Chapter 951 Desperate, think of a way!

After a few rounds, Chu Xiao also knew that this matter seemed a bit bad.

Because at this time, they were not able to treat each other.

No matter whether it is here or with others, there is no advantage.

On the contrary, it was the two that Song Zhiyi and the others dealt with, which caused them to fall into a certain stalemate.

Originally, they dealt with it carefully, so nothing happened.

But by this time, it doesn’t seem so easy anymore.

In this case, it also made him a little headache.

After seeing this, there is nothing else to think about.

At this time, I also knew that there should be no accidents between myself and Qiao Ling, otherwise, the few of them would be miserable.

But fortunately, it seems that they can continue to deal with it now, as long as they drag the two guys and don’t come over and disturb the battle on their side.

After thinking about this, I didn’t think about anything else.

At this time, she looked at Qiao Ling, and she knew that she had to talk about things.

Otherwise, I really don’t know how to deal with it.

However, it seems that it will not be solved so quickly.

After thinking about it for a while, I knew it was not easy for them.

You must be more careful not to get injured.

If they can’t solve it here, let alone Song Zhiyi and the others.

So he now knows that only they have the greatest possibility to solve these problems.

After thinking of this, the smile on his face increased even more.

At this time, you can rest assured that you don’t have to worry too much.

After thinking about it, I know that nothing else can happen.

No matter what, this thing is like this.

Afterwards, if these troubles can be completely resolved, then they can continue to approach the eye of the storm.

“How is it with you? There shouldn’t be any big problems? If you can solve them, you can solve them as soon as possible to help a few of them. Otherwise, it is still too bad for us.” ”

Chu Xiao looked at Qiao Ling at this time, and then said something.

Regarding this matter, of course I don’t know what to say carefully.

But at this time, I also said the most important thing. After I said it, I didn’t say anything else.

Because they knew that the most urgent problem was Song Zhiyi and the others, so he and Qiao Ling had to get out and help.

Otherwise, a few of them may not last long.

That’s why at this time, I said that, otherwise I wouldn’t say anything.

Now I look at Qiao Ling earnestly, knowing that this matter is not easy, and it is necessary to pay attention to it.

Although the opponent’s strength is not terrible, once there is an accident among them, everyone may be implicated.

He still thinks clearly about this matter.

After thinking about it at this time, there is not much to say.

It’s all like this, so naturally I won’t continue to say more.

Just look to see if there is any problem with Qiao Ling and can it be solved as soon as possible.

If you are here, it should not be so fast.

Thinking of this, I also know that the situation is terrible.

If it hadn’t been for the accident that happened before, it wouldn’t be like this.

Thinking of this, I also hope that Qiao Ling has a good way.

In other words, it can be resolved as soon as possible.

As long as this is achieved, there will be no other problems.

Thinking of this, I didn’t think about the rest.

What will happen in the future, we still have to wait for them to experience it before we know it.

Whether or not we can weather the difficulties this time is a question at this time.

Then this thing is like this, it seems that there is no good way.

Qiao Ling looked hard to deal with, almost like herself.

If there is any good way, of course it is the best.

If not, then there is really no way, and you can only wait like this.

Thought of this in my heart at this time, and also sighed.

For this matter, I have already thought about it completely.

It’s just that there is an opportunity to beat the opponent at this time, so of course you can’t miss it.

After thinking of this, I would definitely not say anything more.

Just wait for Qiao Ling’s answer now.

If there is a way, of course it is pretty good.

No matter what, this matter has become a bit troublesome when it gets here.

But no matter what, this matter will be handled well.

After all, if it is not done well, it is certainly impossible to get closer.

After Chu Xiao thought about it for a while, he could only wait for Qiao Ling’s answer.

Regarding this matter, I definitely don’t want to say anything more.

“I don’t have a good solution here, and the guy here seems to be relatively strong, and it is not so easy to recover. If you want to beat it, it may take a while.”

When Qiao Ling heard Chu Xiao’s words at this time, she also said something.

Of course she is very anxious in her heart now.

Because for so long, they have not been able to take advantage.

Almost every one of them has no advantage.

Of course, she didn’t have any good solutions, and she didn’t know how to solve it in a short time.

And this situation does not seem to be solved so easily.

This can also be used to judge the current situation.

So now it looks like it is really not easy, and it won’t be discovered so quickly.

After thinking about this, she didn’t say much.

Lin Xuan’s previous question has already been answered by himself.

“,. I also know that you are worried about a few of them, but now take care of yourself and don’t think about it so much. The two guys we dealt with are not that simple.”

Qiao Ling said something seriously at this time.

(Li Li’s) Of course, she is more serious about this matter.

It can also be seen that Song Zhiyi and the others are in a bad situation in Dabian.

But they don’t have any good solutions here.

The situation at this time is still not very friendly and cannot be resolved all at once.

In the current situation, it is not clear what should be said.

So at this time, no other good solutions can be thought of.

Chu Xiao just nodded at this moment.

Even at this time, I was in a state of desperation, and I didn’t know how to deal with it.

Because they dealt with these two guys, it was not so easy to beat them.

If you want to get out, it is indeed a bit whimsical.

What Qiao Ling said is right, she can’t be distracted here, and can’t do two tasks.

So although I am a little anxious now, I am completely serious, and I am not distracted to think about other things. .

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