Chapter 957 The situation is clear, focus on the challenge!

“Everyone hold on, they are already about to solve it, and it will come to us soon. Only when they completely solve it, we can be safe here.”

It was at this time that Song Zhiyi also saw Qiao Ling and Chu Xiao’s situation.

In this case, the situation at this time has become optimistic.

In this way, there is really nothing to say.

No matter what, this is able to make oneself full of motivation.

As long as they persist here, Chu Xiao and the others can completely solve their opponent.

At that time, you can also take time out and help them here.

The danger this time has been completely resolved by that time.

For the current situation, of course, it can be seen clearly at a glance.

In any case, things like this time are already a good thing.

What is going on behind that, surely there will be no accidents.

Not to mention that Chu Xiao’s breath is so strong now.

It won’t take long for this trouble to be resolved.

At that time, several of them can get close to the eye of the storm again, and even get there completely!


So in this case, there is nothing else to think about.

“That’s right, what we have to do here is to buy time and hold them both, then as long as Chu Xiao and Qiao Ling are free, the problem can be solved completely!”

Ouyang Xue said something now.

Of course, she has a very thorough view on this matter.

The current situation is naturally beneficial to them.

So now that there is such a thing, it must be dealt with more seriously.

Only in this way can they be completely safe.

Otherwise, they would be breached here first, and Chu Xiao and the others would also be very dangerous.

So for this kind of situation, they can’t let this happen!

The current situation is naturally reversing on their side.

Because only Chu Xiao and the others solve the problem, they will also be solved here.

After thinking of this, it was naturally a more serious shot.

Facing the two guys in front of them, their two opponents, of course, they have to deal with them more seriously.

Otherwise (bbbi), this matter will probably be difficult to solve.

So at this time, the smile on his face also increased.

Because now I see more hope.

In this way, it should be the same as Song Zhiyi said, and it will not take long for this trouble to be resolved.

Since this is the case, there is really no other way, as long as Chu Xiao and the others solve the opponent.

At this time, I also thought very clearly in my heart, and nothing else could happen.

Otherwise, this matter is still very dangerous.

That’s already the time. After thinking about this, there is nothing else needed.

If this is the case, there is nothing else to say.

After thinking about it, the shot at this moment is even more violent than before.

After all, in this way, I can still handle it.

In this way, there is really nothing to keep.

“Then we can just hold them back. In this situation, we don’t have to think about other issues!”

Ouyang Jian also became extremely serious at this moment.

Because it can be seen, Chu Xiao and the others should also be about to solve it, and this can still be seen.

Therefore, in this case, it is indeed possible to clearly see the situation.

This time, it must be dealt with more seriously.

As long as they stay here, it doesn’t matter what they do.

Then there should be a good chance!

So of course there is nothing else to consider here.

Judging from the current situation, of course there is nothing to think about.

Because for them, the situation at this time is still relatively optimistic.

But they seem to be struggling here.

If their strength could be the same as Chu Xiao and the others, it would have been resolved long ago.

But now that his own strength does not allow it, there is nothing to do.

Then they can only hold on to the two opponents they are facing now.

Just hold them back and wait for Chu Xiao and the others to solve the problem.

So in my heart at this time, I still think clearly.

For other situations, there is indeed no need to worry too much.

Because nothing too bad has happened now.

Now they can bear this kind of thing, and of course there won’t be any problems.

Although it is a bit difficult now, they can continue to procrastinate.

And both of them seemed to become a little anxious.

The two opponents they faced became a little restless after seeing the situation there.

It seems that it can be seen that there may be great dangers next.

So after seeing this, there really is nothing to think about.

Because for such things, they also know that such things themselves still cannot allow them to break through this line of defense.

If these two guys are allowed to pass, maybe the situation will be even worse.

Of course, there can be no such situation!

The matter at this time is already clearly thought of by them now.

So there is really nothing to say about this situation.

At this time, there is no other way except to be more serious.

Because they can’t solve the two guys in front of them, they can only prevent them from hindering Chu Xiao and Qiao Ling in the past.

“If we are like this, it will definitely not let them succeed, so don’t be too anxious, just wait for Chu Xiao and the others!”

Chu Yu also smiled and said at this time.

After all, for this kind of atmosphere, it must not be too tense.

Otherwise, there is really nothing to think about this time.

The time has come, and the smiles on his face have increased.

Because in his heart, he also believed that Chu Xiao could solve the trouble.

After hearing Chu Yu’s words at this moment, everyone nodded seriously, and then dealt with the two guys in front of them more seriously.

The situation at this time also became clear at this moment.

It was indeed obviously biased towards Chu Xiao and the others. Those monsters were almost unable to hold on now.

Especially the two guys that Qiao Ling and Chu Xiao dealt with, they all seem to be a little weak now.

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