Chapter 912 Rather than surrender, breakthrough new skills!

“This guy was finally solved, but fortunately, there was no problem, otherwise we would be in danger.

After Song Zhiyi saw that the resentful soul had been killed, he was also relieved and said with a smile.

For such a thing, it definitely doesn’t have to think so much.

Anyway, it is now completely resolved, and the danger has subsided.

They have not encountered any other existence now.

Judging from this situation, they are already safe.

So under this circumstance, there is no need to think about it so much.

Anyway, it’s already like this now, and it’s already looking at Chu Xiao.

Because I feel this kind of thing, I still have to look at what Chu Xiao will do next.

After all, the danger now has been eliminated.

Although it was said that one of the resentful souls had been wiped out, there was another one.

That was already sealed by Chu Xiao, there was no tricks at all.

So what will happen afterwards, just look at what Chu Xiao will do.

Of course, I thought very clearly in my heart at this time.

So of course I won’t think about it so much at this time.

Judging from this situation, it does have certain benefits for them.

And I was very curious in my heart, I didn’t know what Chu Xiao was going to do next.

After all, it was said before that the two grievances must be kept alive.

But there is no way to stay, because the other party would rather die than surrender, there really is no way.

In this case, there is nothing else to think about.

Anyway, it’s the same now, and there is no need to think about other things.

The situation at this time depends on what Chu Xiao will do next.

I am still curious in my heart here.

Because every time Chu Xiao makes a decision, he can also exceed his expectations.

So I also want to see what kind of decision it was this time.

And what did Chu Xiao want to do to that resentful soul.

He was very curious about this series of things.

So now looking at Chu Xiao’s eyes, of course there is also a look of expectation.

Because every time Chu Xiao made a decision before, it was also a decision that he couldn’t figure out.

This time, it should be considered a more difficult thing for oneself to guess.

After all, I don’t know what the resentful soul can do.

So for this kind of thing, he generally wouldn’t guess Chu Xiao’s mind.

After all, I couldn’t guess it at all.

As for the role of the resentful soul, and what its purpose is, he is also not quite clear about it.

So in the current situation, of course there is nothing to say.

At this moment, I just looked at Chu Xiao and wanted to see what he was going to do.

“By the way, what are you going to do next? That resentful soul on your side, what are you going to use for it?”

Qiao Ling also asked Chu Xiao curiously at this time.

Because of this kind of thing, she was very curious like everyone else in her heart.

In this case, I definitely want to understand clearly.

After all, Chu Xiao could have such an idea, he really didn’t expect it before.

But I was still a little surprised at Chu Xiao’s strength.

Because the resentment on his side was resolved so quickly.

And when the other party was not able to resist, it was directly sealed.

So this look really made me feel a little surprised.

But I also feel that this should all be necessary to look at Chu Xiao.

Because I don’t know what to do at this time.

So what will happen in the future? I don’t have to think about that much now.

Anyway, it’s like this at this time, no need to worry about other things.

Looking at this situation, it is also a good thing for them.

Because it is more interesting to be able to see what Chu Xiao wants to do.

Because I have never seen someone as interesting as Chu Xiao.

After all, I was able to beat myself before.

In this way, I definitely want to know what Chu (bbbi) Xiao’s choice is.

And I don’t want to guess at this time, I want to see what the purpose of that grievance is.

After all, it was already like this, the other party was already sealed, and it was impossible to do anything at all.

Then it is impossible to take action against them, so of course the danger now has been completely calmed down.

What happened afterwards, let’s see what Chu Xiao would do to the resentful soul.

So at this time, the curiosity in my heart is getting more and more.

At this time, I had already thought very clearly, and did not think about so many things.

Because for this kind of thing, there is no need to think about it at all.

At this time, I was looking at Chu Xiao earnestly, with a look of expectation on his face.

For this kind of thing, it must be more curious.

And Chu Xiao had already said long ago that he wanted to keep these resentful souls, but this time he couldn’t keep them.

I have already seen that his companion is sealed, so he would rather die than surrender.

Then they have no choice but to get rid of him.

It has been wiped out now, but there is another resentment over there.

It depends on what Chu Xiao would do.

“That’s right, I also want to know what you are going to do with the grievances.”

Chu Yu also smiled and said at this time.

I didn’t talk much at first, but this time I also felt very curious.

If you look at it this way, you really need to know this situation.

So for him, this kind of thing still makes him more curious.

Because of the previous ones, I didn’t expect Chu Xiao to have such an idea.

Originally thought Chu Xiao was joking, but he didn’t expect that he really left the resentful soul and died.

Although it is only a soul body, it also has signs of life.

Then this point really made myself very curious.

It was also at this time that the two brothers and sisters Ouyang also came over.

They are all looking at Chu Xiao now, and they are also a little curious in their eyes.

Because they are also very curious about this kind of thing.

Although he didn’t speak now, the look in his eyes was already explanatory.

“I want to try it and confine this resentment to my sword and see if it works.”

Chu Xiao also stated his purpose at this time.

After speaking this sentence, he also looked at the Wandi Sword in his hand.

For this kind of thing, there must be nothing to think about.

And now there is no need to hide anything, just tell a few other people.

After all, he wanted to keep these two resentful souls before, it was for such a purpose, so he would do it like this. .

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