Chapter 762 Regardless of superiors, terrible!

“It seems that we can’t help here. We can only hold back these things and let Chu Xiao have time to deal with them.

Song Zhiyi said seriously at this moment.

He knew very well that what they could do now was to deal with everything except those two strong men.

However, the other ones are more numerous than them.

It is naturally not so easy to deal with now.

Even if there is any danger in Chu Xiao, they can’t get out of here.

In this case, it makes them a little uncomfortable.

He also knew that at this time, of course he had to deal with the other monsters seriously.

Of course, the situation at this time is not very optimistic.

There are still many dangers.

The two orc powerhouses that Chu Xiao dealt with were of course much stronger than them here.

Then naturally, these monsters must be held back.

If the monsters they were dealing with were allowed to pass, Chu Xiao would be even more dangerous.

Of course this is not possible, and I think it very clearly now.

At this moment, naturally there was no hesitation, and he continued to make fierce shots.

At this moment, he will not let himself be taken lightly.

If you can deal with it now, of course you can’t relax.

Chu Xiao is already so difficult there, if they can’t stop 410 like this, it’s not a good thing.

If something happens to Chu Xiao, then all of them will be finished.

This point, Song Zhiyi thought very clearly in his heart.

So in this case, of course, you can’t let other people take it lightly.

No matter what, we must deal with it seriously at this time.

What happens in the end depends on whether Chu Xiao can solve the trouble there.

As long as they can, they will be safe.

Everything at this time can only be seen by Chu Xiao.

There is not much they can do, so they can only drag and restrain these monster beasts.

At this moment, of course, we can no longer be so entangled, we must believe in Chu Xiao.

“Well, we all hold these monster beasts, then the other two will be handed over to Chu Xiao to solve it!”

Ouyang Jian nodded next to him, and continued to make shots at this moment.

He also knew that such a thing could not be dragged on like this.

If it is dragged on like this, of course it won’t work.

So we must be serious, and we must deal with it as soon as possible!

If you can get rid of these monsters, then of course it would be the best.

However, they are not so easy to deal with, he also knows this very well.

Therefore, at this time, he did not take it lightly and dealt with every attack seriously.

“For the time being, it can only be this way. If you can get out, it is naturally the best.

Ouyang Xue also gave a low voice, and shot more violently.

She took a look at Chu Xiao’s situation and knew that she was not very optimistic.

Then of course they can’t have any problems here.

If something goes wrong, it is estimated that Chu Xiao will be distracted.

Of course, this cannot happen, and you have to deal with it more carefully.

At this time, I also know that the current situation is not a simple matter.

“Don’t worry about so much, Chu Xiao seems to be able to handle it. Then we have to see how the final result is. Let’s be more serious here. It shouldn’t be a problem.”

Chu Yu spoke at this moment, and after speaking these words, a fierce aura broke out in his body.

Not only that, the sword in his hand kept falling, and the sword aura exploded!

The monster beasts who were fighting against him naturally seemed a little uncomfortable.

At this moment, everyone is fully devoted to this battle.

At this moment, their fight was extremely violent, with loud noises constantly coming out.

No matter what, there can be no accidents in this kind of thing.

Then of course there can be no mistakes in the current situation.

Every shot at this moment is extremely serious and the strongest attack.

Both sides are like this, then the battle becomes more intense in one battle.

“Damn it, how could this Chu Xiao be so strong, how does (bbbi) feel that we can’t do anything about him?”

Langfeng said at this moment.

He really didn’t expect that Chu Xiao’s strength could be so strong.

In this way, he didn’t know what to do.

I thought it could be easily won.

But now it seems that it is really not that easy.

If this continues, maybe they will all be in danger.

Chu Xiao’s previous attack, he felt a little frightened.

Not only that, every time is a very good drill.

Once something unexpected happened, they really couldn’t cope with it.

Such a thing, of course, can’t let it go.

Because every time he touched, his mind was shaken.

Chu Xiao’s strength is really strong to an extremely terrifying point.

The two of them went to deal with it together, but they have not gained the upper hand now.

“It’s really Damn it. He can’t tell the difference. He is really strong. If we deal with it alone, maybe it’s only for death.”

Hu Shan Gao also said something next to him.

He also knew that the current situation had become very anxious.

Both sides are in a stalemate, and there is no way at all.

Except for them here, the other side is like this.

At this time, neither side has a clear distinction, not to mention that time has passed so long.

Especially Chu Xiao in front of him, it really makes it difficult for them to cope, and now they have a headache.

If it can’t be solved, it seems that there will be a lot of trouble this time.

Both sides have no reservations, but there is no result.

In this way, it becomes a very uncomfortable thing.

He didn’t know what to do next.

The strength of Chu Xiao really opened their eyes to them, and it was so powerful that it was extremely terrifying.

I thought that Chu Xiao could be killed after a while.

But at this time, there is no way at all.

Now Chu Xiao directly began to evade in the face of their attacks.

There are some things that cannot be avoided, and there is no problem with a hard touch.

Then, he didn’t know how to deal with Chu Xiao.

Both the faces of Hushan Gaohe Langfeng became a little difficult to look.

Originally thought that their strength could kill Chu Xiao.

But up to now, there is still no difference.

Now Chu Xiao was completely indifferent to the two of them, and did not fall into a disadvantage at all.

Originally, if the two of them shot together, it should have an advantage.

But now it’s just a tie with Chu Xiao, there is no difference!.

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