Chapter 850 Fought against Qiao Ling!

After hearing Shang Ruyi’s words, the people who were still very excited were stunned.

Unexpectedly, there is still bad news.

If that’s the case, I must listen to it.

Because of this kind of thing, of course it is not a good thing.

If it’s really bad news, maybe you have to reconsider it.

Thinking of this, of course I wanted to see what Shang Ruyi would say.

“Master, what is the bad news? Could there be other circumstances?”

Qiao Ling asked first.

She thinks it is better to understand this matter by herself.

Although I can listen to Chu Xiao’s opinion, there is bad news now, I just want to ask this matter clearly.

Thinking of this, of course it is already determined.

Next, I have to listen to what my master will say.

What is the bad news, and I want to see what kind of news it is.

“Since this is the case, please ask the seniors to make it clear. After all, it seems that you can’t be too impulsive or act rashly in this kind of thing.

Chu Lei had originally planned to give his 11 opinions.

But Shang Ruyi has already said so, so of course it is to listen to what the bad news she said is.

Now that I have thought of this, I have nothing to think about.

As long as you understand the news, you may wait a while before you can make a decision.

At this time, let’s see what the other party will say.

There is no problem here.

Because if there is any problem, it won’t look like this.

After all, he had already figured it out clearly before this was dangerous.

So even if there is a problem, he will be very curious.

Then, in the end, I don’t want to give up such an idea.

This is already thought of at this time, and there is nothing else to think about.

Because of thinking too much, this is not a good thing either.

It’s better to listen to the other party directly, then there is no problem.

Think clearly, there is nothing else to think about.

I don’t have any opinions here.

As long as this matter is clearly understood, then they will be able to discuss the next matter next.

Several other people did the same, nodded seriously.

Then everyone looked at Shang Ruyi.

Knowing that this matter cannot be too careless, it is better to understand the situation first.

Because of this, there will be a certain degree of protection at that time.

After thinking it through, naturally there is nothing to think about.

Looking at it this way, as long as they all understand the situation, there will be no problem.

You also know at this time, just listen to what the other party will say.

After thinking about it, everyone had serious expressions on their faces.

After all, this thing is not a good thing.

Well, this bad news, they all want to know what kind of situation it is.

You must think clearly about what is happening now.

After all, if you don’t want to be clear, it is estimated that there will be certain hidden dangers.

At this time, of course, we must understand clearly.

Because if you don’t understand it clearly, it will definitely not work.

At this time, they didn’t think about it anymore, they all wanted to hear what the bad news was.

Shang Ruyi nodded at this moment.

Of course she felt that there was no problem in her heart.

Because of this situation, naturally it is also a good thing.

After all, these people are all able to listen to their own thoughts, and they are also able to listen carefully to those questions.

In this way, it seems that it is also a good thing to have a young master to join them.

Because here they did not see other people.

Even if there is, maybe they haven’t encountered it.

But now it seems to be a good thing to meet Chu Xiao and the others.

Because of this, of course you can’t be too careless.

So this thing, of course, feels very good.

Their ability to listen to what they said is already the best proof.

So if there are any questions next, it will certainly not be too troublesome.

Because they are very unified now, not everyone has other opinions.

And everyone else listens to Chu Xiao.

So Chu Xiao has such a big reward, these people can listen to him, it really makes her absolutely can’t believe it.

In this way, if you encounter problems next, you will certainly not have any disagreements.

In that case, it must be a good thing, and there is no need to think about it by yourself.

“The bad news I said is that the location of the storm’s eye is surrounded by terrible guardian beasts. It must be more difficult to get rid of it. I say this now, and you must be very clear.”

Shang Ruyi also said it seriously at this time.

She had already thought about this matter clearly and said it thoroughly.

Because what I knew was the location of the eye of the storm, surrounded by terrible guardian beasts.

This is the point, it must be very troublesome for them to explore.

This is of course a troublesome thing, and it is bad news.

After making it clear at this time, he turned his gaze to Chu Xiao.

Because it can be seen from the front, the other people all listen to Chu Xiao.

At this time, she also wanted to see what Chu Xiao thought at the end of 477.

This young man was still very curious in her heart by what method was used to make these people obey him so much.

But if you can, it won’t be bad.

What’s more, I can clearly feel that Chu Xiao seemed to have played against Qiao Ling before.

Otherwise, it is estimated that Qiao Ling would not join them.

So, at this time, of course I want to hear what Chu Xiao would say.

“Chu Xiao, since everyone listens to you, then I also want to listen, what kind of thinking do you really think?”

Shang Ruyi asked seriously at this time.

She naturally wanted to understand this, and wanted to see what Chu Xiao would say.

Several other people, none of them said anything, and knew that this was indeed bad news.

But at this time, he looked at Chu Xiao.

They all want to see what Chu Xiao will say afterwards.

“Although I also know that this is bad news, and it should be a more dangerous thing, but I feel that if there is any danger, it will definitely not work, so I still want to check it out.”

Chu Xiao looked at everyone at this time, and then said something seriously.

He had already confirmed it when Shang Ruyi said it before.

So now what he said is already a decision. .

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