Chapter 79 Slaying the black dragon with one sword, the return of the sage master of martial arts (4)


During the vibrating sonic boom, Chu Xiao and Luo Sha suddenly fought together!

The Wandi Sword was cut horizontally above the Dark Fire Gun.

At this moment, behind Chu Xiao, the longevity cave sky phantom trembled, and the power of the cave sky poured into Chu Xiao’s body!

In an instant.

The loud sonic boom sounded again, and a figure suddenly flew backwards, and the body turned a few times in mid-air before it stabilized.

A disciple of Sacred Land watched the battle seriously, and when they saw the figure flying out at this time, they couldn’t help making an uproar!

Under the attack of the two, it was Rakshasa who was downwind in this shot!

The leader in Cultivation Base!

This greatly exceeded everyone’s expectations!

With the first entry into the cave, repel the Rakshasa that has opened up seven caves!

You know, as the third son of Sacred Land, Rakshasa is still an extremely militant temperament. His reputation was built up from the first battle.

And now

But Chu Xiao, who was far worse than himself by Cultivation Base, repelled.

The shock caused by this is truly amazing.

A sword repelled Raksha, Chu Xiao’s face was serious, at this moment, the long sword was held in front of him.

In this battle with Rakshasa, although he was not prepared to kill the opponent, he never thought of keeping his hands.

He became the Daozi of Sacred Land, and he should completely establish Daozi’s majesty in this battle!

Therefore, he is not prepared to waste time.

at this moment!

Behind him, the longevity cave sky is almost solid.

As the cave sky trembled, Chu Xiao’s body, the four emperor laws were operating at the same time!

There are bright stars hanging down from the sky, blending into Chu Xiao himself, and blending into the long sword in Chu Xiao’s hands!

His whole body is full of power, and the atmosphere of terror is overflowing.

And on his chest, at this moment, the supreme bone trembled slightly under his intentional control!

He broke through the cave world, the supreme bone was completely warmed, and he obtained that natural treasure!

That natural treasure art is called “Eternal Tribulation Light”.

That treasure technique is extremely terrifying, if it is cast, Rakshasa definitely has no chance of surviving, so Chu Xiao just urges the supreme bone to reveal a trace of power!

But even so.

It’s already extremely scary!

At this moment, there was a breath of mutual antiquity permeating the broadcast station, and vaguely, mountains and rivers collapsed, and the phantom of the disintegration of sentient beings flashed on the broadcast station.

The heart of Raksha who was repelled by a sword was already shaking, and at this moment, his whole body suddenly gave birth to an extremely strong sense of crisis.

He almost never hesitated, and as his face changed, behind him, seven caves and sky phantoms appeared.

at this moment!

The power of the seven caves blessed him, and Raksha was holding a spear and suddenly climbed into the sky!

He has never been a passive temper, and now Chu Xiao has created a more and more sense of crisis for him, so he naturally wants to make an early move!

With two guns in his hands, at a moment, Raksha spurred the treasure technique, and the spear fell from a high altitude. Under the surging of power, it vaguely turned into a black dragon!

This is the treasure art cultivated by the black dragon cave heaven in his body, dragon meteor strike!

His bloodline is special, so when the dragon is used to shape the cave sky, the treasures he obtains are also extremely special.

The black dragon obscured the sky, with a vicious face, revealing terrifying power, and attacked Chu Xiao from above!

Compared to the huge dragon, Chu Xiao’s body looked extremely small at this moment.


His face was calm, without a trace of ripples.

at this moment

His power is accumulated to the extreme!

The Wandi Sword was held horizontally and pushed forward!

At this moment, a mighty sword light swayed and climbed straight to the sky!

Up and down Tianmen Peak, in everyone’s eyes, it seems that there is only this sword light left!

Imperial sword technique, seventh style!

Although it is an imperial sword technique, this type of sword move incorporates the power of the four emperors, the power of the longevity cave, and it contains the supreme bone art, the power of mutual ancient calamity!

Under the blessing of various forces, the power of this sword light is unimaginable.

The sword light swayed, facing the black dragon from above!

The two hit each other.

In an instant, Jianguang slashed!

The dragon’s head broke, and the terrifying black dragon was vulnerable to a blow in front of Jianguang and was annihilated by a sword!

