Chapter 868 Locked on Chu Xiao, shot with anger!

Of course Chu Xiao didn’t know Shang Ruyi’s thoughts at this time.

He knew now that he had to let several other people cooperate with him.

In this case, I might have more opportunities.

Otherwise, it would be more troublesome to wait for one of them to get injured.

So I don’t want this to happen so soon.

I don’t want to appear either.

Because if a few of them are injured, it may become a very dangerous thing later.

Of course, this cannot happen.

Because this kind of thing is also a very difficult thing for myself.

Of course, it’s time to let them cooperate.

Fortunately, although Qiao Ling said that she had just joined them, she was very obedient to what she said.

In this case, the current cooperation is definitely not leaking.

In the face of the snow monster’s attack, he did not appear to be too disadvantaged.

Then, he knew that they still had a big chance.

So now that there is such a thing, Chu Xiao’s heart naturally begins to look forward to it.

I think I can do it myself.

In addition to this, I will not think about too many things.

Because for myself, this kind of thing is a good thing for myself no matter what.

In that case, of course, you have to deal with it properly.

But it’s okay, nothing else.

Judging from this situation, several of them do have great opportunities.

As long as you grasp it well, you don’t have to worry so much.

After thinking of this in Chu Xiao’s heart, he kept making moves.

Qiao Ling is right next to her.

The other people cooperated with the two of them in the other direction.

So the current situation, of course, is that they surrounded this snow monster.

It’s just that I also know that everyone should be careful.

They had been asked before, and they are indeed just as they said.

After seeing this, Chu Xiao breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He knew that if he dealt with it this way, there would still be a big chance.

So at this time, I started to look forward to it.

In addition to this, every shot has become extremely powerful.

Well, this situation is of course a good thing for myself.

No matter what, as long as you make sure that you won’t get hurt here, there will be no problem.

Qiao Ling’s strength now seems to be stronger than before.

It seems that there was indeed a certain amount of consumption at that time.

But now he has completely recovered, and his strength is naturally stronger.

After seeing her such strength, of course I am very happy.

If this is the case, they will have more opportunities.

In this situation, naturally there is no need to think about it.

Anyway, it is already like this now, and there is no need to entangle the others.

No matter what happens to them next, as long as you be careful, the other party will have no way to deal with them.

Although the power of this snow monster is very strong, but the speed is not so fast.

Although the speed was very fast when I came before, it was obviously a little slow when I was fighting.

Then, of course, there is nothing to think about.

There is no need to worry about the situation at this time.

At this time, I also make myself feel very happy.

Because they now have a lot of opportunities to land their attacks on this snow monster.

When thinking of this these few days, I directly fell on it with a palm.


The snow monster’s huge body was also repelled at this moment.

When everyone saw Chu Xiao’s palm, their faces were a little surprised.

I didn’t expect Chu Xiao to be so strong.

After seeing this, it must have been a bit surprised.

No matter what, Chu Xiao is the strongest among them.

Of course, it was before Shang Ruyi had not fully recovered.

It’s just that now they have shown such amazing combat effectiveness.

This is enough to make them feel more confident.

That way, of course, there is no need to worry so much.

What they have to do now is to cooperate well with Chu Xiao.

Qiao Ling felt a little surprised in her heart at this time.

Chu Xiao’s strength is really too strong.

Now it seems that he is even more powerful than when he played against himself.

So when I saw this, I felt a little shocked in my heart.

Because of Chu Xiao’s strength, it is indeed already very strong.

…Please ask for flowers……….

With his current Cultivation Base, he was able to burst out such a powerful combat power.

No wonder there was such a statement before.

It turns out that Chu Xiao really looks like this.

When I heard others say, I didn’t believe it.

But now that I have seen it completely, or have seen it with my own eyes, of course I believe it.

Others don’t want to continue to entangle too much.

Because at this time, I also know that I can’t deal with this situation alone.

In such a situation, it can only be seen how Chu Xiao will play next.

But Chu Xiao looks very powerful in this way.

For myself, I don’t have to think about that much anymore.


According to this situation, it is naturally a good thing.

Because the snow monster is now suffering from Chu Xiao’s attack, with certain injuries on his body.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Ling also knew that things might soon have results.

Because Chu Xiao’s strength is really terrifying.

No matter what, this time I also opened my eyes.

Because of Chu Xiao’s strength, it is indeed beyond his own Cultivation Base.

In this situation, I rarely saw it before.

But after seeing it with my own eyes, it naturally still feels unbelievable.

But there is no other way, because all this is true.

No matter what, I still have to be careful and continue to cooperate with Chu Xiao.

And there is no danger in it during this period.

But when he thought of this, the snow monster locked Chu Xiao’s gaze tightly at this moment.

At this moment, there is also a very violent aura!

After seeing this scene, everyone felt a little shaken in their hearts.

Because I didn’t expect that this snow monster could become stronger!

In addition to the current situation, it can also be seen that the snow monster is already angry!

It stared at Chu Xiao closely, and it seemed to have a lot of anger.

Then, everyone knows that the snow monster is angry!

If this is the case, then they can only be more careful, otherwise, this situation will of course be very dangerous. Son.

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