Chapter 90 One sword cuts off Shenjian Peak, Ziyunke visits (3)

The treasure of inheritance has changed!

Hearing this, Zhou Shenwang’s face suddenly grimaced, and he asked in a deep voice: “Brother Emperor, this time, what picture has evolved in the treasure of inheritance?”

Hearing his question, Emperor Tianlan looked forward, his gaze was deep, and his face was faintly complex.

“At this time, I can’t speak clearly.”

“Because of this, I need to go to Wuliang Sacred Land to confirm.”

“If that’s true”

He paused, did not speak any more, lowered his head slightly.

After a moment of silence, Emperor Tianlan continued: “I will take Xijun with me on this trip.”

“That Chu Xiao Daozi is in full swing, and recently there has been news from the Boundless Sacred Land that he defeated the third holy son Raksha, who was under the seven-star holy master, with one sword.”

“Together with Xijun, I just met this Tianjiao figure who can let Xiaoqi face and indulge in it.”

He stepped forward and walked to the window.

At this moment, what they are in is the tallest Wangxing Tower in Tianlan Emperor’s Capital!

Looking at the top floor of the Wangxing Building, the magnificent sight of the imperial capital came into view.

Emperor Tianlan shook his head and whispered: “This time the immeasurable Sacred Land held a Taoist ceremony, it is destined not to be peaceful.

I don’t know the years of practice.

After everything happened, Chu Xiao was completely in a state of retreat.

Daily practice, martial arts, and self-consciousness have become his normal state.

Cultivation is a boring thing, and if you want to become a strong person, this is an unavoidable path. There is only one way forward.

Chu Xiao can bear his temper, and he can also endure this boringness and quietly improve himself.

Many days later.

Inspired by the star-picking method, the force of Star 927 descended from the sky and landed on Qionglou Peak.

Xinghui melted into itself, into the cave sky, and refined it over and over again.

Under the training of the power of Star, the longevity cave sky bloomed with brilliance, and the miraculousness was even greater.

at this time

A soft wind chime sounded in the quiet room.

This is someone who has touched the formation in the meditation room, and there is something to find the retreat in it.

Chu Xiao seemed to feel something, the aura around his body calmed down, the golden lotus of enlightenment disappeared, and his eyes slowly opened.

After opening his eyes for a moment, Chu Xiao stood up, and while his mind moved slightly, spiritual power surged out of the spiritual ruins and melted into a formation node in the quiet room.

The formation is lifted.

Chu Xiao opened his mouth and whispered: “Go in.”

A figure stepped into the quiet room, it was Mo Qin.

Seeing Chu Xiao, she first saluted, and then said: “His Royal Highness, the news about Shenjian Peak that you asked me to inquire has already been rewarded.”

“I deliberately asked the supervisor in charge of mapping the territory of Sacred Land in Sacred Land. According to him, in the territory of Sacred Land, there is indeed a mountain called Divine Sword Peak!”

Having said this, she showed a hesitant look: “But”

Chu Xiao raised his brows slightly: “But what?”

Upon hearing this, Mo Qin replied: “After the supervisor knew that it was His Highness’s inquiry, he deliberately checked the Sect classics. The name of the Shenjian Peak has been called a long time ago.”

“At that time, this Shenjian Peak was quite (bbbh) miraculous, and it attracted many kendo Warriors to observe it, and some people learned from it.

“However, more than seven hundred years ago, there was a swordsman who was born in the empty cicada sword pavilion. For unknown reasons, he made a sword at the Shenjian Peak and cut off half of the Shenjian Peak with one sword.”

“Since then, the divine sword peak has greatly diminished, and the number of kendo Warriors who went there to observe has become increasingly rare. Today, it has been completely abandoned.

“In the list of Sacred Land, it is now called Broken Sword Peak.

Listening to her explanation, Chu Xiao’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Seven hundred years ago”

“So, the life and death powerhouse named Shu Qing who is parasitic on Lin Qingyu, is at least a figure seven hundred years ago?”

“In fact, it may be even longer.”

There was a hint of surprise in his eyebrows.

Warriors practice, as their realm improves, their lifespan will also increase.

When the Warrior reaches the life and death realm, he understands the meaning of life and death, and his life span can reach a thousand years. People with special constitutions and life-beneficial things can survive for a longer time.

It seems that Shu Qing’s survival so far is quite normal.


