Chapter 984 With a dignified look, the game is about to be broken!

Chu Xiao’s face was very solemn at this time.

Because he also knows that the previous voice has not been misheard recently, it is from there!

In that case, I don’t know what to say about this matter.

However, he knew very well that he hadn’t heard it wrong at all.

In that case, this matter becomes strange.

But I also know that now we have to be more careful.

The other party hasn’t appeared yet, so it’s safe for the time being.

It’s just the sound, so you don’t have to worry so much.

It’s just that he also knows that this matter is indeed full of wonder.

In such a situation, it is not clear what should be said.

So now that I think about it, the expression on my face has become more difficult to look at.

I think this kind of thing is really bad.

Today’s situation is “five six seven” and I don’t know how to solve it.

This development of the matter far exceeded my imagination.

The existence there seems to be quite terrifying.

Because I heard the sound before, I felt a little tough.

It’s just the sound, and it’s definitely not easy to make yourself feel like this.

So after thinking of this, I didn’t think about it so much.

The situation is like this, it still has to be accepted.

So after thinking about this, I didn’t worry too much.

This is the situation at this time, he is now looking at the eye of the storm.

There, he could not see anything.

It’s just that he also knows that there is a terrible existence in it!

It may be very troublesome if you really want to fight in a while.

Maybe I will be life-threatening.

On this point, he can indeed say so.

So when I thought of this, I didn’t know how to solve it.

In the current situation, there is really nothing to say.

Now that this is the case, he can only watch the changes.

He didn’t know exactly when the other party would show up.

And at this time, it seemed that the guy hadn’t fully awakened.

In this way, it also makes my mood a little bad.

But there is no way, but to face such a thing.

There is no way, but I have to pay attention to this matter.

And it is also trying to solve these problems.

If there is a solution, this is of course the best.

However, if you want to do this, it seems to be worse.

So when I thought of this, I didn’t think about other things.

This thing is still very bad.

In that case, he didn’t know exactly how to solve it.

He didn’t know how to solve this situation, this time, this situation.

What happened this time was really their carelessness.

This is the case because it is really not ready yet.

When I came here, I didn’t expect it to be like this at all.

That way, it really makes myself feel very troublesome.

Even at this time, I knew that if that guy wakes up, it will be very dangerous!

If you can’t hold on here, then everyone will be finished.

So now that I think about it, I have completely thought about it.

There is really no way to deal with this matter, but to accept it.

In this case, it is hard to say.

What will happen after that is still unknown.

But he can know that what will happen after that will be more dangerous than it is now.

In such a situation, I really don’t know how to say it.

No matter what, he has to be more serious here.

Otherwise, not only is not responsible to oneself, but also to several other people.

Of course he can’t be like this, he must be careful all the time.

Looking at the storm’s eye in front of him, the expression on his face also became serious.

If there is a voice coming out, it means that that guy is going to wake up!

In this situation at this time, it is not yet clear what should be done.

But he also knew that he had to be careful now.

As long as you are careful, it shouldn’t be too troublesome.

Even if it is dangerous, it shouldn’t make him lose the strength to resist.

So thinking of this, I really can only be more careful.

If it is too dangerous, then this matter is really troublesome.

In the current situation, I don’t know what to say.

For such things, one can only be more careful than before.

Apart from this, there can be no other situations.

Such a thing is really dangerous..

But he must also do such a thing well.

Otherwise, several other people are still waiting to solve it by themselves, to help them resume their actions.

Of course he can’t give up in such a situation.

In it, he knew that the pressure outside before was gone.

But now, we are also facing new problems.

That is the guy in the eyes of the storm, now he is about to wake up!

This can also be felt in such a situation.

Because the breath from before has appeared again!

In addition to these, there were sounds before.

And it’s all in the eye of the storm!

That is to say, there is indeed a guy in it!

Then this guy is also the guardian beast here!

In this way, this matter also seems to have a certain amount of trouble.

But there is no other way.

According to this situation, no matter what the situation is, it must be dealt with.

Otherwise, this matter is really hard to say.

There is no other way but to accept this situation.

No matter what will happen later, the current situation is the most important thing.

What is that guy inside is the most important thing.

First clarify this matter, then do other things.

Soon, Chu Xiao also began to feel that that breath was getting stronger and stronger!

In addition to this, wave 1.8 is also getting stronger and stronger.

With this look, it looks like that guy is really about to wake up!

At this time, he didn’t worry about the situation, nor was he frightened.

For him, such a situation still needs to be dealt with.

No matter what, there is no need to worry so much for the time being.

It’s like this now, too many words will be a little bad.

Of course, time passed by every minute and every second, and Chu Xiao’s expression became more and more ugly.

Huh.. Huh…

The wind is loud.

The aura in the eyes of the storm is getting stronger and stronger, almost all of it is about to turn into substance!


In the blink of an eye, a breath rose into the sky from the eye of the storm.


Then, there was another roar, and even the ground began to vibrate!

Chu Xiao stared there, he knows now, that guy is awake!!”

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