Jian Guang rushed forward, and the front was Rakshasa!

At this moment, the third son of Sacred Land was shocked.

He faced the sword light, because he more clearly perceives the terrifying power contained in it!

He looked shocked, he had always been warlike, and at this moment, even a hint of despair was faintly born.

Because, under this sword

He will die!

On the viewing platform.

Seven-star Lord Zhao Qiancheng’s complexion changed suddenly, and he was ready to take action immediately.

Rakshasa is his disciple, so naturally it is impossible to watch him fall here.

The moment he was about to shoot.


The voice of Ruyi Holy Lord sounded.

“No, “.”

The Holy Lord Ruyi looked at the mighty sword light on the ring and whispered: “Chu Xiao knows it in his heart.”

Hear the words.

Seven-star Holy Master’s eyes flashed and stopped.

Above the ring.

Seeing Luo Sha with a look of despair, Chu Xiao’s face was solemn, and the Wandi Sword in his hand was lightly raised!

At this moment, the mighty sword light was led by him, suddenly deflected, and passed by Rakshasa’s side!

The sword light was mighty, and at this moment, it blasted to the edge of the broadcast station!

At the moment of bordering, a corner of the ring was annihilated, the extremely strong Celestial Stone was all worn away, the defensive formation was directly activated, and layers of ripples surged and enveloped the ring.


Where Jianguang passed, the defensive formations were rapidly dissolving!

This formation was constructed by a master who specializes in the formation in Sacred Land. It should be more than enough to deal with the warrior of the cave world.

But at this moment!

However, under the attack of a Warrior who had just entered the cave world, everything was destroyed.

Seeing that the mighty sword light is not blocked by the formation method, it is about to rush out of the ring, and for a while, the elders on the viewing platform are slightly changed, and they must be ready to shoot!

Outside the ring, at this moment, there are disciples of Sacred Land watching the battle. If the sword light rushes out, I am afraid it will cause a tragedy.


At this moment.

Chu Xiao moved slightly in his mind, and stood up with the sword. The Wandi Sword returned to the Lingxu.

Under his control, the mighty sword light dissipated in an instant and ceased to exist.

Seeing this scene, the complexion of a Sacred Land elder changed slightly.

“With such a terrifying force, Daozi Chu Xiao can control it freely, sending and receiving in the heart?”

“He just broke into the cave world!”

“It’s worthy of being a fellow practitioner with multiple disciplines, a peerless arrogant talent that has never been seen before. In my opinion, he is fully capable of fighting at a greater level!”

On the ring.

There was a dull sound.

Rakshasa’s body fell on the ground.

At this moment, the scarlet golden armor on his body showed cracks, and the dragon scales on both arms were broken, and blood was surging.

At the last moment just now, Chu Xiao turned his sword light and never hit him.


That terrifying power, just passing by his side, made him traumatized.

He supported himself with the Netherfire Spear, got up from the ground, looked at Chu Xiao, and there was still a shock in his eyes.

at this moment.

He gritted his teeth, and the Dark Fire Gun was thrown aside by him. The third holy son of Immeasurable Sacred Land, held his fist at Chu Xiao and said, “Rosa, thank you Daozi for not killing!”

Just that moment.

If Chu Xiao had a murderous heart against him, maybe he would be ruined here ever since.

He paused.

Immediately afterwards, his face showed respect, and he said seriously: “Sacred Land can have a character like Chu Xiao Daozi, it is the blessing of my generation, it is the blessing of Sacred Land!”

His tone is extremely sincere, because it is what he said from the bottom of his heart!

Chu Xiao was suspended in the air.

Listening to Luo Sha’s voice, Chu Xiao couldn’t help thinking of Yi Yuan’s evaluation of the third son.

“This Rakshasa is indeed very upright. If he loses to the opponent and is really inferior to the opponent, then he will be very convinced.”

Think about it here.

He fell from high in the sky.

Walk to the front of Rakshasa.

Under the trembling of Changsheng Dongtian, Chu Xiao’s mind moved slightly, and a ray of vitality surging out, blending into the physique of Raksha.

This is not the use of the magic of the cave, but only a display of the power of the cave. The longevity cave is based on the longevity species and contains majestic vitality. At this time, it surges out under Chu Xiao’s control to help Raksha recover from his injuries.

In a blink of an eye.