Shu Qing is not the real body, but remains in the state of divine soul!

Warrior’s body fell and his soul collapsed. This is one of the accepted theorems.

Moreover, this is only an estimation based on the Shenjian Peak, in fact, Shu Qing’s life in the spirit state is very likely to be longer!

“According to what Shu Qing said, after her own death, the soul has been trapped in a strange treasure bracelet.

“Until now, when I met Lin Qingyu, I was relieved.

“The soul has been able to experience such a long time and has not been annihilated, and even its own will has never collapsed because of the endless dullness. The abnormal change that happened to her soul in that different place is really amazing!”

“This mysterious place may be the card that can condense the soul, but I don’t know what effect it will have.”

Thoughts flashed in his heart, Chu Xiao said solemnly: “Prepare me a map to go there.


Mo Qin answered, and then said: “His Royal Highness, there is one more thing.”

“What’s the matter?”

“On the day you ordered me, I got relevant information about Shenjian Peak, but you kept practicing in retreat, so I didn’t bother.

“However, just now, Ruyi Peak sent a message, and the second elder had something to ask His Highness to go to Ruyi Peak.,

“It seems that there is a visitor.”

“A visitor?”

Chu Xiao showed a slightly puzzled look.

What kind of guests need to be called by the Ruyi Lord?

Doubts flashed in his mind, Chu Xiao replied: “I know.”

After that.

He never stopped, stepped out of the quiet room, and went straight to the Ruyi Peak.

The Holy Lord Ruyi treated him extremely well, since it was called by the master, he would naturally go.

The teleportation circle fluctuated, and Chu Xiao’s figure appeared.

He stepped forward and went straight to the top of the mountain.

Along the way, the Warriors who practiced on Ruyi Peak said hello.

The moment I stepped into the proceedings of the Great Hall.

Chu Xiao felt three eyes focused on himself.

One of them is naturally his master, Ruyi Holy Master.

After turning his gaze to fall on the other two, Chu Xiao showed a stunned look.

One of them, he was very familiar with, it was Wu Feng who was born in Ziyun Sacred Land and had a relationship in the secret realm of Qing Emperor, on the island of the lake!

The other is a middle-aged man with a strange face.


The moment he looked at him, Chu Xiao faintly sensed the vastness of the other person’s body, and then thought about what he had agreed with Wu Feng, and immediately made a guess.

On that day, Wu Zheng had said that he was going to trade him a divine fruit.

Being able to bring Wu Zheng directly to visit the Holy Lord Ruyi is obviously also a strong man who stepped into the Holy Realm.It should be Wu Feng’s master, the Xuanyun Great Sage of Ziyun Sacred Land!

At this moment.

Wu Feng also looked at Chu Xiao, his face showed a hint of excitement, and he clasped his fist and said, “Daozi Chu Xiao, the last time I said goodbye, the style of Daozi remains the same.”

“I was brought to the boundless Sacred Land by the master. It is really amazing to hear that Daozi Chu Xiao could defeat the Sacred Raksha son who was born in Sacred Land with a single sword.

Chu Xiao clasped his fists in response.

The Great Sage Xuanyun, his real name is Zhao Li.

At this time, he looked at Chu Xiao, his eyes showed a hint of amazement, and then he said: “Holy Master Ruyi, now that Daozi Chu Xiao has reached this point, our transaction can also begin.

Ruyi Holy Lord sitting on the main seat with a relaxed expression.

Since the Lord Shenwu returned to Sacred Land, she unloaded the burden of Sacred Land, and there was a lot of smiles on her face.


Facing Zhao Li’s inquiring gaze, she whispered: “My disciple obtained the divine fruit from the secret realm. Naturally, he would make the transaction by himself.”

“I am here only to provide some opinions.

“it is good.”

Not surprisingly, Zhao Li looked at Chu Xiao Daozi, and said in a deep voice: “Although the cave god fruit is an auxiliary thing when Warrior opens up the cave, it has amazing effects, and because the cave god tree is extremely difficult to survive, let the cave The value of the god fruit is higher.”

“It is your fate that Zheng’er can get acquainted with Chu Xiao Daozi. I will not take advantage of you when I come to trade on this trip.

“I would like to exchange this thing for a divine fruit of the cave sky.”

His voice fell, and he flicked his sleeves gently!

From inside the sleeves, there is a divine object, blooming with brilliance, hanging in the middle of the Great Hall. .

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