Chapter 818 Judgment whether or not to make a move!

Chu Xiao also looked there seriously at this time, and didn’t leave his gaze at all.

Because he also knew that looking at it this way, it should not take long to get to him.

As long as they are close to the cave, then go and see what each other wants.

Not only that, but now he still wants to see what they look like.

After all, I really don’t have any female enemies.

Therefore, he felt a little strange and curious about the two women who appeared now.

Of course, just want to understand clearly.

As long as you fully understand it, you should know if you want to make a move.

But the other side’s appearance also looks very anxious.

One of them seemed to be seriously injured, otherwise he wouldn’t be coming towards them so quickly-here.

Looks like this, it should be looking for a place to stay.

The blizzard outside is indeed quite big, for them, it may be a bit not so good.

In this way, of course there is nothing to think about.

Chu Xiao had a decision in his heart at this time.

When the time comes, when the two people get close, see for yourself whether you want to make a move.

Maybe if he doesn’t make a move, the other party will probably attack him.

Because he has such a big reward.

But every individual will feel a little moved after seeing it.

However, this also excluded a few people behind him.

When they saw themselves before, they didn’t have that kind of thought at all. He could know this.

So they were able to look like this, but Chu Xiao felt a little surprised.

But other people are not necessarily so, so it is better to be vigilant.

“But according to her appearance, she shouldn’t be my opponent either..

When Chu Xiao thought of this, he also said softly.

He also knew that even if the opponent wanted to attack him, it shouldn’t be his opponent.

So in this way, he certainly wanted to know who the other party was.

Have you seen it before? All these need to be clarified.

Anyway, in his memory, it seems that there is no enemy of women.

But what I see now is obviously two women.

What it looks like is still unclear.

But as long as it gets close, everything will be clear.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao also waited in place.

Originally I wanted to close my eyes and rest my mind, but now it seems that it really doesn’t work.

After a while, you should be able to see what the other person looks like.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao also began to look forward to it, but also very curious.

Of course he wants to know who the other party is.

But the distance is still a little far, so it is not very clear.

After thinking of this, I didn’t think so much anymore.

There is nothing else to say about the situation at this time.

Soon, Chu Xiao also saw the two figures, getting closer and closer to them.

After that, I can see clearly.

If there was no such wind and snow, he would definitely be able to see clearly.

But not now, because those risks cannot be controlled either.

But if there is any movement, maybe the other party will directly notice it.

At that time, maybe they just ran away, how could they still come to them.

Of course, Chu Xiao had already thought about it at the beginning.

So this time there is already a plan.

As long as the other party arrives, you will know if you are your enemy.

At this time, Chu Xiao was already thinking very clearly, so there was nothing to think about.

What should be done at this time is naturally to stay in place.

He has now reduced his breath, and the other party shouldn’t notice their existence.

As long as they get closer, they can definitely see clearly.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao also had a smile on his face.

I feel that I am really compelled to do this.

After all, if he had a breath spread out, the other party would also be directly aware of their existence.

In this way, it is not a good thing to leave here directly.

Besides, he hasn’t encountered humans in it.

After seeing it this time, of course I don’t want to miss this opportunity.

I also want to get a good understanding of what kind of power the other party is.

At the same time, I was a little surprised. It seemed that someone had arrived in it.

…For flowers

It’s just not clear when the two men arrived.

And one of them also seemed to be seriously injured.

So in this way, maybe there is really some powerful existence in it.

In this way, of course he wanted to understand clearly.

Even if you don’t understand it, you don’t have to worry about it.

Anyway, things are what they are now.

If you want to understand it thoroughly, it doesn’t seem to be easy, it’s not that easy.


After a while, Chu Xiao already saw the other person.

It just frowned soon.

Because the other party now has a black robe on his body, not only that, but also covers his face.

When he saw this scene, Chu Xiao also felt his head big.

I thought I would be able to see clearly after being able to get close.

Although I can see clearly now, I can’t see clearly at all.

I could only see one of the women who was flying towards them, with anxiety in her eyes.

On her body, there is also another woman lying on her stomach.

However, it seems that they are all in a coma now.

After seeing this, Chu Xiao also felt more puzzled.

After all, I haven’t been able to see the other person’s face clearly now, and I’m not sure if I’ve seen it before.

In this case, it seems to be a headache.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiao sighed in his heart.

I feel like this is simply invisible.

I don’t want to use spiritual consciousness at this time, because in that case, he will definitely be detected by the other party.

After thinking about it all, Chu Xiao felt that he didn’t need to think about it, but waited for them to come over.

With these two masked men, Chu Xiao felt that he was also very curious.

Then, of course, it is necessary to figure out what the other party looks like.

As for what kind of power it is, it will only be possible to understand it later.

Anyway, I can’t see anything now, so I can only wait for them to get close here.

But Chu Xiao knew now that those two people were about to arrive now.

It doesn’t take long, it seems that they can reach them completely!

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