Chapter 965 Relieved, it won’t work!

At this time, everyone can no longer move.

Because this kind of thing really makes people feel a lot of pressure.

It’s like if they continue to take steps, they will die!

This situation at this time, of course, is also a tricky thing.

It is estimated that it will not be so fast, and it will be easily resolved.

In this way, it has indeed become a difficult thing to deal with.

So now everyone’s eyes are of course on Chu Xiao’s body.

Because only he can solve such a thing completely.

He has the ability to control the wind and snow, so of course, he can only look at him.

If you change someone else, it might not be possible to do this.

At this time, everyone is thinking clearly.

So at this time they all focused on Chu Xiao’s body.

It’s really not that easy to solve such a thing.

At this time now, it would be useless to think so much.

At this time, we can only look at how Chu Xiao will answer.

Or is there any way he can do it.

If there is no alternative, then they are really in trouble here.

This matter at this time, these can only be seen by Chu Xiao.

“That’s right, now it seems that only you can solve such a thing, but I don’t know if you can do it?”

Ouyang Xue asked curiously now.

Of course, he was full of curiosity about this matter.

And I also look forward to Chu Xiao being able to do this well. If he can be like this, this is of course the best.

Because of this, they won’t have to trouble any more.

At this moment, just wait for the development of the matter, and see if Chu Xiao can solve it.

If it can be resolved, then they can continue to approach there.

But it is impossible to get close at this time, which becomes a more troublesome thing.

If Chu Xiao really has a way, this is of course the best.

Only ask now to see if he can do anything.

Although I know that Chu Xiao has this ability, it is better to ask now.

If it is possible, it may have already started.

But they have stayed here for a while, and Chu Xiao hasn’t done anything yet.

In this way, it also made my heart feel a little confused.

I don’t know what Chu Xiao will answer next.

There is really something hard to say about the situation at this time.

Because I don’t know if Chu Xiao can solve such a thing.

After thinking about it for a while, I also felt that this matter was a bit uncomfortable.

Because of that pressure, I really felt a little breathless.

In the current situation, it is indeed quite terrible.

If they can really solve such a thing, they will certainly be a lot easier.

So when I thought of this, I didn’t think about anything else.

Knowing that this is the case, it would be useless to think so much.

At this point, everything that should be asked has been asked, so let’s see how Chu Xiao will answer.

I am also looking forward to the development of the following things here.

If Chu Xiao had a way, of course it would be the best, and this matter would also be resolved.

Several other people are also looking at Chu Xiao seriously now.

They all know that this situation is definitely not that simple.

What is happening now is very uncomfortable for them.

I don’t know why it is like this.

It’s just that they quickly found out, and they found a strange place.

That is, Chu Xiao didn’t seem to be affected.

No, it should be said that Chu Xiao was not as affected as theirs.

Everyone now feels a little weird like this.

I’m not quite sure what is going on.

At this time, it’s already in this situation, and it’s useless to think so much.

And everyone knows that Chu Xiao, this guy is really a bit strange, very different from them.

In this way, it is true that you can only sigh in it.

Qiao Ling has been greatly affected now.

However, she is also very curious, why Chu Xiao doesn’t look as uncomfortable as herself now.

Obviously his own strength is similar to Chu Xiao.

But why, under this situation, I am so strenuous.

That situation is really strange.

If it can’t be solved, then they may also be very troublesome.

But there is no way now, so I can only wait at this time.

If there is a way, it is indeed the best.

But now seeing the ugly color on Chu Xiao’s face, my heart sank, and I felt that it should not be so easy.

If Chu Xiao has nothing to do, then this matter is really troublesome.

Now I didn’t think so much, just looked at Chu Xiao so seriously.

Shang Ruyi is the same now, looking at Chu Xiao with some expectation.

I don’t know if Chu Xiao can solve such a thing.

When faced with such pressure, I also felt a little unacceptable and very uncomfortable.

Not to mention that you are already injured, so of course you will be the same as everyone else.

But think about it, and after feeling it for a while, it doesn’t make much difference if there is no injury.

In this way, 560 has really become a trickier thing.

At this moment, I don’t know what to say.

This is the situation now, and I don’t know how to deal with it.

Even if I have a lot of experience, I am really helpless in the face of such things.

So just like other people, see if Chu Xiao can solve it.

“I will try my best.”

After seeing everyone’s gaze, Chu Xiao could only shook his head, and then said something.

Regarding this matter, I really don’t know how to solve it.

But there is no way, so I can only try it.

Everyone nodded earnestly, and they all looked forward to Chu Xiao’s ability to resolve this matter.

Now they didn’t continue talking, they just waited by the side.

Chu Xiao also took a deep breath at this time, and then the Cultivation Base in his body began to operate.

There is really nothing to think about this matter, and I have to try it myself.

But soon, Chu Xiao’s face became more difficult to look at.

“I can’t control it anymore, it’s as if my ability doesn’t work at all, it’s no longer useful!”

Chu Xiao said with a gloomy expression at this time.

After trying it, there was no effect at all, and even no reaction!

I can’t control it at all! I can no longer control the surrounding wind and snow!

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