Under the influence of vitality, Raksha’s injuries all recovered.

A look of surprise appeared on his face, and his gaze at Chu Xiao became more respectful, and he said solemnly, “Thank you, Your Highness Daozi!”

at this moment.

He changed his name to be commensurate with His Royal Highness.

That mighty sword light had completely shattered his pride when facing Chu Xiao, and his pride when facing Chu Xiao completely recognized the identity of Daozi Chu Xiao.

The end of World War I.

At this moment, around the ring, under the annihilation of sword light, the only remaining defensive formation was removed.


The voice from the outside was no longer blocked by the formation method, and passed onto the broadcast ring.

“His Royal Highness Daozi!”

“As expected to be His Royal Highness Daozi, he not only possesses peerless talent, but also has unparalleled combat power!”

“…That sword light can really be used by the Warriors of the Cave Sky Realm?”

“With the body of the first entry into the cave sky, and the leading Tianjiao character in the realm, only I am the Daozi of Sacred Land can do it!”

The scenes of this battle were all in sight, shaking the hearts of Sacred Land disciples!

Fight across borders!

The result is even more crushing the opponent!

Chu Xiao’s opponent is not an ordinary Warrior, but in their eyes, the third son of Sacred Land, who is also a Tianjiao!

While talking about the shouts, I don’t know when, all the voices gathered together, unanimously, thousands of Sacred Land Warrior, call for your Highness!

This is an extremely shocking scene.

Everyone who can enter Sacred Land has a certain amount of talent.

But at this moment

They were completely convinced by the Daozi, Chu Xiao, and respected them to the extreme.

at this moment!

Chu Xiao’s prestige in Boundless Sacred Land has also risen to the extreme!

On the viewing platform.

Mingchen Sage Master Jiyuan’s eyes were deep, and he shook his head slightly, then looked at the disciple beside him and said: “How about?”

Xi Changqing was silent for a moment.

In the end, he said: “Master, I can’t be his opponent.”

“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, it would be hard for me to imagine such a person in the world.”

“In the face of that horrible sword light, even if Rakshasa is replaced by me, the result will not change at all.”

Hear the words.

Ji Yuan nodded and said solemnly: “In that case, in the future, you will respect him as a Taoist and assist him wholeheartedly.”

“This Chu Xiao has a terrifying talent and great luck. There is a great opportunity. Maybe his appearance will be a blessing for you.”

“Later, you will go with me and get acquainted with him.”

On Tianmen Peak, the voice still continued.

The battle is over, but the mood of the Sacred Land Warriors watching the battle is getting higher and higher.

Chu Xiao stepped into the air from the broadcast station, ready to go to the viewing platform.

But… (good promise)…

At this moment.

Above Tianmen Peak, a voice full of majesty suddenly sounded.

“Unexpectedly, I have never appeared in Sacred Land, Sacred Land, such a terrifying peerless arrogant!


“not bad!”

The moment this voice fell.

The entire Tianmen Peak is quiet.


Above the viewing platform, the expressions of the elders changed.

Feng Shaodi’s eyes shook, he suddenly looked towards the sky, and at this moment he shouted: “Master!

The seventh elder Ouyang Linglong showed excitement on his face, and at this moment he called: “Brother Head Teacher!”

Chu Xiao looked up at the sky.

I saw

At this moment, a figure appeared there at some unknown time.

That was a middle-aged man, dressed in a plain robe, without anger and prestige, hanging high in the sky at this time, even more eye-catching than that big day!

While Chu Xiao looked at him.

The figure also looked at Chu Xiao.

There was a look of appreciation in his eyes, and he nodded slightly and said: “Sacred Land has renewed the position of Taoist son for you, it is really worth it!

“The great world is coming, I am boundless. Sacred Land naturally needs to have the courage to change the classics.

“Sister Ruyi, you have accepted a good disciple.”

Chu Xiao exhaled slowly.

Although he had never seen this figure before, he didn’t know each other.


At this moment, he has realized the identity of the other party.

Can be called Master by the First Holy Son, Feng Shao Di, and able to call Holy Master Ruyi as Junior Sister, there is only one person in the world today!

Wuliang Sacred Land, contemporary Head Teacher!

Gu Yanqiu, who has been to the secret place for one hundred and eighty years and has not returned.

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