Chapter 800 The momentum of the thunder, the reaction is too late!

At this time, the other people are very difficult now, and their faces are also ugly.

Because they are very dangerous now, two of them have been injured.

Song Zhiyi and Ouyang Jian’s combat capabilities at this time were of course not that strong.

In this situation, it is natural to be very anxious.

And if this continues, they will not be able to hold on for long.

In a while, maybe they will all be injured.

The longer it lasts, the greater the danger they have.

“It seems that we are really bad this time. These two guys are really too difficult to deal with. It is too difficult for them to control the attacks caused by the wind and snow, and it will pose a great threat to us. ”

Ouyang Jian said with a very ugly face.

I also know that this situation is really difficult to deal with.

If it can’t be solved, it is really dangerous.

Now that things are up, they can’t be dealt with so quickly.

If you can really handle it so quickly, of course it is a better thing.

Under this situation, there is nothing to think about.

Because it has already fallen to this point, it is very difficult!

“Don’t be discouraged, we can continue to persevere now, as long as Chu Xiao’s place is better, we will definitely come to help us, and we won’t have to do this then.

Song Zhiyi said as he shot.

He also knows that this situation is also very dangerous now.

But now I can’t be distracted to look at the situation on Chu Xiao’s side.

Because they are hard to protect themselves now, of course they can’t be distracted.

Once this is the case, maybe it will be very dangerous and will suffer more serious injuries.

Because the two Snow Demon’s shots at this time were extremely violent and fast.

Then of course they don’t have any time to see other places.

If it were that way, things might be even more troublesome.

And there is a real danger of death.

Of course, this cannot happen, nor can this happen.

They can’t bear such a result, nor can they bear it!

“These are all relying on Chu Xiao to come, otherwise, we definitely can’t solve this matter.”

Ouyang Xue said seriously, and then she dared not say anything.

Because at this time, distraction is a terrible thing.

Once handled properly, all of them are in great danger.

In this way, you don’t have to think about it anymore.

As long as it is restrained, Chu Xiao will definitely solve the problem.

Then I will come to rescue them too!

Ouyang Xue thinks very clearly, for Chu Xiao, of course, she has a lot of confidence, and she believes it very much!

“That’s right, now we hold on for a while, maybe Chu Xiao can be completely resolved there, and then we can get rid of the danger!

Chu Yu also appeared with a smile on his face, but there was still a lot of worry in his heart.

He is very weak now, because before, there was a lot of consumption.

Although he was not injured, he felt a bit overwhelmed by such a high-intensity battle.

But at this time, it can’t show up, can’t show it on the face.

Because of that, maybe it will discourage other people.

Naturally, he would not do this, instead he smiled and said something to cheer other people on.

After speaking at this moment, of course everyone will not have any problems.

At this moment, there was already a common idea, and constantly shot, resisting the two snow monsters.

However, no matter how hard they work, they are still relatively passive at this time, and they are even more reluctant.

They are crushed now, and there is no way to reverse it.

If Chu Xiao couldn’t hurry up there, maybe he would be buried here.

But just when they had this idea, the movement on the other side had completely disappeared.

Before they could look elsewhere, the two snow monsters they were dealing with screamed.

Listening to their calls, it seemed that something terrible had been seen.

Everyone was taken aback now, and then took the time to look in the same direction Chu Xiao was in before.

Afterwards, all their faces were filled with surprise smiles, and they were also very excited!

Because it can be seen that Chu Xiao has solved those two existences by him!

In addition to this, it is now coming towards them!

Seeing this, they are of course very excited.

“Hahaha, Chu Xiao finally solved the problem there, he really can, then we will be safe next time!”

Song Zhiyi laughed.

After seeing Chu Xiao coming towards them, of course, there is no need to worry anymore.

They will no longer have to be as troublesome as they are now.

Several other people also laughed, with excited expressions on their faces.

But I haven’t said so much now, because it can be seen that the situation is already very optimistic.

Maybe it won’t take long, these two snow monsters will be solved by Chu Xiao soon!

“Quick, stop them!!”

Ouyang Jian shouted loudly at this time.

Everyone also reacted instantly at this moment, and then shot directly.

Because they can all see that at this time, the two snow monsters want to run away!

After eating so many losses before, of course they would not let them run away 440.

It also kept making moves, entangled the two snow monsters, making them unable to get out.

The two snow monsters were trying to control those wind and snow powers, and then they wanted to escape from here.

The eldest brother is finished, of course they dare not continue.

What’s more, that human being is coming towards them now!

However, in the face of Song Zhiyi and the others, there was no way to leave directly.

“Thanks for your hard work, then leave it to me.”

Chu Xiao arrived soon, and then said something in front of them.

After retracting his gaze, he placed it on the two snow monsters in front of him.

The two snow monsters at this moment, after looking at each other, looked at Chu Xiao with a fierce expression.

They obviously know that they can’t run away, and they want to fight at this time!

However, how could Chu Xiao think so much, because they can’t pose any threat to themselves!

His ability to control the wind and snow has naturally reached a very strong point.

The previous leader died in his own hands.

Then these two, of course, are no exceptions!

In the stunned everyone, Chu Xiao controlled the wind and snow, and within a few rounds, he directly smashed the two snow monsters here with the momentum of thunder!

It was also at this time that all the snow demon that had appeared before died in his hands!

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