Chapter 981 No awakening, poor condition!

“Strange, why don’t I feel anything? Is it possible that I can’t see it here?”

At this time, Chu Xiao also felt a little strange here, and didn’t know what was going on.

The current situation made him a little confused.

It’s not clear what is going on at all.

Because it looks really weird at this time.

But I just don’t know why.

Then, he didn’t know what to say.

In such a situation, I don’t know what to think.

Just looking at everything around me, I couldn’t find anything at all.

Then I turned around and saw a few people who were worried.

Seeing the appearance of a few of them, Chu Xiao also found it too strange.

Because I don’t know how to understand it, because I can’t see anything here.

I didn’t think so much about such things.

Then I withdrew my gaze, and felt that I had to discover it myself.

Otherwise, it seems that I really can’t find anything.

But now I feel a little headache.

Because he couldn’t see anything at all, he had been observing it for a long time.

Apart from the initial fluctuations, there are no other findings.

In this way, this matter seems to be full of weirdness.

It’s just that he doesn’t know why here.

In such a situation, I don’t know what to say.

This thing at this time really made him a little big head.

But there is no solution.

Now it has become a more difficult thing.

If it really can’t be solved, then several other people will be trapped there too.

He doesn’t know how to get out here.

In this case, it is already very dangerous.

And in it, he felt that there should be something strange.

Otherwise, how could there be such fluctuations in the front.

So when he thought of this in his heart, he knew that he would find a way later.

But the precautions have been taken, and now they are also very cautious.

In any case, such things can’t be thought about so much.

The situation at this time is like this, it’s useless to think so much.

In any case, such things cannot be taken lightly.

Because if one is not careful, it may become very troublesome.

Of course, it can’t be this way, and it can’t happen.

Now I have thought about it clearly, knowing that there can be no other situations.

So after thinking about this, of course I was more careful than before.

Looking around, I know that there should be nothing around here.

Thinking of this, he then looked at the eye of the storm.

To him, the weirdest thing is there.

If there is anything, it will definitely be there.

So thinking of this, it has been completely determined.

I also know that it should be like this!

If my guess is not wrong, that is indeed the case.

I just don’t know what it is.

He is not so anxious now, nor is he acting panic.

Because he knows that this kind of thing can’t be too impulsive.

Even if he knew what was there, he couldn’t be so anxious.

Because I don’t know how to solve it.

So at this time, you must not be too careless.

Now that you know that there is danger there, you can’t get so close at this time.

There is also full of vigilance.

He knew that he had to be careful about such things.

If there is any trouble, it will be bad.

After thinking about this now, I didn’t think about anything else.

It is also very clear that the situation inside is very dangerous.

If there is any danger, it would be terrible.

Anyway, his situation is hard to say to him.

In addition to this, there may also be greater dangers that will make his situation worse.

But there is no way, because this kind of thing has to be dealt with by oneself.

So after thinking of this, I have not considered other things.

At this time, all the attention was placed on the eye of the storm.

Because I know that if it exists, it is in it.

In this way, he would definitely not be able to pay attention to other things.

Don’t be distracted at this time.

If it is really like this, it may be more troublesome in the future.

So after thinking about this, I didn’t think about other things.

Anyway, the current situation is a bit bad.

Then he calmed down and quietly looked at the eye of the storm in front of him.

Since that existence did not appear, then I would not act rashly here.

If there are really big problems, then this is not good.

After thinking of this, of course I have to be more careful than before.

I also know that this situation is not so good, but in fact it is still very dangerous.

But there is no other way, only you can choose.

In this case, other people can no longer help.

So at this time, you can only rely on yourself.

After thinking of this, the expression on his face also calmed down.

He knew it was useless to worry at this time.

And I don’t know what kind of existence will appear before.

What the situation will be, he still doesn’t know exactly.

“…If you follow what the predecessors said, then there should be the existence of guardian beasts here, then hasn’t it been awakened.”?”

Chu Xiao thought about it for a moment, and also muttered.

He also knew that Shang Ruyi had told himself before that there was a guardian beast here again.

The fluctuation before that should be like this.

What it looks like is still unclear.

But according to this situation, it is still relatively bad.

So now that I think about it, I don’t think about it that much anymore.

Knowing this is how things are, then you have to be careful too.

Apart from this (Li Wangzhao), there can be no other situations.

Especially can’t get hurt here.

However, he felt that the guy should still be asleep, not fully awakened.

After all, if you have woken up, you must have come out long ago.

How could it be this time.

Moreover, in the previous fluctuation, he did not feel any strong shaking.

It seems that it should be the same as I thought.

In that case, you must be more careful than before.

And now I can only rely on myself.

Because other people have been trapped behind.

He is also trapped here, there is no way, only this way.

Only by being careful, there shouldn’t be any major problems.

After thinking about it now, don’t think about the next thing again.

If it’s really the same as what I thought, then the guy inside really didn’t wake up!

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