Chapter 971 Life-threatening insurance, tactical arrangement!

Everyone looked at the back of Chu Xiao leaving at this time, and their faces also had anticipation.

Not only that, but there are also some concerns.

Yes, they worry about whether Chu Xiao will encounter any danger after waiting.

But they know very well that Chu Xiao’s progress is very reluctant.

After seeing this scene, they will have such worries.

If you encounter any problems in this situation, then this matter may be more troublesome, and even more complicated.

But this is also nothing, because they can’t act.

If they could move on, they would already be behind Chu Xiao.

But now I can only watch it here.

Regarding this matter, they really don’t know what to say.

Regarding this aspect of the situation, what will happen to them, or what kind of dangers will follow, is unknown to them.

Now I hope that Chu Xiao will be safe and sound.

It’s just that their hope seems to be relatively slim.

After all, if there is nothing dangerous to come here, then it must be no good.

If that were the case, they would all feel abnormal.

At this time, they also hope that Chu Xiao can walk safely to the eye of the storm.

If there are any secrets to be discovered, of course it is the best.

It’s just that they feel that such hope is very small.

It can now be seen that Chu Xiao’s progress is also very difficult.

In such a situation, they don’t know what to say.

Anyway, there is no feeling in my heart.

After all, they are all unable to act now.

But just like this, Chu Xiao still wants to move on, even though he walks very reluctantly.

But there is really no other way.

After all, it is impossible for Chu Xiao to give up at this time.

In that case, they can only wait here.

If you can wait for good news, of course it is best.

Once something happens to Chu Xiao, it will be a more dangerous thing.

But this is also a thing that makes them unable to guess.

Because they don’t know what will happen next.

In fact, Chu Xiao will also be greatly affected, but he is still moving forward.

It can be seen from this point that Chu Xiao still has obsessions in his heart.

It seems that he really wants to understand the situation there.

Regarding this matter, they did not know what to say at this time.

Then I have great worries for Chu Xiao in my heart.

And judging from this situation, there will definitely be trouble.

In this way, the situation may become a little worse at that time.

But this is not something they should think about now.

What they have to think about now is whether they can reach the place safely after Chu Xiao.

Their destination is naturally where the eye of the storm is.

The pace of Chu Xiao’s advancement was really slow, and also very reluctant.

But he didn’t look back, he didn’t mean to give up at all.

That way, you can only watch it at this time.

If he had nothing to do, he would already be helping.

How could it be possible to stop watching this scene in place.

I have to say that Chu Xiao is now like a twilight old man. The figure from the back makes them feel a little tragic.

But there is no way, in this matter, they really can’t help much.

For this matter, all they can do is watch.

It’s not just Chu Lei who may be in danger, they will also be in danger here.

Although Chu Xiao arranged a formation for them before leaving, it relieved them a lot of pressure.

But everyone also knows that if there are any problems next, they will also be in danger.

However, the current situation is relatively safe.

So I hope this can continue.

After all, this kind of thing is hard to say.

If something goes wrong, they will definitely be a bit bad.

It’s just that Chu Xiao’s formation is here, so it should be relatively safe.

As long as it is not too scary, there may be no way to take them.

It is Chu Xiao that might be in great danger.

But there is no way to do it, it is indeed only possible to look at it like this.

If there is any way, then there is no need to worry so much.

The situation at this time is like this, thinking too much will make them very troubled.

For now, everyone is also worried.

They can’t solve this problem, they can only watch it at this time, this kind of feeling is really not good.

If Chu Xiao really encountered something too dangerous, there would be nothing good about it.

Everyone’s eyes are full of worry at this time.

Chu Xiao is so reluctant to continue to approach there now.

So once in danger, how should he deal with it?

This kind of problem has been thought of in everyone’s heart.

But they knew in their hearts that Chu Xiao still had to do this, and that should have his confidence.

Now they worry so much, but they also worry too much.

But this is also a relatively normal thing.

After all, seeing that Chu Xiao had never encountered anything like this before, now that he is so reluctant to move forward, he naturally becomes worried.

But this is really no way, you can only wait at this time.

Apart from this, I don’t know what to think.

The situation still looks rather bad at this time.

After all, if they encounter something next, they can’t deal with it.

And if Chu Xiao encounters trouble, they can’t take action and can’t help.

That is to say, no matter which side of them (Li Wang’s) are in trouble, it will be very tricky and even life-threatening.

But this matter will not be resolved for a while, it seems that I can only recognize it.

After thinking about this, I also know that there is nothing to say about this situation.

This development of things is also a bit bad for them.

When they came here, they didn’t expect to be like this at all.

But the situation at this time, no matter from which way it is, it is very bad!

Chu Xiao acted alone, they couldn’t do anything at this time, and they were even in a dilemma.

The situation at this time has really become a headache.

However, they are still more worried about Chu Xiao now.

It was also at this time that Chu Xiao had barely walked a distance.

Seeing this, everyone is even more worried, because it seems that Chu Xiao’s progress has also become slower!

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