences, you should be able to know who the other party is.

However, those auras seemed a little strange, which made Chu Xiao’s heart curious.

After hearing what Lin said, the other people looked extremely serious.

Knowing that this situation cannot be taken lightly, and more care must be taken.

What is happening now is naturally not a trivial matter.

After waiting for a while, several other people also felt the presence of those breaths.

At this moment, their eyes all looked to the side.

After they waited for a few minutes, there were obviously several figures appearing there.

Seeing the figure there, everyone squinted, knowing that the strength of the other party is about the same as theirs.

That is, within a few breaths, they completely saw each other’s appearance, and then their faces were a little surprised.

That is obviously a small team!

“It turns out to be from the Orcs…

When Chu Xiao saw there, his face was also a little serious. He didn’t expect that they were waiting for a royal squad from the orc race. Son,

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