Chapter 978 Watching the fire from the other side, the effect is extraordinary!

When Chu Xiao was troubled by problems, the people behind him also looked confused.

Everyone looked at Chu Xiao now, and they had no idea what happened.

Because they only knew that Chu Xiao was already very close to the eye of the storm, not far in front of him.

But Chu Xiao stopped at this moment, as if he didn’t intend to move on.

And they were also a little surprised before, because they saw that Chu Xiao moved forward two steps easily, but then backed back.

From this point, it can be seen that Chu Xiao seems to be unaffected.

In that case, they also think this matter is a bit strange.

In this situation, I don’t know what to say.

Anyway, I knew that this matter was a little strange, and Chu Xiao was also a little strange.

Everyone doesn’t know what Chu Xiao is doing.

Because he also has a good chance, but he doesn’t move at this time.

In this case, it makes them wonder what it is because of.

At this time, there is such a situation, and I don’t know how to say it.

However, there is still something unbelievable in their hearts, and they can’t figure out things clearly.

They couldn’t feel what happened to Chu Xiao.

So at this time, I can only believe in Chu Xue.

After all, they can’t act, and then they can only rely on Chu Xiao to solve it.

If you can’t even wait for such a time, then there is really nothing to say about this matter.

Now we can only wait. If we don’t wait, things may get worse.

After thinking of this, there is really nothing to think about.

This kind of thing will just look at what will happen later.

If there are really big problems, they may also be in danger.

Especially Chu Xiao, because he is already close there.

If there is a problem, then Chu Xiao must also bear the brunt and is the most threatened.

Then they also know at this time that this kind of thing can’t be anxious at all.

Now I can only wait in place, but my heart is getting more and more strange.

Because time passed by every minute and every second, Chu Xiao remained motionless there.

In this way, it also made the expressions on all people’s faces become dignified.

They all know and can see that Chu Xiao seems to have encountered some problems there.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to settle down at this time, and it is impossible for him not to act for so long.

Thinking of this, they knew that this matter was a bit bad.

But there is no way, they still have to wait here.

Even if they want to take action at this time, they want to help, they can’t do anything.

So apart from watching, I really can’t do it at all.

In this way, everyone also began to worry.

I think this kind of thing is really unacceptable.

In their situation, there is nothing to do.

If it is really like this, then it can only look at Chu Xiao.

No matter what, this matter can only be trusted by Chu Xiao.

Because only Chu Xiao can help them, which is their hope.

If something happened to him, then no one of them could help, and it would be even more dangerous.

Of course, I don’t want Chu Xiao to be in trouble at this time, and naturally I think it’s better to be more cautious.

So now that I think about it, everyone doesn’t think so much anymore.

This is the only way to know this.

If they think so much, it might be a bit bad.

This kind of thing is not anxious, everyone has already thought about it clearly.

At this time, indeed, you can only look at it from behind.

If they can act, of course they hope to help.

But they didn’t know what kind of problems Chu Xiao encountered at this time.

After thinking of this, everyone’s face became a little gloomy.

I think this has really changed too much, and there are really many things.

Even Chu Xiao was very cautious at this time and did not continue to act.

But now it seems that Chu Xiao is still relatively safe.

It’s just not clear what exactly he encountered.

They did not see any other existence.

In this case, it seems that there is really nothing to say about this matter, and they can only wait.

Because of these things, as long as Chu Xiao is fine.

And nothing happened to them here, of course it is safe.

This may also be because they came here all the way from the outside and solved all kinds of troubles.

…For flowers…………

So now after thinking of this, everyone is completely thinking about it.

What will happen afterwards, really can only be seen by Chu Xiao.

Such things make it hard for them to say in their hearts.

Because they really knew that Chu Xiao was in trouble.

Moreover, none of them can help, so they can only watch from behind.

Then the current situation really makes them feel that something is wrong.

Because if Chu Xiao hadn’t encountered anything, it would definitely be impossible for him.

After all, it can be seen from the front that Chu Xiao is very persistent and wants to take a look at the eye of the storm.

At this time, he was already very close, and he didn’t even move.

It can be seen from this point that Chu Xiao may really be in trouble.

This situation also made their hearts feel a little anxious.

If there are really big problems, they may not be able to solve them.

After thinking of this, I don’t know what to think.

This is the situation. They have no other choice but to wait here.

Moreover, in their eyes, this situation is almost like a gesture of watching fire from the shore.

Although I am a little bit ashamed, there is really no way, no way at all.

At this time, they cannot act in any way.

In this case, I don’t know how to solve it.

At this time such a thing happened, and I don’t know how to deal with it.

So after this, I can only look at Chu Xiao.

Because they really have no way, even if they are asked to think about breaking their heads, there is no way.

Chu Xiao is their only hope, so what will happen afterwards? We can only wait.

Everyone is now looking at me from you, and when I look at you, you can see the solemn color on the other’s face.

Because they all feel that this matter is really difficult to handle.

Moreover, Chu Xiao is very likely to have encountered a problem and then did not continue to act.

He should also be looking at what will happen now.

It looked like this, so everyone didn’t continue to think too much, knowing that this kind of thing still has to wait, Chu Xiao is also good to be careful. Son,

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